В России 20-й день подряд зафиксировали более 1200 смертей от COVID-19

За предыдущие сутки в России от коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19 умерли 1209 человек, свидетельствуют данные федерального оперативного штаба. Больше 1,2 тыс. больных COVID-19 умирает в России 20 суток подряд, начиная с 9 ноября. При этом за последние сутки число смертей среди зараженных оказалось минимальным — на максимуме оно достигало отметки 1254 смерти за сутки. Больше всего летальных исходов за последние сутки зафиксировано в Москве (93) и Санкт-Петербурге (66), что намного ниже летних пиков смертности — 28 июня было объявлено о смерти в Москве 124 больных COVID-19, днем позже худший с начала пандемии результат был зафиксирован в Петербурге (119 смертей). В число лидеров по уровню смертности за последние сутки также вошли: Московская область — 58; Краснодарский край — 41; Ростовская область — 40; Ставропольский край — 39; Воронежская область — 36; Нижегородская область — 35; Волгоградская область — 35 С начала пандемии в России от COVID-19, по данным федерального оперативного штаба, умерли 273 964 человека. Однако Росстат только по август текущего года насчитал более 417,5 тыс. летальных исходов. Ведомство включает в свою статистику умерших от других заболеваний на фоне COVID, а также тех, у кого вирус обнаружили уже после смерти. За последние сутки в России выявлено 33 860

The champion of Italy called the cons in the performance of the Russian figure skater-record holder

Champion of Italy Ciccia called Valieva's minus at the Grand Prix in Sochi her interpretation of music the program of the Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva at the Grand Prix in Sochi. She is quoted by InoProSport. According to her, Valieva is an excellent skater, she has perfect control of herself, technical potential, is excellent in components, rotations and is perfect in all jumps. However, the downside to her free program is the interpretation of the music. “Ravel's” Bolero “in the performance of a single skater loses a lot,” Ciccia said. The former skater noted that in single skating, skaters are more worried about the technique of performing the elements. But, in her opinion, speaking to the Bolero, the athlete should interpret it and give the same emotions as the music. “The Bolero helped her to attract the attention of the public and the judges,” Ciccia said. Ravel's choice of

The champion of Italy called the cons in the performance of the Russian figure skater-record holder

Italian champion Ciccia called Valieva's minus at the Grand Prix in Sochi her interpretation of music Italian ice dancing champion Matilda Chiccia commented the program of the Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva at the Grand Prix in Sochi. She is quoted by InoProSport. According to her, Valieva is an excellent skater, she has perfect control of herself, technical potential, is excellent in components, rotations and is perfect in all jumps. However, the downside to her free program is the interpretation of the music. “Ravel's” Bolero “in the performance of a single skater loses a lot,” Ciccia said. The former skater noted that in single skating, skaters are more worried about the technique of performing the elements. But, in her opinion, speaking to the Bolero, the athlete should interpret it and give the same emotions as the music. “The Bolero helped her to attract the attention of the public and the

Lukashenka spoke about the corpses “thrown” at the Belarusian border

President of Belarus Lukashenko: Lithuanian border guards throw up the bodies of migrants The head of state made the corresponding statement at a meeting at the Ministry of Defense of the republic, BelTA reports. He spoke about two corpses “thrown” over the past two days at the Belarusian border, and pointed to the same handwriting … According to him, Lithuanian law enforcement officers place dead or half-dead illegal immigrants in a sleeping bag, after which they throw them on the Belarusian border, where local border guards discover already lifeless bodies. The body found on November 28 was also reported by the State Border Committee ( GPK) Belarus. According to the ministry, at night the officers of the CPC found the body of a “beaten and emaciated man of non-Slavic appearance”, as well as traces of his being dragged to the Belarusian border from the territory of Lithuania. Prior to that,

Lukashenka spoke about the corpses “thrown” at the Belarusian border

President of Belarus Lukashenko: Lithuanian border guards plant the bodies of migrants The head of state made the corresponding statement at a meeting at the Ministry of Defense of the republic, BelTA reports. He spoke about two corpses “thrown” over the past two days at the Belarusian border, and pointed to the same handwriting … According to him, Lithuanian law enforcement officers place dead or half-dead illegal immigrants in a sleeping bag, after which they throw them on the Belarusian border, where local border guards discover already lifeless bodies. The body found on November 28 was also reported by the State Border Committee ( GPK) Belarus. According to the ministry, at night the officers of the CPC found the body of a “beaten and emaciated man of non-Slavic appearance”, as well as traces of his being dragged to the Belarusian border from the territory of Lithuania. Prior to that, the

Weapons specialist compared Russian and Ukrainian armies

Alexey Leonkov compared the Russian and Ukrainian armies and called the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine vile people The quality of weapons and military equipment in Russia is much higher than in Ukraine, says a military expert, weapons specialist Alexei Leonkov. In a conversation with “Lenta.ru”, he added that the personal qualities of servicemen are also of great importance: not a single Armed Forces officer, according to him, is distinguished by courage. According to Leonkov, these are vile people. Reserve Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) Pyotr Nedzelsky previously predicted the Russian army “flight” at the first sign of a collision. According to him, if the Russian military receives a response from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they will “run away.” He also noted that Russia is allegedly waging a “war of conquest,” and Ukraine “defends its home.” “Vile people” “If we compare the quality of

Weapons specialist compared Russian and Ukrainian armies

Alexey Leonkov compared the Russian and Ukrainian armies and called the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine vile people The quality of weapons and military equipment in Russia is much higher than in Ukraine, says a military expert, weapons specialist Alexei Leonkov. In a conversation with “Lenta.ru”, he added that the personal qualities of servicemen are also of great importance: not a single Armed Forces officer, according to him, is distinguished by courage. According to Leonkov, these are vile people. Reserve Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) Pyotr Nedzelsky previously predicted the Russian army “flight” at the first sign of a collision. According to him, if the Russian military receives a response from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they will “run away.” He also noted that Russia is allegedly waging a “war of conquest,” and Ukraine “defends its home.” “Vile people” “If we compare the quality of

A pelican that fell from the sky left a Russian village without light

In the Novosibirsk region, a seriously wounded pelican fell from the sky into the courtyard of one of the residents from the inhabitants from the sky fell a pelican. He touched the power line and left the settlement without light. Sibkrai.ru informs about it. Materials on the topic00: 02 – April 4, 2018 Found a scoutmanPeople shoot and butcher animals in front of their eyes in children. They can get away with everything 20:37 – 13 February 2014 Tragedy of an extra animal that in mid-November a seriously wounded pelican literally fell from the sky into the courtyard of one of the village houses. Concerned about the state of the bird, people brought the Red Book pelican to the veterinary department of the Ubinsky district. Doctors provided the animal with the necessary assistance, but the injuries turned out to be incompatible with life, and the pelican soon died. According to

A pelican that fell from the sky left a Russian village without light

In the Novosibirsk region, a seriously wounded pelican fell from the sky into the yard of one of the residents from the inhabitants from the sky fell a pelican. He touched the power line and left the settlement without light. Sibkrai.ru informs about it. Materials on the topic00: 02 – April 4, 2018 Found a switchmanPeople shoot and butcher animals in front of their eyes in children. They can get away with everything 20:37 – 13 February 2014 The tragedy of an extra animal that in mid-November a seriously wounded pelican literally fell from the sky into the courtyard of one of the village houses. Concerned about the state of the bird, people brought the Red Book pelican to the veterinary department of the Ubinsky district. Doctors provided the animal with the necessary assistance, but the injuries turned out to be incompatible with life, and the pelican soon died. According