In space, found a perfect sphere

In space, found a perfect sphere A group of astrophysicists led by Laurent Gizona (Laurent Gizon) of the max Planck Institute in Germany have discovered the most round object known in the Universe. He was a star KIC 11145123 located about five thousand light-years from Earth. Briefly about the discovery tells Gizmodo. See alsoDetected the brightest “alien” signal It is known that most stars (and planets) are not perfectly spherical, as they are flattened due to rotation around the axis, and the actions of its own poloidal (passing through the poles) magnetic fields. To determine the shape of space objects scientists have typically used optical interferometry, but its low resolution made it possible to study only close to the Solar system a rapidly rotating star. In the current study turned to astrophysics astroseismology method. Using the data obtained by the Kepler telescope, they measured the frequency of the periodic pulsations

State Duma deputies were more likely to take sick leave and vacation

State Duma deputies were more likely to take sick leave and vacation The deputies were more likely to take sick leave and unpaid leave, found RBC. This allows them to avoid fines for truancy plenary sessions, which reach 60 thousand. According to statistics from the website of the state Duma at a meeting on Wednesday, never for a day did not register in the hall 14 of United Russia, two Communists and one Deputy from the liberal democratic party. All the deputies from “Fair Russia” participated in the meeting, to the data. See alsoCouncil has established fines for truancy plenary sessions All missing United Russia had a good reason, said RBC executives intra-faction groups. “We have if anyone was absent, it was absent for a good reason: who hurts who the leave without pay took who to the mission”, — told RBC, the head of one of the groups of

In the collapse at a construction site in Moscow killed a worker

In the West of Moscow due to the collapse of fire walls at a construction site killed a worker. About it RIA Novosti the senior assistant of the head of the Moscow investigation Department of the TFR Julia Ivanova. The incident occurred on Saturday evening, November 19, at ulitsa Berzarina, 28. “Dead man, is the Builder of this company. The second — a citizen of the DPRK — taken to hospital”, — said Ivanov. Investigators began preliminary examination, conduct the examination of the scene. On 15 November at the construction site of the stadium “Zenit arena” on Krestovsky island in St. Petersburg found the body of 47-year-old citizen of the DPRK. Police external signs of violent death didn’t reveal.

Arab politician played the call to prayer in the Israeli Parliament

Member of the Israeli Parliament (the Knesset) from the United Arab list and Ahmed Tibi played the Muslim call to prayer (adhan) in the courtroom. About it reports The Independent. Thus Tibi protested against the consideration of the law prohibiting the use of sound amplifiers in mosques when the call of believers to pray. The draft document is called the law of “the muezzins,” although its provisions apply to all places of worship. About 18 percent of Israel’s population are Arabs, most of them are Muslims and they blame the Jewish majority in discrimination against them. “This law reflects the fascism that is growing in Israeli society,” Tibi said. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a speech in support of the document. According to him, many Israelis are, the followers of different religions, complained about excessive noise during a call of the muezzins. “Israel is committed to freedom for all religions,

It was the police patrol: Switzerland commented on the incident with the Russian plane

The Ministry of defence of Switzerland commented on the escort fighters of the country of the aircraft with the Russian delegation on Board, EN route to the APEC summit in Peru. So, according to representatives of the defense Ministry, the incident was a routine inspection, reports Reuters.   The Ministry of defence of Switzerland noted that their aircraft F/A-18 followed over its territory to the aircraft for seven minutes. The Ministry stressed that such flights to test the aircraft belonging to foreign governments committed about 400 times a year.   “It’s like a police patrol on the street which examines the machines to make sure they were not stolen,” – said the Ministry of defence of Switzerland.   On the eve in the airspace of Switzerland to the plane with the Russian delegation on Board, following in Peru for the APEC summit, and closer military aircraft of Switzerland. The passengers

USA and Peru seized the largest ever consignment of counterfeit dollars

USA and Peru seized the largest ever consignment of counterfeit dollars The U.S. secret service, and Peru seized the largest ever consignment of counterfeit dollars. This was announced by the US Secret service, reports Reuters. It is noted that a total of seized fake dollars in the amount of about $30 million Also confiscated more than 50 thousand counterfeit euros. During the operation, which involved more than 1.5 thousand Peruvian police and agents of the U.S. Secret service destroyed six clandestine enterprises for the production of counterfeit U.S. dollars, and eight machines for their printing. By results of raids arrested 48 people.

Saakashvili is facing extradition to Georgia, according to Ukrainian media

Saakashvili is facing extradition to Georgia, according to Ukrainian media Against former President of Georgia country, excited a number of criminal cases. KYIV, November 18 — RIA Novosti. Ukraine may extradite Georgia’s ex-Governor of Odessa region, former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, reported the Internet edition “Ukrainian truth” with reference to sources in the environment management of the administration of the Ukrainian President. Earlier, Saakashvili said that the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko gave the order to deal with the issue of deprivation of citizenship by the court. “According to the interlocutor, Saakashvili can’t revoke the citizenship of Ukraine, so now to expel him from the country, considered the option of granting the request of the Georgian side”, — writes the edition.See alsoSaakashvili announced Poroshenko plans to deprive him of citizenship of Ukraine “The Ukrainian truth” addressed for the comment in the press service of Saakashvili, however, there have not yet

Volodin gave his assessment to the adopted state budget

Volodin gave his assessment to the adopted state budget MOSCOW, November 18 — RIA Novosti. The Federal budget was formed in difficult economic conditions, in the end managed to reach the optimum, but hard draft budget, the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. “The budget was formed in a rather difficult economic conditions, and his discussion was not easy. To solve all the questions were difficult, had to prioritize. However, in the end we managed to remove most differences, and to reach the optimum, but a tight budget”, — said Volodin, whose words are quoted in the message on the official website of the state Duma. “Among the priorities of the document — the execution of all social obligations of the state, “may decrees” of the President, and support key industries, agriculture and business”, — said the MP. He recalled that the budget for the next three years laid