Yatsenyuk words about Russia laugh leading “bi-Bi-si”

Yatsenyuk words about Russia laugh leading “bi-Bi-si”

MOSCOW, March 6 — RIA Novosti. Ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk in the program HARDtalk on “bi-Bi-si” has declared that the conflict in the South-East of the country Kiev does not agree to compromise and intends to “fight”.

Presenter Stephen Sackur asked if Yatsenyuk in this case, to look into the eyes of fathers and mothers fighting in the Donbass Ukrainian soldiers. The former Prime Minister went to answer, calling the military “heroes who are defending their land.”

According to Yatsenyuk, the Ukrainian army protects and Europe, which should be interested in Ukraine’s accession to NATO. “If we give the Ukrainian army in line with NATO standards, it is in your best interest to see Ukraine join NATO. We protect your borders,” he said.

Leading Bi-bi-si, in turn, noted that Yatsenyuk takes wishful thinking. In the top leadership of NATO prospects for Ukraine to join the Alliance called “fantasy”, in addition, according to Sakura, is opposed to Russia.

Yatsenyuk said in response that he “did not care what the President wants Putin”. Those words made master “bi-Bi-si” to laugh.

“You may not care what the President wants Putin, but the fact is that if you look at the conflict from the side of the person who has a clear strategy, leverage and hand — Vladimir Putin,” said Sakura.

The broadcaster said that the weakness of Ukraine and the problems associated with engulfed the elite of the “epidemic of corruption”. “You’ve had three years to deal with this, you were the Prime Minister And all the authorities failed miserably in trying to solve the problem of corruption,” said Sakura.

Yatsenyuk said in response that as Prime Minister he managed to benefit the country, including successfully fight corruption. “There’s a lot we have achieved,” he said. “You believe that? The Ukrainian people — no,” retorted the host, Recalling that the rating of party of Yatsenyuk fell to 2%, and the ex-Premier is suspected of close links with the oligarchs. Yatsenyuk explained it waged against his “campaign”.

In April 2016, Arseniy Yatsenyuk resigned from the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine on the wave of political crisis. As the head of the Cabinet, he insisted on Ukraine’s refusal from non-aligned status, supported the fighting in the Donbass, and initiated the construction of the “wall” on the border with Russia.

