In the Turkish Gaziantep explosion

In the Turkish Gaziantep explosion MOSCOW, 26 Nov — RIA Novosti. The explosion occurred in the city of Gaziantep in Southeast Turkey, Reuters reported, citing Turkish media. Police and fire vehicles were sent to the scene of the incident. The cause of the explosion is unknown. No other details yet.

In four Russian regions deployed the complexes of the system control space

In four Russian regions deployed the complexes of the system control space Space forces commander Andrey Ivashin said about the main advantage of these complexes over the existing means of space control. MOSCOW, 26 Nov — RIA Novosti. In the coming years in the Altai, the far East, Buryatia and the Crimea will deploy the new facilities of the Russian system of space control (SCCP), said Saturday the Deputy commander of the space troops (KV) of Air and space forces of Russia on the trials of Colonel Andrey Ivashin. “It will be a network of specialized systems, electronic control and optical-electronic complexes of new generation,” Ivashina said in an interview to the program “General staff” radio station Life#Sound (“Russian news service”). He noted that the main advantage of these systems to the existing tools of space monitoring in that they are constructed on new element base. This enables many times

Juncker stated that an erroneous assessment of Obama to the status of Russia

Juncker stated that an erroneous assessment of Obama to the status of Russia The US President was wrong in calling Russia a regional power, said the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker. He noted that the EU should treat Russia as an equal partner and “proud nation”, without which it is impossible to build security in Europe. At the same time, Juncker opposed the lifting of sanctions. Sanctions against Russia in the near future cannot be undone, however, the EU should treat Russia as an equal partner and a great power. This was stated by the TV channel Euronews European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. He also expressed confidence that Obama was wrong in his assessment of the status of Russia. I do not see any arguments in favor of the immediate lifting of sanctions against Russia. But I would like to Russia was the agreement that go beyond the

Greece refused to participate in the cold war against Russia

Sergey Lavrov and Minister of foreign Affairs of Greece Nikos Kodzias Greece will never agree “to play in the cold war” against Russia. In an interview with RIA Novosti said the special adviser to the Prime Minister on cooperation with Russia Dimitrios, Valanis. “To think that Greece is banning something is a big mistake, this is absurd. No pressure and no ban, never was and never will be. Let each one Express their attitude to Russia, that’s their business,” said, Valanis. Speaking about Russia’s role in world politics, Galanis noted that none of the countries and peoples of Russia is not harmed by their actions. “We believe that Russia helped and helps many peoples in the region. We believe that the presence of Russia in Syria to stop the spread of the plague of terror in the vast region. Experience has shown that the involvement of Russia in the events

In Moscow can introduce fines for parents “train surfers falling”

Photo: Polenta In the Moscow city Duma has prepared a bill introducing administrative liability for parents whose minor children travel on the tail or on the roof of the train. The amount of the fine will amount to 5 thousand rubles, the newspaper “Izvestia” with reference to Chairman of the Moscow legislative Assembly Alexey Shaposhnikov. “Fashion for extreme travel on the roof of the car, open the transition, and brake pads with a lateral or end sides on the train and in the subway is gaining momentum, which implies an increase in cases of child injuries”, — said Alexey Shaposhnikov. The publication notes that the majority of train surfers falling — teenagers up to 16 years old are not subject to administrative responsibility. Parents or guardians of minors are engaging train surfers falling under article 5.35 of the Federal code of administrative offences “Failure to fulfil duties under the maintenance

“Almaz-Antey” has begun to establish a medium-range SAM of the new generation

© Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, November 28. /TASS/. EKO concern “Almaz-Antey” has begun to develop anti-aircraft missile systems of medium-range new generation. This was reported by General Director of the concern Jan Novikov. “We are not resting on our laurels and has already begun development on creating next-generation anti-aircraft missile systems, medium-range,” said Novikov, whose words are resulted in a press-service. To the anti-aircraft missile systems of air defense medium-range missiles include the family complexes “Buk” and anti-aircraft missile system air defense medium-range s-350 “Vityaz”. In particular, the “Almaz-Antey” produces the complex “Buk-M2E”, which is capable of hitting aerodynamic targets at ranges from 3 to 45 km and at altitudes up to 15 m up to 25 km away. the Newest complex “Buk-M3” the Russian troops have received in 2016. The company gave the armed forces the brigade set of “Buk-M3” The group has transferred to the Russian Armed forces brigade

The agony of the “bad boy”: Poroshenko is torn between Russia, USA and Europe

“The bad guys” Poroshenko is now screaming on every corner that his own, burzhuinskie that the interests of America to continue to be relatives only. And so suddenly the President-elect trump won in US only because of the support of Ukraine and due to the personal efforts of the Ukrainian President. And, accordingly, this is the trump must now be extremely grateful and continue to financially support the Square as a bulwark against the hated Russia.   If you follow the recent statements of the President of Ukraine Poroshenko, as his new American counterpart, Donald trump, even without waiting for the inauguration, almost every hour nazvanivaet to Kiev “to my dear friend Peter”. Something about Crimea asks, promises to come to visit almost immediately after the new year, then just “kindness and warmth” for fifteen minutes just talking.   And, of course, support the policy in dealing with Russia. The

A court in Sri Lanka sentenced to death immediately 18 people

A court in Sri Lanka sentenced to death immediately 18 people Moscow. 25 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Court of Sri Lanka on Friday handed down a death sentence against 18 men for the murder of a representative of the American tea company Noori Tea Estate, reports the daily Mail. The verdict was a record number of those sentenced to death in one trial in Sri Lanka. According to the court, men who were in the criminal gang, guilty in 2013, was beaten to death by an employee of the company Nihal Perera on the outskirts of Colombo. A citizen of Sri Lanka Perera was the Manager of a tea plantation company Noori Tea Estate — a subsidiary of the company from the U.S. state of Texas Walters Bay.

Due to global warming, Russia has lost some Islands

Due to global warming, Russia has lost some Islands One of the most convincing evidence for global warming is the rate of coastal erosion. Because of her, the water had gone several Northern Russian Islands, said in Tomsk Polytechnic University. According to scientists, global warming trends reinforce the destruction of the coastal zone of the Arctic seas. Especially the large erosion rate observed in the East Siberian sea and the Laptev sea — marginal seas of the Arctic ocean. The rate of coastal erosion of the ice complex on the headlands now reaches 20-30 m in summer. As a result of disappearing Islands. For Example, Semenovsky, Vasilievsky. In memory of our grandfathers, they were still Islands, now it’s the banks (shallow water). Over the past 1000-2000 years, about 40 km was eaten sushi coast rosiegirl Samoletostroitel International laboratory of carbon in Arctic seas, TPU, corresponding member of RAS “If we