An emergency warning was announced at the most popular resort of Russians

An emergency warning was announced in Sochi due to tornadoes From November 30 to December 2, forecasters predict heavy showers, thunderstorms and rising water levels in rivers. This was reported on the website of the Main Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory. Also, according to the Specialized Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of the Black and Azov Seas, on November 30, December 1, at night and in the morning of December 2 at the Magri site – Hilarious tornadoes can form over the Black Sea. “If you are on the street, beware of torn electrical wires, tall buildings and trees, masts, billboards, fences. To protect against flying debris and glass fragments, use sheets of plywood, cardboard and plastic boxes, and other improvised means, “the ministry said. Earlier in November, the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Roman Vilfand predicted an offensive unfavorable weather with

Onishchenko assessed the ability of the omicron-strain of coronavirus to resist vaccines

Onishchenko: the omicron-strain is more contagious than the previous ones, but the vaccine against it works the vaccine against it works exactly. So his ability to withstand drugs in a conversation with “” was assessed by the former chief sanitary doctor of Russia Gennady Onishchenko. The emergence of a new strain, he associated with the lack of measures to combat COVID-19. “New strains did not appear frequently – they appear as expected. There is only one reason – we do not take sufficient measures, and the most important measure is specific prevention. If everyone would be vaccinated and have already forgotten about it, but now [the strains] appear, live their own lives, and we do not oppose anything to them, “Onishchenko said. He added that the sooner people get vaccinated , the less chance the coronavirus will have to appear in a new guise. The newest strain COVID-19 B.1.1.529 was

Russians set a new record

OKB: banks in 2021 issued mortgage loans for a record 4.28 trillion rubles mortgage loans, which from January to October the Russians took out 4.28 trillion rubles. These calculations are cited by the United Credit Bureau (OKB), RIA Novosti reports. This volume of lending exceeds not only the results of the entire 2020 (4.27 trillion), but also the indicators for all previous years. The number of mortgage loans issued in 2021 was 12 percent more than in the same period in 2020. The volume of lending increased by 31 percent. At the same time, in October, the growth rate of lending slowed down: Russians took out 145 thousand mortgage loans, the total amount of which amounted to 440 billion rubles. The number of loans was four percent below the September figures and 29 percent below the October 2020 results. The volume of disbursed funds decreased by 16 percent on an

Russians set a new record

OKB: banks in 2021 issued mortgage loans for a record 4.28 trillion rubles mortgage loans, which from January to October the Russians took out 4.28 trillion rubles. These calculations are cited by the United Credit Bureau (OKB), RIA Novosti reports. This volume of lending exceeds not only the results of the entire 2020 (4.27 trillion), but also the indicators for all previous years. The number of mortgage loans issued in 2021 was 12 percent more than in the same period in 2020. The volume of lending increased by 31 percent. At the same time, in October, the growth rate of lending slowed down: Russians took out 145 thousand mortgage loans, the total amount of which amounted to 440 billion rubles. The number of loans was four percent below the September figures and 29 percent below the October 2020 results. The volume of disbursed funds decreased by 16 percent on an

В Кремле ответили на вопрос о дальнейших шагах в связи с омикрон-штаммом

«Сейчас, на самом деле, весь мир и ВОЗ пытаются понять, насколько он опасен. В данном случае вы знаете, что эта информация анализируется в правительственном штабе: весьма оперативно были приняты решения о закрытии некоторых направлений на въезд в Россию. Что касается дальнейших возможных шагов, это будет зависеть от тех выводов, которые сделают ученые о том, насколько заразен этот штамм, какие могут быть последствия, сколько имеющийся арсенал вакцин способен страховать от инфицирования и от тяжелого течения болезни», — сказал он журналистам. В 20-х числах ноября ученые сообщили о появлении в Ботсване и ЮАР штамма коронавируса B.1.1.529, который содержит 32 мутации в S-белке, необходимом патогену для заражения клеток. По мнению исследователей, многие из новых изменений в геноме SARS-CoV-2 указывают на высокую трансмиссивность этого варианта и устойчивость к защитным антителам переболевших и привитых, хотя окончательные выводы делать пока рано. Специалисты предполагают, что B.1.1.529 изначально развился в организме человека с ослабленным иммунитетом — вероятно, больного СПИДом или ВИЧ. Как пишут зарубежные СМИ, в ЮАР зарегистрировали около ста зараженных. Заболевшие есть в Гонконге, Израиле, Бельгии, Чехии, Германии, Великобритании, Италии, Австралии, Португалии, Шотландии, Нидерландах, а также, предположительно, во Франции, Швейцарии и Австрии. Все эти случаи — завозные. Всемирная организация

Symptoms of a new strain of coronavirus have become known

In Britain, they learned that with the omicron strain, the heart rate increases and fatigue increases and fatigue increases. The symptoms of the new variant of COVID-19 became known to the British Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization, Moskovsky Komsomolets reports. According to the organization, cases of the omicron strain did not show particularly serious symptoms. According to the available information, people with this type of coronavirus do not even lose their sense of smell. However, experts emphasize that the new strain is still poorly understood, and it is too early to talk about symptoms. The first reports of infection with a new strain in South Africa, Botswana and Hong Kong appeared on November 24. Later, news of the discovery of another variant of the evolution of COVID-19 appeared in Israel and Belgium. On November 26, the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said in a video

Symptoms of a new strain of coronavirus have become known

In Britain, they learned that with the omicron strain, the heart rate increases and fatigue increases and fatigue increases. The symptoms of the new variant of COVID-19 became known to the British Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization, Moskovsky Komsomolets reports. According to the organization, cases of the omicron strain did not show particularly serious symptoms. According to the available information, people with this type of coronavirus do not even lose their sense of smell. However, experts emphasize that the new strain is still poorly understood, and it is too early to talk about symptoms. The first reports of infection with a new strain in South Africa, Botswana and Hong Kong appeared on November 24. Later, news of the discovery of another variant of the evolution of COVID-19 appeared in Israel and Belgium. On November 26, the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said in a video

An unexpected consequence of the appearance of the omicron-strain of coronavirus revealed

Economic Times: Diamonds have risen by ten percent due to the spread of the omicron strain The Indian Economic Times reported that the new omicron strain of the coronavirus has had unexpected consequences for the global economy – rough diamonds have risen in price by an average of five to ten percent. The newspaper's reporters revealed that supply problems began in South Africa and Botswana, both of which have large deposits. These two states are home to some of the largest mines of De Beers, the largest diamond mining company in the world. The rise in the cost of raw materials has prompted Indian diamond producers to spend their reserves more moderately, as they will have to purchase the necessary materials at a higher price in the near future. Gems and jewelry are India's second largest export commodity. The share of diamonds in this volume is over 63 percent. 14