В Кремле ответили на вопрос о штрафах за отказ от вакцинации

Газета Presse сообщила, что отказ от иммунизации в Австрии будут карать штрафом в размере до 7,2 тысячи евро. Канцлер Александер Шелленберг ранее заявил, что обязательная вакцинация от COVID-19 начнется с 1 февраля 2022 года. «Нет, мы не допускаем, что подобные меры могут быть введены в России», — сказал Песков журналистам. Вакцинация остается самым надежным способом защиты от коронавируса. По словам главы Минздрава Михаила Мурашко, процент привитых среди тяжелобольных COVID-19 составляет менее 0,03%, подавляющее же большинство пациентов в стационарах — это непривитые.

На Алтае найдены самые древние останки денисовцев

В Денисовой пещере на Алтае исследователи обнаружили самые древние останки загадочного подвида человека, известного как денисовцы. Им по меньшей мере 200 тысяч лет, говорится в исследовании ученых из России, Австрии и других стран. Еще 40 тысяч лет тому назад денисовцы населяли тот же ареал в Азии, что и неандертальцы с современными люди. Анализ ДНК, извлеченной из окаменелостей, показал, что денисовцы были широко распространены в континентальной Азии, островной Юго-Восточной Азии и Океании и скрещивались с предками современных людей. Как отдельный подвид, денисовцев (лат. Homo denisovensis) идентифицировали около 10 лет назад. В распоряжении ученых до недавнего времени было всего 6 фрагментов их костей. Большинство находок были сделаны в Денисовой пещере в Солонешенском районе Алтайского края РФ, а челюсть — в тибетской пещере Байшия. Всем этим костям от 122 до 194 тысяч лет. В новом исследовании ученые проанализировали 3791 фрагмент костей людей и животных из Денисовой пещеры и выяснили, что пять из них принадлежат людям. Четыре фрагмента содержали достаточно ДНК для анализа. Оказалось, что один фрагмент принадлежит неандертальцу, а три другие — денисовцам. Это самые старые кости денисовского человека из известных науке.  Все фрагменты могут принадлежать как одному человеку, так и близким родственникам.

The state of the Ukrainian army was assessed in Russia

Doctor of Military Sciences Sivkov: the morale of the Ukrainian army has grown thanks to propaganda technical equipment, but raised their morale. This was stated by Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov, RIA Novosti reports. He commented on the words of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba about the Ukrainian army that has become incomparably stronger and assessed its condition. According to him, from the point of view of military-technical equipment, it has strengthened slightly. In support of this, Sivkov pointed to the operation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces of old T-72 tanks and the use of NATO combat training standards, which have proven themselves ambiguously in hostilities in Iraq and Afghanistan. At the same time, he stressed that in seven years the moral readiness to fight has grown among Ukrainian soldiers. According to the expert, this happened due to the fact that during this time the command was able to

The state of the Ukrainian army was assessed in Russia

Doctor of Military Sciences Sivkov: the morale of the Ukrainian army has grown thanks to propaganda technical equipment, but raised their morale. This was stated by Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov, RIA Novosti reports. He commented on the words of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba about the Ukrainian army that has become incomparably stronger and assessed its condition. According to him, from the point of view of military-technical equipment, it has strengthened slightly. In support of this, Sivkov pointed to the operation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces of old T-72 tanks and the use of NATO combat training standards, which have proven themselves ambiguously in hostilities in Iraq and Afghanistan. At the same time, he stressed that in seven years the moral readiness to fight has grown among Ukrainian soldiers. According to the expert, this happened due to the fact that during this time the command was able to

The State Duma announced the destabilization of Ukraine in Kiev itself

State Duma deputy Zatulin: the situation in Ukraine will be destabilized in Kiev, not in Moscow and relations with compatriots Konstantin Zatulin in a conversation with “Lenta.ru” said that the situation in Ukraine would be destabilized in Kiev itself, and not in Moscow. Earlier, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said in an interview with the German newspaper Die Zeit that Russia is “pulling troops” to the Ukrainian borders, which is a “real threat.” The minister also said that Moscow is trying to destabilize Ukraine and Europe. Readers of the newspaper in the comments called Kuleba's statements “hysteria”. The devil is happening that “This hysteria is not the first day, and it is involved in internal political circumstances. If the president of the country has already publicly accused [Ukrainian businessman Rinat] Akhmetov and others of preparing a conspiracy, moreover, he names the dates when an attempted coup should take place, and

The State Duma announced the destabilization of Ukraine in Kiev itself

State Duma deputy Zatulin: the situation in Ukraine is destabilized in Kiev, not in Moscow and relations with compatriots Konstantin Zatulin in a conversation with “Lenta.ru” said that the situation in Ukraine would be destabilized in Kiev itself, and not in Moscow. Earlier, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said in an interview with the German newspaper Die Zeit that Russia is “pulling troops” to the Ukrainian borders, which is a “real threat.” The minister also said that Moscow is trying to destabilize Ukraine and Europe. Readers of the newspaper in the comments called Kuleba's statements “hysteria”. The devil is happening that “This hysteria is not the first day, and it is involved in internal political circumstances. If the president of the country has already publicly accused [Ukrainian businessman Rinat] Akhmetov and others of preparing a conspiracy, moreover, he names the dates when an attempted coup should take place, and other

Deripaska argued with the Central Bank about inflation

Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska argued with the Central Bank about inflation and rates Central Bank on inflation and rates. His words are quoted by RBC. “You are constantly moving the demand curve down, and it seems to you that in this way your equilibrium point will also shift. But we need to provide an offer, ”he stated. Deripaska believes that at current rates, there will be no increase in supply. He is confident that now it is necessary to increase the supply, pour money into logistics so that goods “move faster.” nothing more than a lie. According to the businessman, the Central Bank should be made responsible not only for monetary policy, but also for the country's economic growth. Deripaska has repeatedly called for expanding the Central Bank's mandate, believing that in this case the regulator will be forced to change the way to fight inflation. The billionaire insists on

Sweden renounced NATO membership

Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson: Sweden will not apply for NATO membership Swedish Prime Minister and Social Democratic Party member Magdalena Andersson announced that her country is refusing NATO membership. TASS writes about this. “Freedom from military alliances serves our country well and contributes to stability and security in Northern Europe. Sweden will not apply for NATO membership, ”said the current head of the Swedish government. However, she noted that Stockholm will not stand aside in case of an attack on Europe and counts on the help of European countries in case of aggression in their direction. “The EU is the most important arena of Sweden's foreign policy and security. Our current chairmanship of the OSCE gives Sweden the opportunity to protect the European security order, ”added Andersson. She also praised the return of the United States to a “constructive partnership” on climate, pandemic and democracy. Earlier it became known that

Russian deputies found the mayor's salary of 250 thousand rubles ridiculous and raised it

The Krasnoyarsk City Council considered the salary of the mayor of Eremin ridiculous and raised it to 300 thousand rubles raised his salary to 300 thousand rubles. This is reported by the edition “Prospekt Mira”. “The deputies, who spoke in favor of raising wages, said that 250 thousand for the head of the city is ridiculous,” the publication quotes Russian parliamentarians. The issue was discussed at a session of the city council, 23 deputies supported such a proposal, three voted against, the rest abstained. Communist Party deputy Alexander Amosov, who opposed an increase in the mayor's salary, called such a measure harmful, saying that in the city there are many problems and the problem of low salaries of officials is not such. LDPR spokesman Roman Krastelev, in turn, noted that bus drivers have more responsibility than the mayor. Earlier, a member of the Council of Deputies of Gatchina in the

Deripaska argued with the Central Bank about inflation

Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska argued with the Central Bank about inflation and rates Central Bank on inflation and rates. His words are quoted by RBC. “You are constantly moving the demand curve down, and it seems to you that in this way your equilibrium point will also shift. But we need to provide an offer, ”he stated. Deripaska believes that at current rates, there will be no increase in supply. He is confident that now it is necessary to increase the supply, pour money into logistics so that goods “move faster.” nothing more than a lie. According to the businessman, the Central Bank should be made responsible not only for monetary policy, but also for the country's economic growth. Deripaska has repeatedly called for expanding the Central Bank's mandate, believing that in this case the regulator will be forced to change the way to fight inflation. The billionaire insists on