Kadyrov has declared readiness “right now” to come in for questioning about the murder of Nemtsov

Photo: TC “Star” The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov in an interview with TASS said that he is ready to come to interrogation to the investigator in the case about the murder of politician Boris Nemtsov. “Yes, Boris Yefimovich [Nemtsov] died. I have already expressed the opinion on this fact. Nothing to add… I have absolutely nothing associated with him,” he said. According to Kadyrov, the Germans had never been his personal enemy or friend. He explained that the Germans “made himself an enemy of Russia – my country.” “Knowing that Nemtsov no use any more, his friends decided one gulp to remove two: shooting Nemtsov, to eliminate Kadyrov. But to me nothing they have not succeeded. I am absolutely calm, the lies and provocations do not respond. Send all away and live normally”, – said the head of the Republic. For a reminder that earlier Kadyrov has told about

A plane with Yanukovych tried to land with fighter jets

Viktor Yanukovych tried to illegally detain before the official ouster in 2014. The former President of Ukraine said during testimony via video conference Svyatoshinskogo court of Kiev.   “The actions that took place on the territory of Ukraine, was unconstitutional. First, I was the acting President. I tried to illegal detain, I was pressured officials who are, relatively speaking, was to provide the law and they violate it”, he said.   Yanukovych said that the decision on his removal from power was adopted on 22 February 2014 after 17:00 and about 14:00 he tried to detain at the airport of Donetsk.   “When I was in the air, I tried to land, scramble the jets. This was a military event,” stated the former President.   “The country has seen an armed coup. When I flew to Donetsk, the Manager ordered to return to Kharkov, but didn’t say why. I asked

The TFR has completed the investigation into embezzlement during the construction of the cosmodrome “East”

The TFR has completed the investigation into embezzlement during the construction of the cosmodrome “East” Moscow. 26 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the Main investigatory management SKR has finished investigation of criminal case concerning the former Director and member of OOO “stroykonstruktsiya” Anatoly Ryazanov, who is accused of embezzlement during the construction of the cosmodrome “East”. “According to investigators, in 2012-2013 Ryazanov and the chief of the FSUE “”Spetsstroyservis” at Spetsstroy Russia” Andrey Yartsev, together with three accomplices, acting in an organized group, squandered in favor belonging Ryazanov and the other partner, OOO “stroykonstruktsiya” entrusted to Yartsevo funds of the Federal budget of more than $ 1.1 billion through the acquisition at open company “stroykonstruktsiya” at artificially inflated prices of steel for the construction of the cosmodrome “East”. Thus the real costs of these steel structures was of the order of 600 million roubles, — have informed “Interfax” on Saturday the official

Turkish builders are scared of the bear

Turkish builders are scared of the bear In the Turkish province of Bolu builders, who led the excavation work, disturbed brown bear, writes Daily Mail. The head is frightened by the excavator of the beast appeared in the crumbling hole in the excavated hill. Bear began to dig the soil to expand the hole and get out. In the end, the animal succeeded and irregular retreated from the construction site. As the newspaper notes, the bear in the video looks a received stress, but physically, it seems, was not injured.

Saakashvili at a rally called for early elections to Rada

Saakashvili at a rally called for early elections to Rada The former Governor of Odessa Mikhail Saakashvili in Kiev held a rally to call for early elections to the Verkhovna Rada. On Sunday, November 27, reports “Interfax-Ukraine”. The event was attended by about two thousand people. According to the Agency, people were holding flags of Ukraine and the European Union, one of the participants came with the flag of Georgia. “We want to see in the framework of the current legislation was appointed extraordinary elections. We want to change legislation that will allow new blood to enter the next Parliament”, — quotes the words of the policy “112.ua”. As Saakashvili reported on his page on Facebook, the rally was held under the slogan “the Last winter Parliament”.

Putin discussed with the security Council, the situation in Syria, and preparations for the message, the media of the Russian Federation abroad

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, November 28. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with the permanent members of the Russian security Council the situation in Syria, and preparations for the message to the Federal Assembly, as well as some issues of Russian media abroad. This was reported by press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov.

Media reported on the consideration trump the nomination of Petraeus to the post of Secretary of state

David Petraeus Elected President of the United States Donald trump is considering the candidacy of former head of the CIA General David Petraeus for the post of Secretary of state. On Monday, November 28, reports Bloomberg, citing a source in the command of the Republican. According to the Agency, trump plans to meet with Petraeus during the day in new York. November 23, the former head of the CIA has said it agrees to enter into a new administration if he gets an offer from the elected President of the United States. Three days before that, a senior adviser to trump, Chairman of the National Committee of the Republican party Pribus Raines said that as the Secretary of state considers the candidacy of the former Governor of Massachusetts MITT Romney. Priebus explained that other candidates are also not excluded. General David Petraeus — former commander of Multinational forces in Iraq

In the Kremlin told, what will be the message of the President

Photo: Russian Newspaper Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov has promised special content message to the Parliament on 1 December. “Presidential address to the Federal Assembly is the conventional format, but no message like the other”, – said the representative of the Kremlin, answering the question of how will vary the current President. “So, of course, and this year it will be different in content, maintaining that Putin’s main terminal,” – said the representative of the Kremlin. Recall that the President will address both houses of Parliament with the annual Message of 1 Dec. Dmitry Peskov, according to tradition, did not tell about the details of the treatment, offering to wait for the actual speech of the President. The current Message will be the 23rd in the modern history of Russia and 13-m for Putin. Traditionally, the event begins at noon Moscow time in the St. George hall of