X hour: why Karjakin would become world chess champion

Late in the evening of 30 November, the Norwegian Magnus Carlsen and Russia’s Sergey Karjakin needs on a tie-break, the blitz or during the so-called Armageddon to determine who will become the new world chess champion. Radio “Zvezda” international grandmaster Yana Melnikova explained why the chances of our athletes better.   “Carlsen thought he was in rapid chess stronger because he’s in the final party deliberately played out a draw without a fight. But I believe that still, Karjakin has a very good chance, because, contrary to popular opinion, it is good in rapid chess and the blitz” – said the expert.   “The regulation is that before the rivals will play blitz in the five minutes they have four games in rapid chess, and speed chess have a good chance, I think he can win,” she concluded.   Earlier in 12 batches Carlsen and Karjakin was unable to identify

In Bashkiria has faced bus and car

In Bashkiria has faced bus and car UFA, 27 Nov — RIA Novosti. The bus, which was returning from a sports competition of Bashkir Sterlitamak to Perm children collided with a car in Bashkiria, one person was killed, one was injured, reported in the official blog of the main state car inspector of region Dinar Gilmutdinov. According to him, the accident occurred around 15.00 MSK in bircom the district of Bashkortostan on the 96th kilometer of the highway Ufa-Yanaul. Faced with a passenger bus Setra Renault Twingo. “In the bus there were 30 people, of which 21 are children and teenagers. They were returning from a sports competition from Sterlitamak to Perm. In a foreign car drove the couple from the city of Blagoveshchensk (Bashkiria). The passenger of a foreign car — a woman born in 1964 from the received traumas has died, the driver was taken away by medics

India will dig the longest river in the world

India will dig the longest river in the world MOSCOW, November 29 — RIA Novosti. The Indian authorities intend to connect the channels of the major rivers of the country and to create a network for transporting water during droughts and floods, reports New Scientist. It is planned to dig 30 channels that will connect 14 rivers in North India and 16 in the West, the South and center of the country. The resulting single “river” is twice as long as the Egyptian Nile, its length will be about 12.5 thousand kilometers. The authors of the project believe that it will allow to overcome droughts and floods, as well as to establish 35 million hectares of arable land. In addition, it is planned to build hydropower plants with a total capacity of 34 thousand megawatts. See alsoIn Saudi Arabia hit the cold and the snow fell Ecologists and geologists, meanwhile,

Obama is not going to the funeral of Fidel Castro

Obama is not going to the funeral of Fidel Castro The press Secretary added that the Vice-President of the United States also is not going to the funeral of the leader of the Cuban revolution. However, Josh earnest did not specify whether or not to attend the funeral, U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry. WASHINGTON, November 28 — RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovsky. President Barack Obama will not attend the funeral of the leader of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro, said the press Secretary of the US President Josh Ernest. “I can confirm that neither the President nor the Vice-President will not go,” said Ernest at a press briefing. On the question of whether at the funeral of Secretary of state John Kerry, Ernest replied that it can not confirm that and suggested “wait for the press release.” Fidel Castro died at the age of 90 on Friday night, about his

The CIA predicted the biggest mistake of trump as President

Donald Trump The biggest mistake elected President of the USA of Donald trump may be the failure from the “nuclear deal” with Iran. This was announced by the head of the CIA, John Brennan, in an interview with BBC News. “If the next administration will kill the deal, it would be the height of madness. The rejection of the agreement would encourage Iran to develop a weapons program, which, in turn, will force to arm and all its regional neighbors”, — said the head of intelligence. He also warned trump from the excessively close cooperation with Russia, adding that Moscow tried to disrupt the deal on the Syrian settlement. In mid-July, 2015 Iran and the six international mediators (US, Russia, China, Britain, France, and Germany) reached agreement on Tehran’s nuclear program. The Islamic Republic has pledged to transform the Fordow plant in the technology center, and the reactor in Arak

Putin will take part in the Primako readings in Moscow

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin will take part in the Primako readings in Moscow on November 30, said the presidential aide Yuri Ushakov. “30 Nov, Wednesday, readings will be given by President Vladimir Putin”, – quotes its words of RIA “news”. International forum reading Primakov held in Moscow on November 28 and will last until November 30. Ushakov believes that the participants Acceptance of the readings will pay attention to the discussion of the relations between Russia and the United States, a possible exit from the crisis in relations between the two countries after the American presidential elections. “You, of course, will ignore the possible situation on the Russian-American track, Also without discussion of what is happening in the US after it died down with the unprecedented by cruelty and cynicism of election battles,” – said Ushakov. “Everyone is interested in what all the same the

Dangerous relapse: how Moscow will respond to Kiev in its missile provocations

Tomorrow the Ukrainian military planned to hold the first phase of activities, in varying degrees, affecting the airspace of Russia. We are talking about conducting missile firings scheduled to take place on 1 and 2 December, and “the rocketeer” Square has announced that they intend deliberately to violate the Russian border during these exercises.   In Kiev the media is the real warlike hysteria: the Newspapers are full of the victorious headlines and upcoming launches are regarded almost as the beginning of a large-scale offensive against the “hated aggressor.”   Meanwhile, the Russian side has already taken the necessary measures to prevent provocations. The situation is on control at the management of the state, she focused and specialized agencies.   While our country is concerned not only announced the Ukrainian military trespassing, but the possible repetition of the tragedy in 2001, when the same “exercise” has cost the lives of

The head of the DND said that the musician Alexander Sklyar came under fire in the Donbass

The head of the DND said that the musician Alexander Sklyar came under fire in the Donbass DONETSK Nov 27 — RIA Novosti. The head of the DND Alexander Zakharchenko told reporters that he, along with a famous rock musician Alexander Sklyar came under fire on the frontline in the Donbass. “Today Alexander Sklyar “baptism of fire”. He was at the front and came under fire… We went to the front… it is an industrial zone (near Avdeevka — ed). Spotted the motorcade and started shooting with large-caliber firearms,” — said Zakharchenko on Sunday. States that have been affected by fire.

Came the Pirelli calendar-2017

Came the Pirelli calendar-2017 Peter Lindbergh posed for the famous actress, they are joined by Anastasia Ignatova. In Paris presented the 44th calendar Pirelli-2017, authored by the famous German photographer Peter Lindbergh. In front of his lens appeared popular actress, including seven owners of the award “Oscar”: Alicia Vikander, Helen Mirren, Penelope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Kate Winslet, Julianne Moore, Rooney Mara, Jessica Chastain, Charlotte Rampling, Uma Thurman, Lea seydoux, Robin Wright, Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi and Kenyan actress Lupita Nyong’o. An exclusive shot of @Lupita_Nyongo, one of the actresses involved in #TheCal by @peterlindbergh . Discover more on https://t.co/MjOv8BkRQz pic.twitter.com/ws6JAyvEZV — Pirelli (@Pirelli) 29 Nov 2016 Lupita Nyong’o #UmaThurman captured by @peterlindbergh for the 2017 #PirelliCalendar. Here are the others. https://t.co/MjOv8BkRQz #TheCal pic.twitter.com/LTBg9xUILc — Pirelli (@Pirelli) 29 Nov 2016 Uma Thurman The natural beauty of @_juliannemoore photographed by @PeterLindbergh. The other Preview shots! #PirelliCalendar https://t.co/MjOv8BkRQz pic.twitter.com/Z8gUyTqXYH — Pirelli (@Pirelli) 29