Sinful Matilda. Like a ballerina Kshesinskaya brought to mind the men of the house of Romanov

Sinful Matilda. Like a ballerina Kshesinskaya brought to mind the men of the house of Romanov The love story that it is trying to rewrite descendants. The people who lived in Russia in the late XIX — early XX century, few thought about what will be their image in the eyes of a distant posterity. Because we lived just loved, betrayed, committed dishonesty and unselfish deeds, not knowing that a hundred years later one of them will put on the head of a halo, and the other will be posthumously denied the right to love. Mathilde Kschessinska got amazing destiny — glory, recognition, love of the powerful, emigration, life under German occupation, the need. And decades after her death people who consider themselves highly spiritual persons, will use her name on each corner myself cursing the fact that she ever lived in the world. “Kschessinska 2nd” She was born in

Militants in Eastern Aleppo has dispersed a rally of civilians from the gun

Militants in Eastern Aleppo has dispersed a rally of civilians from the gun MOSCOW, Nov 19 — RIA Novosti. Militants in Eastern Aleppo on 17 November broke up a rally of about 300 civilians from the gun and mined all the approaches to the checkpoint in the Bustan al-Qasr, said Saturday the official representative of the defense Ministry major-General of the Russian Federation Igor Konashenkov. He noted that residents of the Eastern areas of the city do not stop the protests and try to go to safe areas. According to the refugees from the Eastern part of Aleppo, on Thursday at about 10.30 in the district of al-Kalasa about 300 civilians were protesting against the terrorists and “local Council”. During the rally they tried to break through the checkpoint in the Bustan al-Qasr. “The militants dispersed the demonstration, the protesters firing from a heavy machine gun, and then mined all

Klintsevich called excuse of the word Switzerland on routine procedures support of special forces

Franz Klintsevich © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, November 20. /TASS/. The statement of the official representative of the Swiss army of the routine nature of escort fighters foreign special forces, this is an excuse that does not suit the Russian side. This opinion was expressed to journalists on Sunday, the first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich.

Erdogan saw in the SCO instead of the EU

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Ankara considers the accession to the Shanghai cooperation organization (SCO) a real alternative to EU membership. This opinion he expressed on Sunday, November 20, in an interview with reporters, reports TASS referring to TV channel Haberturk. “In Europe, after Brexit may experience similar events in other countries, in France say about this, Italy. I’m talking about, why Turkey does not take place in the Shanghai six?” — said the head of state. He said that he had discussed the matter with the presidents of Russia and Kazakhstan, and other SCO members. Erdogan stressed that Turkey would be “much easier” to work in the organization, while Brussels “for 53 years delaying the process” reception of the Republic in the EU. On November 14, Erdogan said that in 2017, Turkey will pass a referendum on the continuation of negotiations on accession to

Poklonskaya called the niece of marine Le Pen in the Crimea

Photo: Kommersant The Deputy of the state Duma Natalia Polonskaya was invited to the brotherhood, including Marion maréchal Le Pen. She wrote about this on his page in Facebook on Thursday, November 17. The former Prosecutor of the Republic met with the Deputy of the National Assembly of France, Marion Marechal Le Pen at the meeting in the lower house of the Russian Parliament, the report says. “The conversation was very pleasant. Said including on the strengthening of good relations between our peoples. For its part, has invited colleagues to visit Russian in the Crimea”, — wrote Polonskaya. During the visit of French MPs will discuss the development of the project, symbolizing the friendship of Moscow and Paris, she added. 26-year-old Marion Marechal Le Pen, granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le pen and niece of marine Le Pen, leader of the French party “national front” and a candidate for the presidency. On

Obama stood up for trump: don’t assume the worst

The current U.S. President Barack Obama urged the world not to focus on the worst and give the elected President of the United States Donald Trump time, according to Reuters. “My main message to you… and the message that I made in Europe — just don’t assume the worst,” said Obama in Peru at APEC. According to him, Trump must be given a chance to examine all issues and to decide on the strategy of his administration. Obama explained that the way politicians conduct election campaigns that are not always consistent with their methods of rule after the country. “Wait until the property will assume his responsibilities… Then you will be able to draw conclusions whether the property interests of the international community who are to live in peace and prosperity”, — said the acting President of the United States. Earlier, Obama talked about the upcoming “shifting world order” after

China recorded the first case of robot attacks on humans

China recorded the first case of robot attacks on humans Remaining unattended, the robot began to shatter near him stand, and when one of the employees tried to stop him, he moved the man’s leg and pinned him. BEIJING, November 18. /Offset. TASS Roman Balandin/. The first case of sabotage of the robot man recorded in the Chinese city of Shenzhen (Guangdong province, South China) at the IT show. As reported by the news portal “Sina”, Internet users have dubbed this event a “prelude to the uprising of the machines.” At the exhibition several hundred companies represented various goods and services in the sphere of high technologies. The owners of one of the stands presented to the public a small robot, which by its design and size is similar with the world famous hero of Star wars — R2-D2. Robot goes haywire, bashing glass wall at the 18th China High-Tech

The carriage I! On the ride than the rulers of the great powers of the world

The carriage I! On the ride than the rulers of the great powers of the world Donald trump, known for chic garage, valued Cadillac. For his needs already preparing 8-ton “Beast”. What’s crackin ‘ the top leaders of other countries? USA For more than 15 years of US presidents takes a limo from General Motors, nicknamed “the Beast” (The Beast). It’s a whole family of vehicles passing annual improvements. With each new presidential term and change cars. But the concept of them remains the same. Since Bush it is not passenger limo, a stretched SUV with a reinforced chassis frame and a body, where the integrated bronekapsuly. By construction it is an independent vehicle that has no analogues in the civil line of General Motors. However, the “Beast” is stylized as a Cadillac and has a lot in common in design with full-size Escalade SUV. NewsNew limousine of US President

The Pentagon plans to abandon the Russian Mi-17 helicopters for Afghanistan

The Pentagon plans to abandon the Russian Mi-17 helicopters for Afghanistan WASHINGTON, Nov 19 — RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovsky. Initiative group of members of Congress announced Friday that the Pentagon has officially refused to continue purchases of Russian Mi-17 helicopters in the future will buy only American helicopters UH-60A Black Hawk of the American firm Sikorsky. At the request of members of Congress, the Pentagon announced that instead of Russian Mi-17 helicopters for the Afghan forces is planned to retire the us army to upgrade 53 helicopter UH-60. American troops received new UH-60Ms, said members of Congress. See alsoMcCain: Afghanistan seeks help from Russia due to a failure of US leadership The Pentagon used to buy helicopters for the Afghan army, Russia, 2013, new purchases of this sort. However, the U.S. military continues to assist the Afghan side in the acquisition of spare parts and maintenance of machines, which are