Belarusian a month camped out in the car to see who scratches

Belarusian a month camped out in the car to see who scratches For six months the resident of Minsk 20 times scratched the car, which he parked in his yard. According to the driver, the car did not disturb to pedestrians. The man turned to the police, but they were unable to find the attacker. Belarusian is even pasted on the glass of the car’s appeal: “Coward, constantly scratching the car! You should at least let them know that you do not like?” It did not help. Then the owner of the car decided to act alone: he was for months sleeping in a sleeping bag in the car to find out who is constantly scratching. After a month of night duty, the man finally found out who was messing with the coating machine. The offender was an elderly local resident, who was unable to explain why she left scratches.

Russia will not close the sky over the Crimea because of the rocket firing Ukraine

Russia will not close the sky over the Crimea because of the rocket firing Ukraine Rosaviatsia also been sent to Ukraine demands the immediate cessation of preparations for missile firings in the airspace of the Crimea. MOSCOW, November 25 — RIA Novosti/Prime. Federal air transport Agency (Rosaviatsia) is confident that Ukraine abolished the illegal decision on the introduction of exclusion zones over the territory of Crimea in connection with the missile firings in the area, the closure of the airspace over the Peninsula is not worth it, said RIA Novosti the representative office. See alsoRussia announced about the plans of Kiev to conduct a missile firing in the Crimea According to Rosaviation, 1 and 2 December in connection with missile firing Ukraine established a no-fly zone over Crimea (including the seizure of territory over the Black sea) in the area of responsibility of the Russian Federation. “The Federal air transport

Rosaviatsia: Ukraine does not intend to constructively solve the issue of the movement over the Black sea

© John Li/Getty Images The representative of Rosaviation Sergey Izvolsky commented on the situation around Ukraine’s decision on carrying out of rocket firings in the sovereign airspace of the Russian Federation in the flight information region of Simferopol. Izvolsky said that the decision was taken unilaterally, and Kiev does not intend to constructively address the issue of air traffic control over the Black sea. “Ukraine has issued two notices, which reported that the Black sea entered December 1 and 2, the two forbidden zones. They entered the open sea, but which is controlled by the Russian Federation, and over sovereign territorial waters of the Russian Federation in the depths of up to 12 kilometers. Although international agreements such actions are unacceptable. In the forbidden zones will be military exercises, missile firing. The Ukrainian side entered the exclusion zone unilaterally. Rosaviatsia has sent the Ukrainian aviation authorities of its requirements to

Propagandy in the Kremlin Klintsevich turned the spotlight on journalists

Franz Klintsevich Senator Franz Klintsevich believes that the journalists incorrectly conveyed the essence of his statements about nuclear Russia’s response to NATO’s actions. He said this radio station “Moscow Says”. “Journalists are not always given, especially those who write the situation as it is untrue. I think that is absolutely incorrectly conveyed what I say”, — said the first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security. At the same time Klintsevich was not able to articulate what members of the media have distorted and what exactly he had in mind. The Senator agreed with the comment of the press Secretary of President Dmitry Peskov said: “Sands is right about one thing, here the conversation is not about what Klintsevich takes some decisions. I said we will respond by all means, if there is such a threat.” “But we are talking about NATO, promoting military bases to

Ortega announced Nicaragua’s nine-day mourning in connection with the death of Castro

Daniel Ortega and Fidel Castro The President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega announced his country’s nine-day mourning in connection with the death of the leader of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro. This was reported on Saturday, November 26, on the website of the President. In the decree signed by Ortega, noted that the government and people of Nicaragua expressed “solidarity and unity” with the Chairman of the Council of State and Council of Ministers Raul Castro, the wife of Comandante Dalia Soto del Valle, their children, grandchildren, and family and all the Cuban people. In addition, an eight-day mourning in connection with the death of Castro declared the President of Algeria Abdel Aziz Bouteflika, the Agency Algeria Press Service. The head of state from myself and behalf of the citizens of Algeria condolences to the Cuban people and to the family of commander. “With his death I lost a friend and

In Iraq eliminated one of the leaders of ISIS

The Iraqi army announced the elimination of one of the leaders of the banned terrorist organization “Islamic state” of Abu ANAS al-Shishani. It is reported TASS with reference to the information portal “Akhbar Iraq.”   Reports show that al-Shishani was a native of Chechnya was destroyed in an airstrike by Iraqi forces on the outskirts of Mosul.   Earlier, as reported by the media, one of the leaders of the ISIS Mullah. were destroyed in Afghanistan. A blow to the militants struck a US drone. Along with the. was eliminated seven other terrorists, a few pieces of arms and ammunition.   Photo:

The mayor of Pereslavl-Zalessky charged in the case of “Rosnano”

The mayor of Pereslavl-Zalessky charged in the case of “Rosnano” Moscow. 25 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the Investigation has charged the mayor of Pereslavl-Zalessky Denis Koshurnikov and managers of LLC “Ntpharma” on the case of plunders in “RUSNANO”, said TFR spokesman Svetlana Petrenko. “GSU SKR charged in criminal cases against the founder and the General Director of “Ntpharma” Rustam Ataullakhanov and Eugene Sultanov and mayor of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky Koshurnikova,” said Petrenko, “Interfax” on Friday. She noted that blood coagulation and sultans are accused of embezzlement of entrusted property in especially large size, Koshurnikov — in excess of powers of office the head of local government with serious consequences. 18 November, the Basmanny court of Moscow has concluded Koshurnikova custody till 16 Jan 2017. According to his lawyer, the case against the mayor is allocated in separate manufacture. See alsoIn the President’s administration is working across all departments Earlier, the

The forgotten capital of Genghis Khan. Travel to ancient Karakorum

The forgotten capital of Genghis Khan. Travel to ancient Karakorum The ancient capital of Mongolia important for Russia. Here for 7 thousand miles went by labels Russian princes, including Alexander Nevsky. In the XIII century from Karakorum controlled territory from the Pacific ocean to the Baltic. What is the city now? Somehow, in the vastness of Eastern Siberia, the popular legend that Russia is the legal successor of the huge Empire of Genghis Khan. Local storytellers in the Altai and the Baikal talk about this hints, in passing, after glorifying the great victories of the Mongols in different parts of the vast steppes. The same stories, like quotes from Lev Gumilev, we heard Mongolia during the TRANS-Asian expedition under the auspices of the Russian geographical society in the Gobi desert, the homeland of Genghis Khan. The city of Karakorum is the key to this legend. It was founded in 1220

Sony has refused to stop flying over Crimea because of the Ukrainian firings

Sony has refused to stop flying over Crimea because of the Ukrainian firings To close the sky over the Crimea for flight due to Ukraine’s intention to conduct a missile firing in early December, not planned. About it the adviser to the head of the Federal air transport Agency (Rosaviatsia) Sergey Izvolsky has told on Friday, November 25, TASS reported. “The issue of the closure of airspace over Crimea had not even occurred, the flights are operated in a regular mode”, — he said. See alsoRussia announced about the plans of Kiev to conduct a missile firing in the Crimea Izvolsky also noted that “the unauthorized acts of Ukraine related to the territory over the Black sea”. In his opinion, decisions about firing, “will undoubtedly be canceled.” Informed Izvolsky said that Russia may ban airlines to carry out flights over the Peninsula if Kiev does not give up its plans.