Foreign Ministry: terrorists used in Syria mustard gas of own production

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, November 28. /TASS/. The terrorists of the banned in Russia groups “Islamic state” (IG) and “jabhat an-Nusra” mastered the production technology of mustard gas and other toxic substances, which are actively used by them in Syria. This was stated by TASS Director of the Department for nonproliferation and arms control (DNCW) of the Russian foreign Ministry Mikhail Ulyanov in connection with the presence of experts of the defense Ministry irrefutable evidence of the use of militants of mustard gas against the civilian population of Syria.

In Crimea, invited Canada in response to sanctions pressure reducing drug

Dmitry Polonsky Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of internal policy, information and communication, Republic of Crimea Dmitry Polonsky commented on the imposition by Canada of sanctions against Crimeans. Such actions are associated with fear “one of the British colonies” to Russia, he said on Tuesday, November 29, in the comment to “”. 28 Nov Canada made Polonsky and 14 in the Crimean black list. “That’s right made! And then suddenly I, along with colleagues from this list were, say, in Quebec! You see, and a unified Canada would not like this one! …And maple syrup is outright disgusting!” — laughed the Deputy Prime Minister. However, according to him, he “surprised how such a “strong” country that considers itself a world States leaders, afraid of a small group of leaders who simply, along with all the Crimeans returned to the Crimea for the Motherland!” “As for the “maintain the necessary pressure on

Canada imposed sanctions against 15 more people from.

Mid Canadaprocardia: In Crimea, invited Canada in response to sanctions pressure reducing drug The government of Canada under a policy of exerting pressure on Russia over the situation in Ukraine has imposed sanctions against 15 people, including six state Duma deputies from the Crimea. This was reported on the website of the canadian Ministry of foreign Affairs. Also given the surnames of the additions to the sanctions list. The list includes state Duma deputies elected from Crimea and Sevastopol — former Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic Ruslan Balbec, the former Deputy speakers of the state Council Konstantin Bakharev and Andrei Kozenko, as well as Svetlana Savchenko, Paul Speraw and Dmitry Belik. In addition, the list mentioned Anna Anokhina, Svetlana Borodulina, Valentin Demidov, Irina Kiviko, Mikhail Nazarov, Victor Palagin, Dmitry Polonsky, Oleg Shapovalov and Andrew Vasyuta. As noted, the decision was made “to maintain the necessary pressure on Russia until

The defense Ministry will discuss the results of formation of the compounds of the Western military district

© Donat Sorokin/TASS, archive MOSCOW, November 29. /TASS/. The Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu will hold in Moscow session of Board of the Ministry. This was announced by the Department of information and mass communications of the Ministry of defense. “The Board will discuss the results of formation of the compounds of the Western military district, the progress in addressing issues in the Baltic fleet by the Commission of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation”, – stated in the message. It will also consider the implementation of the plan of activities of the Central military district for 2016-2020. The meeting agenda also included the issue of improving the structure of the 800th air base, stationed at the airfield Chkalovsky. The meeting will be attended by the representatives of the Armed forces, public authorities, and public and other organizations.

Syrian soldiers attacking terrorists in Aleppo: footage of fights

Soldiers of the Syrian Arab Republic liberated from the terrorists almost half of the territory East of Aleppo. Fighting continues in the vicinity of the city, the Syrian army continues its offensive to consolidate the success. In the presented video captures the fighting near the city airport in the area of Sheikh Lutfi.   Earlier it became known that under the control of government forces moved 12 blocks East of Aleppo. Among them Sheikh fares, Badin, al-qadisiyah, Haidari, al-Ghani, Sheikh-Hashr, Sheikh Khader, al-Badr, Tariq Sheikh Najjar, Tiral-El Khalek, Bustan al-Basha and khays-es-Sahour.   In addition, currently more than five thousand civilians left still held by terrorists areas of the city and moved to safe quarters. There they receive a hot meal, medicines and warm clothes.

Four people were found dead in a hotel room in Alaska

Four people were found dead in a hotel room in Alaska The power of Alaska reported that four people, including a child, were found dead in a hotel room in Fairbanks, the Associated Press reports. According to police, the victims were shot. It is also reported that arriving officers found in the hallway of the second floor man who sat and cried. Details of the incident are currently unknown.

HBO showed the first footage from the new “Game of thrones”

HBO showed the first footage from the new “Game of thrones” HBO showed the first footage from the new season of “Game of thrones”, reports The Independent. During a demonstration of the next episode of “World Wild West” was presented the video on the HBO 2017. In particular, there were fragments of the new “Game of thrones”. According to the newspaper, these pictures are not particularly “spoilerly”. In one of them can be seen Sansa stark (played by Sophie Turner) in another of Jon snow (played by kit Harington) in the third — Arya stark (in her role Maisie Williams). Perhaps most significant here is that all three staff — members of the clan stark, the newspaper writes. It is expected that the premiere of the seventh season of “Game of thrones” will be held in summer 2017. Game of Thrones Season 7 is coming! — Tyrion Lannister (@GoT_Tyrion)

Trump and Obama spent talking 30 hours

Trump and Obama spent talking 30 hours Assistant elected President of the USA Kelleen Conway said that Donald trump regularly turns for advice to the current head of state Barack Obama. On Sunday, November 27, according to CNN. “After trump won the election, they talked for about 30 hours. They regularly communicate on a variety of topics,” said she. According to her, yesterday, on November 26, the parties discussed the Cuban question. She refused to give other details, saying only that Trump likes to talk with the President, despite the differences in their points of view. “They get along well. Many things do not converge — it will not change,” she added. November 26, at 90 years of age died the leader of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro. Obama expressed condolences to the family of revolutionary and offered the Cuban people a hand of friendship. In turn, trump called Castro

The expert assessed the damage for wounds in connection with the dismissal of officials

Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) partially lose their influence due to dismissal of high-ranking officials who do not fulfill the President’s instruction not to combine the civil service and scientific activities. This point of view Monday, November 28, in an interview with “” stated the political scientist, the Deputy Director of the National Institute of development of modern ideology Gleb Kuznetsov. “The reputational damage [for RAS] great,” — said the expert. According to him, the leadership of the Academy will no longer be able “to use the title of academician of the corresponding members as a kind of administrative currency”. The analyst notes that public servants could give academic degrees in exchange for any service, for example, open access archives or economic assistance. “Perhaps excommunication Federal officials from academic positions deprive [the President of] Vladimir Fortov of resources, and soon will a new attack for this academic privilege,” — said

Theresa may has promised to renegotiate Britain’s role in international organizations

Theresa May British Prime Minister Theresa may said that the need to reconsider the role of the United Kingdom in a number of international organizations. On Monday, November 28, according to Reuters. At a press conference after talks with Polish counterpart Beate Szydlo Prime Minister was asked about the measures it plans to undertake in connection with Brexit. Mei explained: “We have to resolve a number of issues in the legal field and as regards our domestic Affairs. A former member of the European Union, we signed a number of international agreements that affect them and we think about how we will continue to treat these agreements.” As an example, may have led Europol — police service of the EU, in which Britain coordinates the work of his interior Ministry with the countries of the European Union. Theresa may became the Prime Minister of Britain after her party colleague David