Sinful Matilda. Like a ballerina Kshesinskaya brought to mind the men of the house of Romanov
Sinful Matilda. Like a ballerina Kshesinskaya brought to mind the men of the house of Romanov The love story that it is trying to rewrite descendants. The people who lived in Russia in the late XIX — early XX century, few thought about what will be their image in the eyes of a distant posterity. Because we lived just loved, betrayed, committed dishonesty and unselfish deeds, not knowing that a hundred years later one of them will put on the head of a halo, and the other will be posthumously denied the right to love. Mathilde Kschessinska got amazing destiny — glory, recognition, love of the powerful, emigration, life under German occupation, the need. And decades after her death people who consider themselves highly spiritual persons, will use her name on each corner myself cursing the fact that she ever lived in the world. “Kschessinska 2nd” She was born in