Cuba is forbidden to erect monuments to Fidel Castro

Cuban authorities intend to forbid to erect monuments in honor of the former leader of the country Fidel Castro. On Saturday, December 3, said the Chairman of state Council and Council of Ministers Raul Castro, the Associated Press reports. According to him, the commander didn’t want his identity made a cult. Thus, in addition to the erection of monuments, the government banned the name of an establishment, street, parks and public places in the name of the leader of the Cuban revolution. “In accordance with the will of Fidel Castro during the following sessions of the National Assembly of people’s power, we will present the relevant legislative initiatives” — leads TASS words of Raul Castro. Fidel Castro died on November 25 at the age of 90 years. Cuba was declared nine days of mourning. The body of the Comandante was cremated. The official farewell ceremony for the leader of the

Putin called for the year to adjust the tax system

Photo: RIA Novosti In 2017, the state must set up the tax system. On Thursday, 1 December, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in the message to the Federal Assembly, the correspondent of “”. The head of state has put before Parliament the task to consider the proposals for setting up of the tax system, and until 2018 to adopt all the amendments to the Tax code. The tax system needs to solve the main task — to stimulate business activity, Putin said. “The business community has a request for the extension of economic freedoms necessary for the development of small and medium business”, — he said. In addition, Putin demanded to ensure the stability of the budget system and its independence from hydrocarbon prices.

Thousands of people in Santiago de Cuba came to the rally in memory of Fidel Castro

On the main square of Santiago de Cuba there were about half a million people. Local residents say goodbye to Fidel Castro. As reported TASS, the action was headed by the Chairman of state Council and Council of Ministers and the brother of the leader of the Cuban revolution Raul Castro.   To honor the memory of Comandante arrived well-known politicians, including the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega, Bolivian leader Evo Morales and two of the ex-President of Brazil, Luiz inácio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff.   The funeral procession with the ashes of commander traveled more than thousand kilometers through the territory of 13 of the 15 provinces of the country. In 1959, on the same route, but in the opposite direction was the so-called “Caravan of freedom” headed by Castro to overthrow the regime of dictator Fulgencio Batista.   Bury the leader of

Roscosmos, acknowledged the loss of “Progress-МС04”

Roscosmos, acknowledged the loss of “Progress-МС04” Fragments of the space truck “Progress-МС04” with which communication was lost earlier Thursday, probably burned in the sky over the Republic of Tuva, the statement of the Russian space Agency. “According to preliminary information, in the result of emergency situations, the loss of THC occurred at the height of about 190 km over a remote unpopulated mountainous territory of the Republic of Tuva, and most of the fragments burned in the dense layers of the atmosphere”, — said in a statement. Lost communication with vehicle Roscosmos said on Thursday evening. “We inform you that today after the launch of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-U” with transport cargo vehicle “Progress MC-04” 383 th of a second lost telemetry. Currently the specialists of “Roscosmos” find out the situation”, — said the Agency. At MCC, said that the spacecraft separated from the third stage of the carrier rocket,

American posed for a picture during the arrest, with a parrot on his shoulder

American posed for a picture during the arrest, with a parrot on his shoulder In Hillsborough (us state Oregon) arrested a man photographed for police records with sitting on my shoulder parrot. About it writes Daily Mail. 38-year-old Craig Buckner (Buckner Craig) came with a four-year bird on the court, but the American had to leave the parrot in a tree nearby. After the hearing, he was arrested, but allowed to take pet. As a result, when the man made to police documents, the parrot remained on his shoulder. Later the bird took the other prisoner. Man appears in mugshot with companion parrot after bringing it to court. FOX 12 Oregon KPTV (@fox12oregon) December 1, 2016. It is noted that the man made plantation of marijuana. Buckner may release upon payment of bail of 10 thousand dollars. In June it became known that American police have decided to

The Duma has ahead of schedule stopped powers of the Deputy from “United Russia” Skorobogatko

The Duma has ahead of schedule stopped powers of the Deputy from “United Russia” Skorobogatko Moscow. 2 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the state Duma on Friday has ahead of schedule stopped powers as a Deputy of one of the richest deputies of Alexander Skorobogatko (“United Russia”). Skorobogatko previously sent a written statement of resignation of Deputy powers from November 21. “Special explanations of the faction he has not given”, — said earlier “Interfax” the first Deputy head of the faction “United Russia” Andrei Isayev, answering the question about the reasons of such decision of the Deputy. See alsoOne of the richest MPs prematurely leaves the state Duma According to the Declaration of assets and incomes of candidates, published on the websites of the CEC and territorial election commissions, 49-year-old Skorobogatko is the fourth Deputy of the state Duma of the seventh convocation on the size of the fortune. His declared annual

The militants have shot down Syrian jet over Aleppo

Aleppo Militants shot down aircraft of the Syrian air force over the Eastern part of Aleppo. About it reports on Saturday, December 3, the TV channel Al Mayadeen. According to him, the plane crashed near the city’s airport. The crew of the aircraft were killed. As reports “Interfax” citing a Syrian military source, was shot down by combat training aircraft L-39. It was serially produced by the Czech firm Aero Vodochody to 1999. The operation to liberate Eastern Aleppo from militants began 21 Nov. Government troops and the militia freed the quarter Masakin-Khan — one of the key points of the positions of militants in the city. In this area the government troops were confronted by members of the armed coalition “Jaish al-Fath” (also includes militants of the banned terrorist organization “Dzhabhat EN-Nusra”). In early September, the militants of the insurgent group “Jaish al-Issa” was shot down near the town

The Eurovision organizing Committee is negotiating the transfer of the contest in Russia.

According to German tabloid Bild, the organizing Committee of the Eurovision song contest is holding talks about a possible transfer music competition in 2017 in Russia. Excerpts from the article quoted by RIA Novosti.   As reason why the administration of the Eurovision start the search for a new venue, called the fact that Kiev still has not provided financial guarantees. Failed to convince the organizers of the competition and previously adopted by the Verkhovna Rada law on the direction of additional financial resources to host Eurovision.   According to experts, the event will require about 25 million euros, but this amount is unaffordable for the budget of Ukraine, emphasizes the publication.   In turn, Ukraine’s leadership assures that funding sources have already been found and details will be provided to the leadership of the European broadcasting Union.   Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Hanna Hopko stressed that the transfer

In Russia produced two dozen engines of the type installed on the fallen “Progress”

In Russia produced two dozen engines of the type installed on the fallen “Progress” Moscow. 1 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Engines similar to the ones established in the third stage of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-U”, which was in orbit emergency space truck “Progress МС04”, can be used in a number of other missiles, reported “Interfax” a source in the space industry. “In the third stage engines were installed in production of the Voronezh mechanical plant RD-0110, produced in 2014. Only then was made about 20 of these engines. They can still remain in storage, to be installed on other missiles,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He did not rule out checking in the near future technical state all remaining similar engines manufactured in 2014. “Most likely, will be carried out technical inspection of all remaining stocks of engines of this type, especially produced in 2014”, — said the source.