In Russia, 27,022 cases of coronavirus were detected during the day

Regions are leaders in the number of new cases: Moscow – 2630 (2,005,710 since the beginning of the pandemic), Saint Petersburg – 1958 (831 206), Moscow Region – 1935 (626,351), Krasnoyarsk Territory — 642 (166 863), Perm Krai — 619 (154,246). Last week, the level of collective immunity to coronavirus in Russia exceeded 58%. The authorities admit that due to the spread of the omicron strain, the terms of revaccination and the validity of certificates may be adjusted. At least 25 Russians were infected with Omicron. On December 16, the State Duma adopted in the first reading a government bill on the introduction of QR codes on vaccination, the presence of antibodies or a medical device for visiting public places.

Russia announced a military response to NATO's attack on “sore spots”

“Everyone understands everything perfectly, there is a moment of truth in & nbsp; relations between Russia and & nbsp; NATO. You can't constantly step on the & nbsp; sore spots of Russia, you need to be determined. The conversation must be serious, and & nbsp; everyone in & nbsp; NATO understands perfectly well, despite & nbsp; all the power and & nbsp; power, that & nbsp; it is necessary to take concrete political action, and & nbsp; otherwise the alternative & nbsp; & mdash; these are the military-technical and & nbsp; military responses of Russia & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; he said & nbsp; & nbsp; on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel. Gavrilov also pointed out & nbsp; that & nbsp; need to talk closely with & nbsp; Washington, discuss specific proposals, whether the States want it or not. Earlier in & nbsp; this day, Russian

Boric wins presidential elections in Chile based on 90% vote count

At & nbsp; currently, votes have been counted from & nbsp; 92.12% of sites (43 & nbsp; 193 from & nbsp; 467) & nbsp; 88 Preliminary results: on & nbsp; Borich's scales & nbsp; & mdash; 55.73% of the votes, & nbsp; his opponent Jose Antonio Casta & nbsp; & mdash; 44.27%. In the & nbsp; case of victory, 35-year-old Boric will become the youngest president of Chile in & nbsp; history. In & nbsp; 2011, he & nbsp; was one of the & nbsp; leaders of massive student protests against the current system with & nbsp; paid higher education. If he wins the elections, he intends to introduce a wealth tax, collect royalties from the mining industry (copper is the main export Chile). Boric stands for the legalization of abortion and the transition to free education. 55-year-old lawyer Jose Antonio Cast belongs to & nbsp; ultra-conservative politicians and &

The department is preparing its own information system

The Prosecutor General's Office & nbsp; RF held a tender for & nbsp; creation of its information system and & nbsp; mobile application, found & laquo; Kommersant & raquo; on the & nbsp; government procurement website. The project will cost the department & nbsp; 10.5 & nbsp; million rubles, the supplier is & nbsp; FE Anastasia Gennadievna Artemieva. The results of the competition were announced on December 6 & nbsp; the work must be completed before & nbsp; March 2022. From the & nbsp; tender documentation it follows that & nbsp; the main function of information systems will be the interaction of citizens with the & nbsp; prosecutor's office, and & nbsp; also & nbsp; increase share of mobile traffic and & nbsp; improving the quality of processing requests. The system will simplify the filing of applications, for example, on extremism and violation of the rights of minors, as well

Virologist of the Gamalei Center: death from COVID-19 may occur three weeks after infection

“When a person usually gets sick with coronavirus, people start dying somewhere in three to four weeks. If you believe the reports that the high incidence was a few days ago in the UK, where the omicron strain penetrated, then you need to wait three weeks to understand what is happening to these people. I think it’s okay with them (sick patients. – “Kommersant”) will not,” Altstein said in an interview with . The expert noted that new data on the omicron strain will appear by the New Year. “The disease has no clear distinguishing features. It goes like a cold. So far, from what has been described, the diseases are not severe, but we are talking mainly about young people from South Africa,” the professor added. According to the latest data from the operational headquarters for the fight against coronavirus, less than 28 thousand COVID-19 cases have been

A projector the size of a soda can is sold for 1200 rubles cheaper

A powerful projector the size of a soda can Projectors are getting smaller and smarter. The BYINTEK P20 model is slightly larger than a small can of soda and weighs only half a kilogram, but at the same time gives 4K video quality and surround sound. It is convenient to take it with you to work, to school and arrange spectacular movie shows just on the wall of the room. The quality as in the cinema will definitely please. Now the product can be ordered with a promo code for 1200 rubles and express delivery. Go to the store >>>>>Click on the picture to find out more reviews are being written: Great thing! I recommend it! Everything is clear, the box is not crumpled, delivery is 8 days, everything is fine! I recommend it. A powerful projector the size of a soda can to know the price of a magnetic

Technology on foreign processors was offered to be recognized as Russian

According to the current legislation governing the process of import substitution of radio electronics, with & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; January 2021, the state communications company must to purchase data storage systems based on & nbsp; Russian processors. Permitted equipment is listed in a & nbsp; special register maintained by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. From July 1, there should also be laptop computers of domestic production, which are purchased by state-owned companies. Since & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; January 2022, import substitution norms apply to & nbsp; servers, desktops, printers, motherboards and & nbsp; other equipment. Criteria according to & nbsp; which officials classify equipment as & nbsp; domestic, are spelled out in & nbsp; government decree & # 8470; & nbsp; 719 “ On & nbsp; confirmation of industrial production in & nbsp; territory & nbsp; RF ''. At & nbsp; at the end of November, several

It became known the number of families of the Russian Federation at risk of losing their apartments

As a source familiar with the situation told Izvestia, usually city authorities in problem regions turn a blind eye to illegal construction, since they receive money from developers — about 10% of the cost of the house. In the future, the company applies to the court so that it recognizes the object as legitimate on the basis of an examination confirming the safety of the building (compliance with urban planning standards). The local authorities who received the reward are not against it. For example, 80-90% of all apartment buildings on the coast of the Krasnodar Territory and in large cities of the subject were put into operation by court decision, the interlocutor of the editorial office said. According to the source of Izvestia, if at some stage the agreement of the developer with the authorities is violated, the house may be recognized as a self-building, subject to demolition. In fact,

HSE experts estimated the amount of bribes in public procurement at a third of the revenue part of the Russian budget

As part of the study, 1.2 thousand representatives of companies involved in competitive procedures from different regions were interviewed. 53% – from microenterprises, 34% – from small businesses, 6% – from medium, 7% – from large. The results are provided by RBC. At least two-thirds of respondents indicated the existence of informal payments by the customer, 28% found it difficult to answer or refused to answer. 37% of companies named collusion between the customer and the supplier or between bidders as the main factor for obtaining a state order. The total amount of bribes of 6.6 trillion rubles is comparable to 35.3% of the budget revenue or 6.2% of GDP. The size of the bribe varies from 3% to 65% of the contract value. Most often called shares in 3%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. 14% of respondents indicated a zero amount. The authors drew conclusions not only based on

Scientists have found a connection with a laboratory virus in Omicron

“The authors of the article have provided quite convincing evidence that Omicron has made a double jump,” Konstantin Krutovsky, professor of the Department of Genomics and Bioinformatics of SibFU, Professor of the University of Göttingen, noted in his conversation with Izvestia. In the article, Chinese scientists drew attention to two mutations that only Omicron has and are absent from other strains. “It is noteworthy that only Q493R and Q498R (Omicron mutations. – Izvestia) significantly increased the affinity (strength of binding interaction with mouse ACE2 (receptor, “entrance gate” for coronavirus), which corresponds to their detection in mouse-adapted variants of SARS-CoV-2,” the researchers noted. Adapted viruses are viruses specially created in laboratories that can infect mice. Scientists have modified human SARS-CoV-2 with the help of directed mutagenesis. They took ordinary SARS-CoV-2 and transferred it from human cells to mouse cells, gradually increasing the infectivity. Thus, several strains of “mouse” SARS-CoV-2 were created,