Скончался один из пионеров русского рока Александр Градский

Накануне СМИ сообщали, что Градский попал в больницу в Москве с подозрением на инсульт и находился в реанимации. Также сообщалось, что его здоровье резко ухудшилось после того, как он переболел коронавирусом в сентябре. Градский родился 3 ноября 1949 года в Копейске Челябинской области. Заниматься рок-музыкой он начал еще в школьные годы — в 1960-х годах основал самодеятельные рок-группы «Славяне» и «Скоморохи». Широкое признание пришло к нему в 1974 году, когда на экраны вышел фильм Андрея Кончаловского «Романс о влюбленных», музыку к которому написал Градский. В 1976 году Градский впервые исполнил песню «Как молоды мы были», написанную композитором Александрой Пахмутовой и поэтом Николаем Добронравовым. Композиция в его исполнении получила приз фестиваля «Песня-77» и стала одной из самых популярный песен в его исполнении. В 1985 году вышла рок-опера Александра Градского «Стадион» на либретто Маргариты Пушкиной. Спектакль, над созданием которого композитор работал около 10 лет, был основан на событиях военного переворота в Чили в 1973 году. Градский также известен как организатор первых советских рок-фестивалей. В частности, он занимался отбором артистов для Московского фестиваля популярной музыки «Рок-панорама-86». С 2012 по 2015 год Градский был членом жюри телевизионного проекта «Голос», в первых трех сезонах которого побеждали участники

Ukraine appreciated the possibility of the appearance of its own “Vladimir Putin”

Political scientist Zolotarev: there is no person in Ukraine who can rein in the oligarchs .ru “appreciated the possibility of the appearance in Ukraine of his analogue of Vladimir Putin, capable of repelling the oligarchs and restraining them, as well as withdrawing the country from external control. In his opinion, given the current political situation in the country, this is impossible. “Under current conditions, it is not, since the Ukrainian political and business elite is by definition comprador. Even if such a person is found, he will be knocked down on the outskirts, “the political scientist noted. Earlier, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba accused Russia of allegedly wanting a” failure “of the Minsk agreements, which would” unleash hands ”and ensured freedom of action. According to him, Ukraine has never violated these agreements, and “there is nothing better than the Minsk agreements.”

Ukraine appreciated the possibility of the appearance of its own “Vladimir Putin”

Political scientist Zolotarev: there is no person in Ukraine who can rein in the oligarchs .ru “appreciated the possibility of the appearance in Ukraine of his analogue of Vladimir Putin, capable of repelling the oligarchs and restraining them, as well as withdrawing the country from external control. In his opinion, given the current political situation in the country, this is impossible. “Under current conditions, it is not, since the Ukrainian political and business elite is by definition comprador. Even if such a person is found, he will be knocked down on the outskirts, “the political scientist noted. Earlier, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba accused Russia of allegedly wanting a” failure “of the Minsk agreements, which would” unleash hands ”and ensured freedom of action. According to him, Ukraine has never violated these agreements, and “there is nothing better than the Minsk agreements.”

An unexpected secret of health and youth was named

American biologist Lee: malnutrition protects the body from disease and aging to a group of scientists. As explained by the American biologist Mitchell B. Lee from the University of Washington, we are talking about the fundamental biological mechanism of regulation of the aging process. Lee studied ketogenic, low-protein and fasting diets, intermittent fasting, and time-limited meals. An unexpected secret to health and youth was named. Lee noted that intermittent fasting has been tested on animals and has shown promising results. The diet that mimics fasting has been the most prolonged diet for rats during the experiments. Scientists believe that during fasting there is an inhibition of the mTOR protein. The study found that fasting, low-carb diets and intermittent fasting can lead to longer, healthier lives. Scientists have yet to study the link between fasting and age-related changes, Lee said. scientists have called nutrition, mental health and exercise the secrets of

An unexpected secret of health and youth was named

American biologist Lee: malnutrition protects the body from disease and aging to a group of scientists. As explained by the American biologist Mitchell B. Lee from the University of Washington, we are talking about the fundamental biological mechanism of regulation of the aging process. Lee studied ketogenic, low-protein and fasting diets, intermittent fasting, and time-limited meals. An unexpected secret to health and youth was named. Lee noted that intermittent fasting has been tested on animals and has shown promising results. The diet that mimics fasting has been the most prolonged diet for rats during the experiments. Scientists believe that during fasting there is an inhibition of the mTOR protein. The study found that fasting, low-carb diets and intermittent fasting can lead to longer, healthier lives. Scientists have yet to study the link between fasting and age-related changes, Lee said. scientists have called nutrition, mental health and exercise the secrets of

People able to speak on the phone with Elizabeth II in person

Scaredoti Journalist: Queen Elizabeth II Answers Two People's Calls can speak in person by phone with Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. According to him, she only answers calls from two contacts. So, the head of the British monarchy is talking on a cell phone with his daughter, Princess Anne, and personal race manager John Warren, who is also the son-in-law of a close friend of the Queen. “She also apparently has a mobile phone that is said to be a Samsung model and is equipped with MI6 anti-hacker encryption so that no one can hack her phone,” Scaredoti said. p> He also suggested that Elizabeth II has an account on the social network Facebook, which has long been rumored. The journalist marveled at the 95-year-old queen's embrace of modern technology and recalled that in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, she hosted visitors via video conferencing on Zoom. However,

People able to speak on the phone with Elizabeth II in person

Scaredoti journalist: Queen Elizabeth II answers the phone calls of two people Journalist Jonathan Scaredoti in an interview with Us Weekly can speak in person by phone with Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. According to him, she only answers calls from two contacts. So, the head of the British monarchy is talking on a cell phone with his daughter, Princess Anne, and personal race manager John Warren, who is also the son-in-law of a close friend of the Queen. “She also apparently has a mobile phone that is said to be a Samsung model and is equipped with MI6 anti-hacker encryption so that no one can hack her phone,” Scaredoti said. p> He also suggested that Elizabeth II has an account on the social network Facebook, which has long been rumored. The journalist marveled at the 95-year-old queen's embrace of modern technology and recalled that in the midst of

The Foreign Ministry recalled the “cemetery” of migrants in the Mediterranean after Russia's accusations

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Zakharova on the “cemetery” of migrants in the Mediterranean: the Russian Federation does not wash it Pope Francis' words about the Mediterranean Sea as a “big cemetery” for illegal migrants, reminded that Belarus and Russia are not washed by it. She wrote about these accusations in her Telegram channel. “Pope Francis called for mercy to the refugees and called the Mediterranean Sea a“ big cemetery ”, in whose waters a huge number of illegal migrants perish. Note to partners: the Mediterranean Sea does not wash neither Belarus nor Russia, “the representative of the Ministry of the Russian Federation reminded. Earlier, the Pope called the Mediterranean a” big graveyard “for illegal migrants because of the large number of migrants who died in it … He also noted that in recent years, illegal migrants who land on the shores of Europe, fleeing “war and poverty”, often face not