The ICRC has predicted a protracted battle for Mosul

Operation government forces and their allies to liberate the Iraqi city of Mosul could take months. About it in interview Reuters was declared by the Director of operations International Committee of the red cross (ICRC) Dominique Stillhart. “It is likely that we will see a prolonged confrontation with the very serious suffering of the people, which again will be trapped between two fronts”, he said. According to him, the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) have a significant resistance, and therefore, will increase the intensity of the clashes, which hurt civilians. “Especially during street fighting”, — said the representative of the ICRC. December 1, Reuters, citing data from the us military reported that the Pentagon has acknowledged the deaths of 54 civilians in Iraq and Syria as a result of the air strikes of the US-led coalition from March to October of this year.

Expert: unknown what orbit now “Progress”

The specialists of the mission control Center can’t determine the location of the cargo ship “Progress MS-04”, which this evening was launched from Baikonur. This “Star” was told by the chief editor of the magazine “news of cosmonautics” Igor Marinin.   “Stream, which we watched from the Baikonur cosmodrome, in 510 the second that happened, nobody knows. We switched to American funds to broadcast us. And there it turned out that the ship they see, but not on the calculated orbit. And that he’s open solar panels and antenna. That is, what he is now really an orbit, which orbit has switched off the engine of the third stage and will they be able to pull on the orbit of the ISS is still unknown,” – said Marinin.   Earlier it was reported that “Progress” is brought to an intermediate orbit, but its parameters are specified. 383 the second flight

ABC: the airport of Houston woman on the move jumped out of a plane

ABC: the airport of Houston woman on the move jumped out of a plane MOSCOW, November 29. /TASS/. The passenger of the airline flight United Airlines American arrived from New Orleans to Houston, jumped out of a plane while it is taxiing after landing. About the incident Monday, according to the website of the TV channel ABC. As noted, the plane landed half an hour ahead of schedule. The woman did not wait for the stop of the aircraft, themselves opened the emergency door, went out onto the wing, jumped to the ground and ran to the side of the plane. She was promptly arrested by the police. Currently, the woman is in a psychiatric hospital, where we examine the state of her mental health. According to the TV station, district Prosecutor’s office refused to press charges and the FBI will not conduct an investigation of the incident.

Media: Chinese company started building an exact copy of the Titanic for $145 million

Media: Chinese company started building an exact copy of the Titanic for $145 million The new ship will not carry out any flights. BEIJING, November 30. /Offset. TASS Roman Balandin/. Chinese shipbuilding company Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry Group has started the construction of a replica of SS Titanic, who drowned in the North Atlantic in 1912. As reported the Agency “Xinhua”, the project investments will amount to 1 billion yuan (about us $145 million). As stated to journalists by the Deputy General Director of the shipbuilding company van Wailing, the ship will become a full-fledged copy of the original. Its length is 269 m and width 29 m. Chinese shipbuilder starts construction of world’s first full-size replica of #Titanic — China Xinhua News (@XHNews) November 30, 2016 “Reincarnation” of the ship, unlike the original, does not effect a single flight, and will rise on eternal Parking in one of

“Progress” could descend from orbit and burn up in earth’s atmosphere media

Space truck “Progress MS-04” could come down from its orbit and burn up in earth’s atmosphere, it is reported RIA Novosti citing a source.   Earlier it became known that after the launch of “Progress” to the International space station from the ship suddenly stopped going telemetry. In this regard, the docking, which was scheduled for the evening of the 3rd of December, may be delayed.   NASA experts said that “Progress MS 04” has been placed into intermediate orbit, but the settings remained in the refinement process. There was also the information that the navigation antenna of the ship opened up, however, at MCC there is no information whether the solar battery. Authentic destiny of “Progress” at the moment, unknown. Photo: Roscosmos

Erdogan’s statements about the overthrow of the Assad regime called “alarming” in Russia

Erdogan’s statements about the overthrow of the Assad regime called “alarming” in Russia Moscow. 30 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian foreign Ministry consider it alarming that political statements about the need for the ouster of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad became supported by military force in order to solve this problem. “We never had any illusions about what goals the US and some US allies in the region in the process of conducting their Syrian policy — let’s call it. This goal is not hiding. Repeatedly stated at various levels, including the highest level, in Washington and Ankara that the future of Syria with Assad in these capitals do not see” — said to journalists on Wednesday, Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, answering the question of “Interfax”. See alsoIn Erdogan’s administration, please do not to understand his words about Assad literally As reported, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday

The death toll in a plane crash in Colombia increased to 76

The death toll in a plane crash in Colombia increased to 76 The result of the crash, the airline LaMia in Colombia killed 76 people. This is with reference to the police told Reuters. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий According to Associated Press, police have confirmed five survivors of a plane crash, the others aboard were killed. Earlier, the head of the police Department of Antioquia, where the plane crashed, said the plane crash killed 75 and survived six people. Imágenes del accidente que sufrió en el avión donde se trasladaba @ChapecoenseReal #FuerzaChapecoense — Múnera Eastman Radio (@RadioMunera790) 29 Nov 2016 However, the head of the civil aviation authority of Colombia Alfredo Bocanegra said that now “fighting for the lives of three people”: the hostess Ximena Suarez and two players “Sapience”: 23-year-old Alan Luciano RUSAL and the 21-year-old Jackson Ranyard Folman. All of them are now in hospital. Alan Ruschel (R) & Danilo

In the United States died the Creator of the hamburger “big Mac”

In the United States died the Creator of the hamburger “big Mac” The author of the sandwich chain of restaurants of fast food McDonald’s “big Mac,” Jim Delligatti died in the United States. The entrepreneur, who guided the franchise in Pittsburgh was 98 years old. The Creator of the hamburger “big Mac”, one of the first franchisees of McDonald’s in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), Michael “Jim” Delligatti died in the United States at the age of 98 years, reports CNBC. According to the press-Secretary of the network of fast food restaurants McDonald’s, Kerry Ford, Delligatti died in the night on November 28 surrounded by his family. Franchise, Delligatti was founded in Uniontown, a suburb of Pittsburgh. There, in one of the restaurants, Delligatti created the “big Mac” — a competitor’s hamburger, the Big Boy.See alsothe New menu for the White house: burgers, fries, and a personalized wine trump The new product, McDonald’s

Embassy of Benin confirmed the capture by pirates of a vessel with Russians

Embassy of Benin confirmed the capture by pirates of a vessel with Russians Embassy of Benin in Russia has officially confirmed the fact of capture of a vessel off the coast of Africa, on Board of which are the Russians. It is reported TASS with reference to the Ambassador of the African state in Russia Anisette Gabriel Kochofa. “The ship was captured by pirates, but beyond the territorial waters of Benin. On the ship are citizens of Ukraine and Russia”, — said the Ambassador. According to the diplomat, on Board of the ship can be up to four Russians. They will all be released as soon as the vehicle gets into the territorial waters of Benin. “Then we will be able to communicate with the crew and find out what happened actually. While it is known that the ship was sailing from Ghana to Benin direction. Requirements of pirates we

“Independent course”: what Putin said in the message to the Federal Assembly

{{$root.cfg.modules.slider.galleryTable_3830955.stepNow *12 +1}} – 12 from {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.gallery_3830955.sliderLength-1}} {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.galleryTable_3830955.stepNow *12 +1}} – 24 from {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.gallery_3830955.sliderLength-1}} {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.galleryTable_3830955.stepNow *12 +1}} – 32 {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.gallery_3830955.sliderLength-1}} Russian President Vladimir Putin before the beginning of the speech with the annual address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the Kremlin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin and the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill © Dmitry Astakhov/press service of the Russian government/TASS © Mikhail Metzel/TASS Member of the state Duma Committee on energy, Alexander Karelin © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS © Artyom Korotayev/TASS First Deputy Chairman of the state Duma Committee on ecology and environment protection Nikolai Valuev © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS © Artyom Korotayev/TASS Prime