Scientists have proven the benefits of talking to strangers

A heart-to-heart conversation with a stranger helps people relieve stress, feel less lonely and happier, a new study has shown. Psychologists conducted a series of experiments involving more than 1.8 thousand people. They were asked to have both superficial and serious conversations with strangers. The participants expected that they would feel awkward during a confidential conversation on a serious topic, and the benefits of such conversations would be small, but they were mistaken. As it turned out, strangers were attentive listeners, interested in the problems of the interlocutor and showed empathy. Scientists remind that people have a deeply social nature — it is important for them to build and maintain social ties for peace of mind and happiness. At the same time, they usually choose relatives and relatives for sincere conversations, believing that strangers will not be able to share their feelings and will be indifferent. They “underestimate the social

The traffic police again postponed the issuance of rights and registration of cars due to a failure

As specified in the traffic police, currently specialists continue to work on eliminating the consequences of the failure, but for this they will need more time than expected. “This makes it impossible to receive citizens on December 19 in the registration and examination units of the State Traffic Inspectorate. The approximate time of completion of the work is the evening of December 19,” the ministry noted. They added that in connection with this situation, all registration and examination units of the traffic police will work on December 20. A major failure in the work of the traffic police information system became known earlier on December 18. The Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that such failures are isolated, and assured that when errors are detected in the work, the department’s specialists immediately eliminate them. At the same time, it was initially assumed that Russians who had an appointment on December 18

Turkish Foreign Minister said about “centers of power” to undermine relations with Russia

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in an & nbsp; interview with RIA Novosti stated that & nbsp; the assassination of the Russian ambassador to Ankara, Andrei Karlov, revealed the centers of power that want to undermine relations between the countries. The terrorist attack on Ambassador Karlov revealed the existence of many centers of power that want to undermine Turkish-Russian cooperation. Therefore, we & nbsp; believe that & nbsp; joint efforts to & nbsp; improve our relations are a tribute to the memory of Mr. Karlov and & nbsp; his contribution to & nbsp; them & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he. Bloomberg learned about Turkey's unwillingness to fight against Russia because of Ukraine Cavusoglu noted that & nbsp; in & nbsp; over the five years that have passed since the assassination of the ambassador, relations between Russia and & nbsp; Turkey have been dynamically developing in & nbsp; different

“Kronstadt” for the first time showed a new drone “Orion” with an onboard radar station

View this post on Instagram Publication from the Kronshtadt Company | UAV (@kronshtadtcompany) Editor-in-chief of Independent Military Review Dmitry Litovkin told TASS that & nbsp; & laquo; Orion & raquo; & nbsp; & mdash; a strategic drone that is capable of flying long distances, for example, along the & nbsp; entire route of the Northern Sea Route, presenting operators and & nbsp; end users with a picture of what is & nbsp; & nbsp; water area. Prospects of Orion; According to & nbsp; Litovkin's opinion, in the & nbsp; perspective, Russian UAV manufacturers will be able to destroy the monopoly of Israel, the United States and & nbsp; China on the & nbsp; market for unmanned aerial vehicles. For & nbsp; us it is the first drone of this class that can be used as a weapon and & nbsp; act as a reconnaissance and & nbsp; tool for monitoring

NYT learns of thousands of US civilians killed in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

The & nbsp; NYT received more than 1.3 thousand internal Pentagon documents. They are published on the & nbsp; website of the publication. In addition, journalists traveled to more than & nbsp; 100 places where people were injured. According to official information, during the campaign against IS, 1,400 civilians have died since 2014 in Syria and Iraq and about 200 more since 2018 years in Afghanistan. According to the & nbsp; NYT, & nbsp; 1.3 thousand official reports revealed only one “ possible violation ''. The newspaper claims that & nbsp; hundreds of victims were not counted. Their exact & nbsp; number cannot be determined. In & nbsp; as an example, the publication cites one of the & nbsp; strikes on & nbsp; “ bridgeheads '' terrorists. It was officially reported that & nbsp; from & nbsp; 7 to & nbsp; 24 civilians. However, the newspaper found out that &

Scientists have recorded the sounds that the satellite of Jupiter “makes”

Researchers from the United States have released a 50-second audio track in which you can hear the “sound” of Ganymede, a satellite of Jupiter. The recording was made during a close flyby over Ganymede of the Juno space probe on June 7, 2021 and unveiled on December 16 at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union. The sounds in the video are digital processing of the “sound” of electric and magnetic radio waves in the magnetosphere of Jupiter. The vibrations were translated into frequencies that the human ear can pick up. “If you listen closely, you will be able to hear a sharp transition to higher frequencies about the middle of the recording — this is the moment of entry into another region of the Ganymede magnetosphere,” Scott Bolton from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, chief researcher of the Juno project, commented on the recording. New Year’s sale: discounts

The most creative specialists of the country gathered in Zaryadye

Cinema is born right before our eyes. The Russian Creative Awards ceremony is filmed by several professional cameras at once. The plot is based on real success stories. From more than 3 thousand applications received by the directorate of the “Russian Creative Week” and the agency “Creative Economy” choose the best representatives of their business. The Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives helps those who think outside the box and prove it in practice. “I am glad that, despite the pandemic, we have great competition among the nominees, and I am sure that these awards, presented for the first time, will become a bar that we will only raise every year,” said Sergey Novikov, head of the Presidential Department for Public Projects. Doctors and musicians, IT industry leaders and entrepreneurs are trying to do something new and prove their competitive advantages in the international arena. Alexander Us makes some of the

Grushko said about a dangerous line in relations between Russia and NATO

“The moment of truth has arrived. Indeed, we have reached a & nbsp; dangerous line. And & nbsp; our proposals are just aimed at & nbsp; to move away from & nbsp; this dangerous line and & nbsp; still enter into & nbsp; some & nbsp; well, normal dialogue, in & nbsp; the forefront of which will be the interests of security & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Grushko on the & nbsp; air of the YouTube channel Soloviev Live. & & nbsp; and & nbsp; our proposals, which we & nbsp; formulated, they are absolutely substantive, absolutely accurate, without & nbsp; any semitones describe how we & nbsp; see our national interests, and & nbsp; we & nbsp; also describe how we & nbsp; see military security in & nbsp; Europe & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the Deputy Foreign Minister & nbsp; RF. ; What &

Netherlands announces general holiday lockdown due to omicron strain

This is necessary in order not to & nbsp; allow the spread of the new Omicron coronavirus, the Prime Minister said. 'The Netherlands is closing again. This is inevitable due to & nbsp; the fifth wave that will hit us with & nbsp; [new] option & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; he announced & nbsp; at a & nbsp; press conference. According to the Dutch television company NOS, the regime of general self-isolation will begin at & nbsp; 5:00 local time (7:00 Moscow time) and & nbsp; will last until & nbsp; 14 & nbsp; January. Cafes, restaurants and all shops that do not sell essential goods will be closed in the country. Also, cultural and sports facilities will not work. In addition, according to Rutte, citizens will be able to gather on the & nbsp; street and & nbsp; in & nbsp; rooms not & nbsp; more than &

Deputy Foreign Minister of Latvia called Russia's requirements for security guarantees impracticable

“The logic of Russia's security guarantees is incomprehensible, because & nbsp; in & nbsp; the last decades of Russia's security no one & npbsp; & npbs; ; & mdash; noted the diplomat. He & nbsp; emphasized that & nbsp; & quot; the right of every country & nbsp; & mdash; choose membership. ” “ Russia's neighbors, whose territorial integrity has been violated, are under threat, '' & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he. On December 17, the Russian Foreign Ministry published a draft of treaties with & nbsp; the United States and & nbsp; NATO on & nbsp; security guarantees. The RF & nbsp; wants to legally consolidate the refusal to & nbsp; admission to NATO of “ states that were formerly members of the & nbsp; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. '' The United States considered some of the proposals unacceptable. Washington plans to discuss Russia's security concerns