Hundred years that changed the world. Why is Gabriel Garcia Marquez considered to be great

Hundred years that changed the world. Why is Gabriel Garcia Marquez considered to be great

March 6, 1927 came to light, Gabriel garcía márquez, a writer, who during his lifetime became a classic.

The legendary novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez “one Hundred years of solitude” immediately after the publication was recognized as a masterpiece of Latin American prose of the XX century, and the author suddenly became the most famous Colombian writer.

The influence of Garcia Marquez for literature was so great that the New York Times called his popular book “the second piece after the book of Genesis, which is required reading for all humanity”

The anniversary of the author of “one Hundred years of solitude” Aify tells why they call him the writer that changed the world.

Colombian “old man”

The author of the novel “one Hundred years of solitude” has always been a very thoughtful man, for that in childhood he received the nickname “old man”.

He was born in a poor town of Aracataca in Northern Colombia, where her grandmother learned a lot about folk tales, superstitions and language. With the years this knowledge has carried over into his work, and the Garcia Marquez said: “I wanted to destroy the line of demarcation between what seemed real and what seemed to be fantastic, because in the world I sought to embody, this barrier did not exist.”

Famous Latin American writer is not immediately found his calling, he entered the law faculty of the National University in Bogota and only four years later decided to devote his life to literature and journalism.

First journalistic essays on Garcia Marquez attracted public attention only in the early fifties, and after this began his brilliant career of the writer.

Immediately after the publication of the novel “one Hundred years of solitude” to the forty-year-old Colombian came the recognition of millions of readers

A few months weighty book was translated into all European languages, and critics in one voice to call Garcia Marquez best master the Spanish words from the time of Miguel de Cervantes.

Magical realism

In order to truly assess the contribution of Garcia Marquez in world literature, it is worth Recalling that his novel “one Hundred years of solitude” was created in the postwar era.

At this time in the literature the idea of the logical structure of the world was already destroyed, garcía márquez has proposed a different view of reality in which the mystical and the rational do not contradict each other. This artistic method, “magical realism”, was known and earlier, but this author made it popular, inspiring a whole generation of writers.

In his famous novel “one Hundred years of solitude” Garcia Marquez answered the question, which for centuries has asked writers, politicians, scientists and philosophers: “What will be our tomorrow?” In the book he is actually described 100 years life of the Buendia family, but this figure, like many in his wise book, have a philosophical subtext. The author argued that time is not linear, but cyclical: people are doomed again and again to answer the eternal questions.

After the publication of the novel “one Hundred years of solitude” the future of the Garcia Marquez was predetermined. After 15 years, he became the first Colombian, who received the Nobel prize for literature

She was awarded the famous author with the words “For novels and stories in which fantasy and reality, somedays reflect the life and conflicts of the whole continent”.

It is noteworthy that the Colombian had an impact not only on American and European, but even Soviet authors. In the USSR in 1970-80-ies prose, garcía márquez produced a real boom of interest in Latin American literature. And among the students-philologists of that time was walking joke: “Who do you love more, Borges or cortázar? — Marquez!”.

Chronicle of death

After the book “one Hundred years of solitude” from the pen of Garcia Marquez left dozens of pieces that complement the main work of his life: “Chronicle of a death foretold,” “Love in the time of cholera”, “the General in his labyrinth”….

The Colombian even tried to write stories, but unfortunately, it didn’t work out: “I showed one of them my sons, then young. They returned it with the words: “Dad, you think kids are stupid?””, reminisced about their unfortunate experience of the “Titan of literature.”

In 2006, Garcia Marquez announced that it will no longer be writing fiction, and since then has only published a memoir

At the same time, the media began to appear regularly rumors about his death, over which to the writer just had to laugh.

The Nobel laureate died on 88 year of life from cancer. For 30 years before his own death, he wrote: “the Only thing I’ll regret dying it is not from love.”

