Estimated difference in lifetime of the childless and parents

Estimated difference in lifetime of the childless and parents

Swedish scientists have shown that parents live longer than childless. After 60 years the difference in life expectancy between the average is two years. A study published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, briefly about it, reports EurekAlert!

More difference is observed in men, for women, these differences are less significant.

The causes of shorter life expectancy in childless men, scientists believe, lies in the fact that men are less educated in comparison with women and less self-reliant.

To such conclusions experts came, traced the life expectancy of Swedish citizens over the age of 60 (704 thousand men and 725 women). People born between 1911 and 1925, followed the scientists observed until 2014.

The study authors noted that the factor of childlessness begins to affect life expectancy until adulthood. Prior to that, its effect is negligible.

