Space truck Dragon sat in the ocean after a month-long stay on the ISS

Space truck Dragon sat in the ocean after a month-long stay on the ISS

WASHINGTON, March 19 — RIA Novosti. Cargo spaceship Dragon has successfully splashed down in the Pacific ocean after a month-long stay on the ISS, announced the company owner of the ship SpaceX.

Dragon arrived at the ISS in February with a cargo for the crew and materials for scientific experiments.

Land the space ship came back with 2.5 tons of waste materials and results of scientific activities of the crew

“Received good confirmation of the landing Dragon,” the company said in his Twitter.

Good of Dragon splashdown confirmed, carrying @NASA science and research cargo back from the @Space_Station.

— SpaceX (@SpaceX) March 19, 2017

Recovery teams en route to Dragon.

— SpaceX (@SpaceX) March 19, 2017

In the United States emphasize that the Dragon is the only cargo spacecraft that can deliver cargo to the orbital station to the Ground.

