Defense Ministry: during the day, the war zone in Aleppo left about a thousand people

About a thousand civilians have been withdrawn from the occupied districts of Aleppo, with the participation of the Center for conciliation of the parties, the Russian defense Ministry. Among the rescued nearly two hundred children.   Government troops began an active attack and moved into the interior of the settlement. In the Eastern part of the city, the military released the five neighborhoods and more than two thousand buildings.   Part of the militants fled, a few dozen terrorists have surrendered to government forces. They said that among the soldiers is forbidden “dzhebhat an – Nusra”, which partially holds, Aleppo, increasingly, conflicts over spheres of influence.

Investigators have described the case of General FSO Lopyreva

Investigators have described the case of General FSO Lopyreva In respect of General Federal security service of Russia Gennady Lopyreva criminal case on the facts of receiving bribes in especially large size (part 6 of article 290 of the criminal code). About it it is spoken in arrived in edition “” the press release of the Investigative Committee. Bribe the chief of security in the Caucasus FSO (located in Sochi) received “from a number of heads of commercial structures for the overall protection in the conclusion and execution of public contracts for the repair and construction works”. Lopyrev arrested, charged, indicates SK. About the arrest of General previously reported on Friday, November 25. “In the course of internal audit, the FSO of Russia, carried out in the units of the security Service in the Caucasus, showed signs of serious violations of the current legislation”, — said at the Center for

Vladimir Putin presented a Russian passport Steven Seagal

Vladimir Putin presented a Russian passport Steven Seagal Moscow. 25 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has handed over the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation, U.S. actor Steven Seagal. “From the beginning we said that if this happens, it will be absolutely depolitization” — recalled the Russian leader of the new citizen of Russia. See alsoWelcome, sons of the Fatherland! Why foreign stars Russian passport? In his opinion, the presence of Russian citizenship will facilitate the American actor as the realization of their professional plans, and socializing with friends in Russia. “I want to congratulate You and to Express the hope that this small, but still the gesture and can be a sign of gradual normalization of our bilateral relations”, — Putin said. The Russian leader also pointed out to the actor without his signature, the passport is invalid and he put his signature

Died Fidel Castro, leader of the Cuban revolution

Died Fidel Castro, leader of the Cuban revolution Cuba state television reported the death of Fidel Castro, the leader of the world revolutionary movement and the first socialist leader of Island of freedom. “Газета.Ru” recalls life of the man who proved that socialism can unite people and inspire on feats. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий The news of the death of 90-year-old Fidel Castro announced to his brother Raul, head of the state Council of Cuba. Fidel in 2008 left political positions. “Forward to freedom!” — completed Raul Castro are mourning the loss of a hero of the Cuban revolution, the words of Fidel. The Russian foreign Ministry and the Kremlin demise of Fidel Castro has not yet commented. However, Russian politicians have begun to Express condolences. One of the first was the former head of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Alexei Pushkov. “Castro was from the galaxy of the Great, changed the

Defense Ministry: army of Syria during the day, terrorists freed from the eight quarters in the East of Aleppo

© EPA/STR MOSCOW, November 27. /TASS/. Syrian armed forces during the operation to liberate the Eastern districts of Aleppo on Sunday, liberated from terrorists, eight blocks from where they were evacuated more than 2.5 thousand of civilians. This is stated in the information Bulletin of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria, published Sunday on the website of the defense Ministry.

The eighth-grader died from a blow to the karate class in Kabardino-Balkaria

The student died during training in karate in the city of Baksan of Kabardino-Balkaria. The Prosecutor’s office shall verify on this fact, reported “Interfax” on Friday, November 25, the press service of the Ministry. During class on November 22 eighth grade student received a blow in the solar plexus. A boy born in 2002 had a heart attack. Arrived on the scene medics pronounced him dead. It is reported that the teenager worked in the section for four years. 14 November in Chelyabinsk, the student received a head injury, torn from the rope. After breakage of the rope iron mount hit it on the head. The victim was taken to the hospital. On 22 September in Omsk during a training session in football clubs has died 14-the summer teenager. The boy felt bad after a run and sat down on the bench. A few minutes later he died. According to

Juppe conceded defeat in the primaries and announced the support of Fillon

Alain Juppe Candidate in the primaries of the French center-right party “the Republicans” Alain juppé, conceded defeat and said that in the presidential election of 2017 will support winning in the second round his opponent françois Fillon. About it reports Reuters. The previously announced preliminary results of the second round of primaries. According to the latest data, Fillon receives 68.4% of the votes. The first round of the primaries of the party “the Republicans” held on November 20. Fillon then also showed the best result, leaving behind former President Nicolas Sarkozy. Election of the President of France will be held in April-may 2017. Fillon was Prime Minister under President Nicolas Sarkozy, Juppe — when Jacques Chirac.

Putin: builders promise to repair the defects in the stadium in St. Petersburg until the end of the year

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the problem of construction of stadium in St. Petersburg are “very sad story”. However, all defects will be corrected, reports RIA Novosti. “This is a very sad story,” said Putin during a meeting with the head of the International football Federation (FIFA), Gianni Infantino. Putin also noted that Russia is a remark of FIFA in this stadium. “The builders promise to fix everything by the end of this year,” the President added. On the eve of the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Vitaly Mutko in the English language guaranteed FIFA that the stadium in St. Petersburg will be ready in time.

At the Kiev station in support of the Ukrainians, the Russians sang “rozpryagayte, boys, horses”

At the Kiev station in Moscow, activists staged a flash mob and sang the song “rozpryagayte, boys, horses”in support of the Ukrainians, who on the day in Odessa, held a similar action only sang the Russian song “Darkie-Moldovanka” in the building of the station.   The Moscow choir of 50 people gathered. The passengers were a little more in contrast to Odessa, reserved and initially reluctant to sing, but then thawed, and even danced. One of the organizers of this action from the Russian side the participant of the project “New star” of TV channel “Star” musician Alexander Shcherbakov.   “We thought it would be good to make a reciprocal gesture to the people of Ukraine. To say that, despite all political issues, we are one people with a common past,” he said.

The MAC published a report on the investigation into the helicopter crash in Yamal

The MAC published a report on the investigation into the helicopter crash in Yamal Upon completion of the work by the Commission will be prepared the final report. MOSCOW, November 25 — RIA Novosti/Prime. The interstate aviation Committee (POPPY) has published an interim report about the investigation of the crash of helicopter Mi-8 on Yamal, said the Committee. Helicopter Mi-8 of airline “Skol” fell on October 21 in Purovsky district near the village of Urengoy. On Board were three crew members and 19 passengers. As a result of emergency the entire crew and 16 passengers died. Three other people survived. One of them had been discharged from the hospital. On the fact of wreck of the helicopter opened a criminal case under article “Violation of safety rules of movement and operation of air transport, entailed on imprudence death of two or more persons.” “The Commission continues to work on collecting