The State Duma canceled the mandatory inspection

Vehicle inspection remains mandatory for & nbsp; taxis, buses and & nbsp; trucks. Also, it & nbsp; according to & nbsp; will be valid for & nbsp; cars or motorcycles over four years old in & nbsp; cases of their & nbsp; registration, change of owner, change of design or replacement of the main units of a car or motorcycle over four years old. “ We are talking about & nbsp; 50 & nbsp; million vehicles. For & nbsp; participating in & nbsp; transportation of buses, trucks and & nbsp; taxis, nothing & nbsp; will change & nbsp; & mdash; for the & nbsp; purposes of the safety of passengers and & nbsp; other road users, they, like & nbsp; before, will be required to undergo an inspection. This procedure will also remain & nbsp; in & nbsp; with respect to cars and & nbsp; motorcycles over four years old

The Russian Foreign Ministry responded to the US accusations of violation of the WTO rules by Russia

The & nbsp; office of the American sales representative previously emphasized that the & nbsp; department will work with & nbsp; like-minded partners and the WTO & nbsp; uses tools for & nbsp; ; '' bringing Russia to & nbsp; accountable for & nbsp; its behavior in the & nbsp; multilateral trading system. '' “ What does the WTO have to do with it? If someone & nbsp; and & nbsp; violated the WTO rules, it is the United States of America and the EU with its unilateral sanctions, & nbsp; & mdash; Zakharova said on the & nbsp; air of the YouTube channel Soloviev Live. She also added that the White House put pressure on the European Union, Brussels decided to impose sanctions on Russia, and the Russian Federation responded as it did in order to “To bring everyone to their senses.” On the eve of the US Trade

Mikhail Efremov, who is serving his sentence, owes the tax service

Arrears accumulated in 2021. Before the fatal accident in In Moscow, the artist received up to 200 thousand rubles for one appearance on stage, and he was also paid for rehearsals. Efremov had contracts with the Sovremennik Theater for a total of 32 million rubles. The income was transferred to the actor’s account as an individual entrepreneur, and then he himself paid taxes from them. However, after the trial, which sentenced the actor to 7.5 years for the death of a man in an accident, Efremov stopped paying the Federal Tax Service. The department calculated his debt. But now 118 thousand is an unaffordable sum for an artist. He earns about five thousand rubles a month as a seamstress in the colony. The accident involving Mikhail Efremov occurred on June 8, 2020 in the center of Moscow. The actor was driving an SUV under the influence of alcohol. He drove into

The study showed the goals of Russians saving money

So, in 2011, 29% of Russians saved “in reserve”, while in 2021 this number increased to 44%. Residents of the country began to save more often “for old age” (18% in 2011 and 26% in 2021), as well as for rest and treatment (14% and 19%, respectively). In addition, the top 5 goals for which Russians save money included housing repairs and the purchase of real estate. However, compared to 2011, the share of those who save up for better housing conditions has decreased slightly. In addition, it is noted that the share of the country’s residents who believe that there is no need to save money has more than halved compared to 2011 (from 14% to 6%), and the average amount that Russians consider savings is 100 thousand rubles. “The goals for which Russians make savings reflect changes in people’s priorities. If in 2011 our compatriots put off more

State Department called on Russia to stop “provocative rhetoric” in Ukraine

WASHINGTON, 22 & nbsp; December./TASS /. The US State Department, after statements by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu regarding the situation in & nbsp; Ukraine, called on the & nbsp; Russian Federation to stop using “ false and & nbsp; provocative rhetoric. '' This statement was made on & nbsp; Tuesday by the press secretary of the American Foreign Ministry Ned Price. “ Contrary to & nbsp; statements by the Russian Minister of Defense, Russia and & nbsp; the forces supporting it & nbsp; are responsible for & nbsp; escalating tensions, and & nbsp; not & nbsp; Ukraine or the United States & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; he wrote & nbsp; on his & nbsp; Twitter page. “ We & nbsp; urge Russia to stop using false, provocative rhetoric and & nbsp; to take effective measures to de-escalate tensions in order to create a positive atmosphere for & nbsp;

The United States reacted to Shoigu's words about American provocations in Donbass

RIA Novosti quoted Kirby as saying. “These statements by Minister Shoigu are absolutely not & nbsp; true & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; replied & nbsp; he. A Pentagon spokesman said that & nbsp; US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin did not & nbsp; spoke to & nbsp; Shoigu on & nbsp; the background of the escalation of the conflict in & nbsp; Ukraine. Earlier Shoigu said that & nbsp; American private military companies are preparing a provocation with chemical components in & nbsp; Donetsk region. The Minister clarified that & nbsp; unidentified chemical components were delivered for & nbsp; to commit provocations in & nbsp; the cities of Avdeevka and & nbsp; Krasny Liman. According to the & nbsp; information of the military department, about & nbsp; 120 employees of American companies preparing Ukrainian special forces are located in the & nbsp; Donetsk region. In & nbsp; in connection with

There are plans to introduce compulsory two-factor authorization in Public services

The pandemic period and the development of remote services have significantly advanced the popularity of the public services portal. The number of profiles exceeded 100 million, but only one-factor identification was installed to enter about 90% of them, sources close to the Ministry of Finance told Izvestia. The department, in response to a request from Izvestia, said that “now the number of accounts on the public services portal whose owners have enabled two-factor authorization is small,” but did not give specific numbers. “The second factor of authorization on the public services portal, which we plan to introduce “by default”, will help further protect user data and prevent fraud,” the press service of the department explained. Experts consider the introduction of compulsory two-factor identification to be a timely measure that fits into global trends. So, in the fall, Google announced such a measure. Forced authorization of some users who have many

Day in History: December 22

164 years ago, the first postage stamps appeared in Russia On December 22, 1857, the Postal Department issued a circular “On the introduction of postage stamps for general use.” The trial copies of the stamps were approved by Tsar Alexander II and “deigned to call them postage stamps instead of stamp ones.” The stamp depicted the state emblem of Russia – in a blue oval on the background of a mantle crowned with a crown (the author of the drawing is the senior engraver of the Expedition of State Paper Procurement F. M. Kepler). Energy Day Annually on December 22 in In Russia, employees of the energy industry celebrate their professional holiday – the Day of the Power Engineer. For the first time, a professional holiday, the Day of the Power Engineer, was established in memory of the day of the adoption of the State electrification plan of Russia. The GOELRO

Putin fulfilled the dream of a boy from the Moscow region and talked to him on the phone

In a telephone conversation, they discussed the boy’s favorite musicians. Mark admitted that he doesn’t know how to play the guitar yet, but he really wants to learn. “And where do you live now? Do you have any music schools or clubs nearby? Are they far from the place where you live?” the president asked. The boy’s mother told him that they live with a friend of a large family. Putin promised to help them in honor of the New Year, talk to the governor and think about what can be done to make both families live in comfortable conditions. “I want to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and wish you all the best. I think you will succeed,” the Russian leader said to Mark at parting. And earlier, Vladimir Putin realized the dream of a 13-year-old schoolgirl from Stavropol. The girl wanted to visit the Mariinsky Theater.