Yakut school ordered to pay 150 thousand broken spine student

School №20 in the city of Yakutsk

In Yakutia, the court sought from school 149 thousand rubles in favor of the student and her mother because of the damage to the girl in gym class. This was reported on the website of the Republican Prosecutor’s office.

The incident occurred in the school №20 in the city of Yakutsk. It was found that performing the exercises for aerobic fitness, the girl was injured in the form of a closed compression fracture of the fifth and sixth vertebrae. “In connection with injury child received physical suffering, was also disrupted his habitual way of life because after the injury he passed individual training at home, relieved of physical training for a year”, — stated in the message Department.

It is noted that the school and teacher did not provide proper monitoring of physical activity and to ensure the safety of children during class.

In December 2016, the headmaster of the city of Miass, Chelyabinsk region has fined on 10 thousand roubles from-for the injuries sustained by the student after the termination of the rope in gym class. Nine-year-old student hit his head and was taken to the hospital.

