The victims of the Finnish arrow became mayor of Imatra and two journalists

The scene Victims of the arrow in the Finnish Imatra, located near the border with Russia, became Chairman of the city Council and two local journalist. About it reports on Sunday, 4 December, broadcasting company Yle, citing police officials. As noted, law enforcement is denying any unverified information about the motives of the crime, since they were still unknown. According to the correspondent of the TV channel, the women came out of the restaurant when they were shot. Earlier it was reported that the incident occurred on Sunday night near one of the restaurants in the city. The suspect in the crime was arrested on the spot. It was the 23-year-old man, he surrendered without resistance. For committing the crimes he used a rifle. The population of Imatra is about 30 thousand inhabitants. Seven kilometers from the city is the Russian Svetogorsk.

Candidate to the secretaries of state USA Petraeus believes that Russia can engage in dialogue

WASHINGTON, 4 Dec — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. Former CIA Director David Petraeus, who is a candidate for the post of Secretary in the new administration elected President of the USA of Donald trump, thinks that Moscow and Washington can lead the dialogue between them, despite the contradictions. “Russia is one of the threats facing us and our allies. But we also have opportunities for discussions,” he said on Sunday on air of TV channel ABC. The Kremlin said earlier that Russia for anybody not a threat, but will not leave without attention, potentially dangerous to its interests. The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov it was emphasized that Russia will not get involved in it imposed confrontation with USA, NATO and the EU and will be able in all conditions to ensure the safety of the country and its citizens. Lavrov also reminded that on November 14, Russian President Vladimir

The militants announced the United States would not want to leave Aleppo

Militants from the so-called “moderate” Syrian opposition said, referring to US officials that don’t want to leave Aleppo, reported Reuters.   Such a statement, the opposition voiced after Moscow urged Washington to negotiations about the complete withdrawal of militants from Eastern Aleppo, where government forces SAR successfully carried out a military operation to liberate the city.   The terrorists also called for all “friends of Syria” to immediately provide them with humanitarian assistance, bringing in besieged areas of Aleppo, food and medicines.   Earlier it was reported that Syrian government troops established control over the area of Tariq al-Bab. In addition, as you move the Syrian army took control of the road from the Western areas of the city to the airport. Photo: Osama Jumaa / Imageslive / Globallookpress

The source did not exclude the version about a negligence in the case of an accident “Progress”

The source did not exclude the version about a negligence in the case of an accident “Progress” MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Negligence in the manufacture of the RD-0110 of the third stage of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-U” may be considered as one of the versions of falling of the space truck “Progress MC-04”, told RIA Novosti source in the space industry. Launched to the ISS ship “Progress-MS-04” crashed on Thursday evening at a height of 190 miles over the deserted countryside in Tuva, most of the fragments of the device burned up in the atmosphere. The incident occurred during the work of engines of the third stage of the launch vehicle. Earlier it was reported that the wreckage fell in the 60-70 kilometers West of the city of Kyzyl in Tuva, messages on victims and destructions did not arrive. Most likely, the outcome of the investigation, the state

Egyptologists have confirmed the discovery of the remains of Queen Nefertari

Egyptologists have confirmed the discovery of the remains of Queen Nefertari Moscow. 2 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Mummified leg, discovered in the valley of the Queens in Egypt is likely to belong to the legendary Nefertari, The Guardian reports. Her tomb was found in 1904, at the same time, Egyptologists have discovered a few mummified knees, but for a long time, it was unknown whether they belong to the first wife of Pharaoh Ramesses II. Nefertari died in about 1250 BC. During her lifetime she was known for her extraordinary beauty. As scholars have noted, it was believed that the demonstration of this beauty was her primary function at court, but, in fact, she had considerable power. The difficulty with the study of the tombs in the valley of the Kings and the valley of the Queens is that they were used repeatedly and several times to several times was flooded.

Thai king of the tabloids

Thai king of the tabloids What you need to know about the new king of Thailand Mahe Vajiralongkorn. His Royal Highness crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn took the offer to become king and ascended the throne. TASS tells about the most important milestones in the biography of the new Thai king.

In an accident in the Khanty-Mansi killed nine children

Archive photo Under the Khanty-Mansi ten people were killed in a major accident, told TASS informed source. According to the Agency, nine out of ten dead children. According to preliminary data, on the route Khanty-Mansiysk — Tyumen collided with a bus, a truck and two cars. Presumably, another 20 people were injured, reports RIA Novosti. The bus drove the young athletes from Nefteyugansk, reports They were coming back from competitions in acrobatics. According to the publication, near Khanty-Mansiysk in the afternoon on Sunday 4 December, there was another major accident on the highway Gornopravdinsk. There 5 people were killed and another 10 injured. In place of both accidents sent many ambulances.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia has offered to convene a session of the UN General Assembly in Aleppo

The soldiers of the Syrian army in the Eastern district of Aleppo Turkey, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar have offered to convene an emergency session of the UN General Assembly to discuss the situation in Aleppo, Syria. It is reported TASS with reference to the statement countries, announced the TV channel “al Jazeera” on Sunday, December 4. The document clarifies that the General Assembly needs to formulate its recommendations after the Security Council are unable to resolve this issue. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Turkey backing the opposition forces opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. 3 December, government troops eliminated in Aleppo commander of the combined forces of gangs Abdel Rahman Nur. He headed the so-called Army of Aleppo — a coalition of armed groups, in which the leading role is played by the militants of the terrorist organization “Jabhat Fatah al-sham”, previously calling itself “Jabhat EN-Nusra”

Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea announced a change in the attitude of the West towards the Peninsula

Photo: RIA Novosti SIMFEROPOL, 4 Dec — RIA Novosti. The position of Western countries in relation to the Crimea for the last time changed in a positive direction, said the Vice-Premier of the Crimean government on matters of external economic relations Georgy Muradov. “Politically, the situation in Crimea in General and in relations with the Russian Federation began to change in recent years in a positive direction. In Western countries, come to power politicians who soberly assess the situation in the Crimea and intend to improve relations with Russia”, — told RIA Novosti Muradov. According to him, an example of this are the elections of the United States, as well as in several countries of the European Union. “The recognition of the Crimea is not required, the Crimea is part of Russian Federation. The idea is to take off all the sanctions of the blockade phenomenon. De facto to the