Owls and larks, new tricks: sleep — how to sleep

Owls and larks, new tricks: sleep — how to sleep

On world sleep day understand how much you need to sleep really, how to deal with insomnia and also where to go if sleep still does not work.

Maria Davydova specifically for the project “Life without barriers”

Sleep is part of the daily routine or enjoyable bliss? This question everyone responds differently: some prefer to sleep enough, and someone, on the contrary, believes the time allotted for sleep, wasted. Man today wants to do everything, spend every minute with benefit, but the lack of sleep can adversely affect health.

The fact that during sleep the person recovers mentally and physically, and the reduction of this important body period is one of the reasons for the rapid development of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, disorders of the immune system.

Sleep is the state that determines the quality and life expectancy. If a person reduce your sleep and tries to satisfy his life more time, it only aggravates situationalist Kaliningradtel center of sleep medicine, the international scientific and educational center of Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov, expert of the European society of sleep researchers (ESRS)

At the same time, he said, and too long sleep doesn’t Bode well. Increasing sleep duration may be an indicator of serious disease, and General decay of the body: “When a person sleeps a lot, it can be a manifestation of comorbidities that lead to increased sleepiness”.

So how much you need to sleep?

The average normal duration of sleep for a person aged 18 to 65 years is considered to be 7-9 hours per day.

In this case the optimal rate at everyone, he is determined genetically and varies depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.

“There are people who need 10-12 hours of sleep, otherwise they feel bad and can not work effectively. On the other hand, there are those who need no more than 4-5 hours a day,” — said in an interview with RIA Novosti President of the Russian society of sleep, honored doctor of the Russian Federation the novel buzunov.

The key to healthy sleep

In addition to length of sleep, an important indicator of the health of a person is the quality of his sleep. According to VTSIOM, more than 40% of Russians complain that they sleep badly.

Reasons for poor sleep can be a variety of diseases, psychological and mental problems, violations of the regime, especially the diet, extra weight and many other factorbroken Businespersons Russian society of sleep

In most cases, to cope with the problem independently. For this purpose the experts-sleep has developed 10 simple tips, compliance with which will help to maintain a healthy sleep or to improve its quality:

1. Go to bed and get up at the same time.
2. Do not drink a lot of alcohol 4 hours before sleep. It is also not recommended to smoke before going to sleep.
3. Avoid caffeinated foods and beverages (tea, coffee, energy, chocolate) within 6 hours of bedtime.
4. Avoid heavy, spicy or sugary foods 4 hours before bedtime.
5. Exercise regularly.
6. If you have the habit of sleeping during the day, that daytime sleep should not exceed 45 minutes.
7. Carefully pick a comfortable mattress, pillow and bed linen.
8. The bedroom should be well ventilated and maintain a comfortable temperature.
9. Ensure silence and darkness in the bedroom.
10. To work or watch movies while lying in bed, is not desirable.

“Owls”, “larks” and other birds

Often sleep problems occur because of jet lag, which are adjusted to the pace of modern life. Experts believe that the division of people into “owls” and “larks” should be considered when choosing a job.

“For example, “owls” may be offered to the shifted schedule, as they are hard to get up early and go to bed early, so they didn’t break himself, and woke up when they feel comfortable. You can also solve the situation in favor of “the lark”, — said Alexander Kalinkin. Thus, in his opinion, any rhythm of life can be infinitely adjusted within two to three weeks.

But the violation of the natural biorhythm does not benefit the body. Also do not forget that there is a third classification — “doves”, which includes those who wakes up a little later, “lark”, and goes to bed closer to midnight.

“Unfortunately, even if the person is strong-willed effort to change your mode of sleep, he still will not feel as good as if it slept at their “natural” schedule”, — said Roman buzunov.

Insomnia: how to fight it?

However, there are sleep disorders in which a comfortable bedroom and adjusted the sleep mode will not help. The most common of them is insomnia, also known as insomnia. Experts are divided on its chronic and acute. The latter is the result of a stressful situation and passes on your own once removing the cause of stress.

To cope with the short-lived insomnia, according to Roman buzunov, at home: “the Principle is simple: you need to fix the most typical factors affecting sleep, and to inculcate certain healthy habits. With regular observance of simple recommendations within a month there is a persistent improvement in sleep or even full normalization”.

If the disease is delayed for a longer period, then you must immediately consult a specialist.

Chronic insomnia insomnia lasts more than three months. In this case, you must consult a specialist doctor somnologist, who will make the diagnosis, diagnose and prescribe lechenault Kaliningradtel center of sleep medicine, the international scientific and educational center of Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov

Contrary to our submissions, insomnia doctor will not prescribe sleeping pills. Modern somnology use developed techniques that allow more effectively to overcome sleep disorders.

“We always strive to achieve normalization of sleep without drugs, resorting to drugs only as a last resort. Regime, behavioral therapy, psychotherapy more often is used by us to help patients with insomnia,” — told RIA Novosti the novel buzunov.

Snoring as a reason to think

Even the usual snoring, typical 30% of Russia’s population, can serve as a Wake-up call and a sign of more serious diseases.

“Have 25-30% of people snoring have obstructive sleep apnea — night stop breathing in the background snoring, which can last up to a minute or more and repeated up to 500 times per night. Pauses in breathing cause oxygen deprivation to the internal organs, it causes a number of symptoms and provokes many diseases,” — said buzunov.

Those who are faced with this syndrome, restless sleep during the night, struggling with painful daytime sleepiness, experiencing elevated blood pressure, morning headaches.

In addition, sleep apnea accelerates the development of cardiovascular diseases, increases the risk of diabetes and increases the likelihood of myocardial infarction and stroke by 3-5 times.

To get rid of this disorder will help of modern development.

“The syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea the most preferred and sometimes the only possible method of treatment is CPAP therapy. It involves the use of a special device, which eliminates the stopping of breathing during sleep, and therefore, all symptoms and disease risks,” — said Roman buzunov.

However, complain as experts, Russians do not hasten to resort to programs of healthy sleep or go to sleep with problems with sleep. According to popular belief, there are plenty of other, more significant problems.

