Leonid Yuzefovich became the winner of the literary prize “Big book”

Leonid Yuzefovich became the winner of the literary prize “Big book” The second prize was awarded to Eugene Vodolazkin for her novel “the Aviator”, the third place — Lyudmila Ulitskaya for her novel “Jacob’s Ladder”. MOSCOW, December 6 — RIA Novosti. The winner of the national literary prize “Big book” was Leonid Yuzefovich’s novel “the Winter road”. Solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the prize takes place on Tuesday at the Pashkov House in Moscow. The prize is awarded for the 11th time. The second prize was awarded to Eugene Vodolazkin for her novel “the Aviator”, the third place — Lyudmila Ulitskaya for her novel “Jacob’s Ladder”. “A very private informal conversations with contemporary writers we hear that it’s hard to compete with the classics — Pushkin, Tolstoy, and others. In fact, millions of readers look forward to your pieces each month”, — said the head of Rospechat Mikhail

Estimated budget expenditures for the elections

Estimated budget expenditures for the elections The CEC has estimated Federal spending in the elections to the state Duma of the seventh convocation. On Tuesday, December 6, reports TASS with reference to data of the CEC. Only the preparation and conduct of the single voting day was allocated to 10.9 billion rubles, spent only 10,3 billion rubles, reported to the CEC. All unspent money will be transferred to the budget within three months. The funds saved is mainly due to the fact that in most regions of Russia simultaneously with the Federal elections campaign was carried out in the local authorities.See alsoPamfilova ready to sue for libel on elections As a result, the portion of the expenses, including transportation and maintenance of polling stations and took the local budgets. Earlier on Tuesday it became known that the Central election Commission revealed the receipt of illegal donations to campaign funds of

USA took two months to liberate Mosul from is militants

Steven Townsend The operation to liberate the Iraqi city of Mosul from the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) will continue for another two months. This was stated by the commander of U.S. troops in Iraq, Lieutenant General Stephen Townsend, according to Reuters. The General said, the situation in Mosul remains difficult, as hostilities have to be conducted in a big city with a complicated layout of the streets. While Townsend added that, despite the military defeat of ISIS will continue to pose a greater threat to Iraq and Western countries. Mosul more than two years is under the control of militants. Ground military operation to liberate the city began on 17 October this year. It involved units of the regular Iraqi army, the Kurdish militia and formation of volunteers. The international coalition led by the USA, which supported the offensive from the air

There have been changes in the leadership of the Department of science Ministry of education and science

The acting Director of the Department of science and technology Ministry of education and science appointed Sergei Matveev. About it RIA Novosti reported on Wednesday, December 7, the press service of the Ministry. “Matveev, his Deputy is the acting”, — reported in Department. Earlier Wednesday, the application on resignation was written by the Director of the Department of science and technology Sergey Salikhov. In addition, from their positions left his three deputies. Friday, 2 December, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree appointing Irina Kuznetsova for the position of Deputy Minister of education and science of Russia. On 28 November the President of Russia Vladimir Putin dismissed four senior officials from Upravdelami the President, the FSB, the defense Ministry and the interior Ministry for their election to the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). Later Medvedev for the same reason dismissed from his post as Deputy Minister of education and science

Twitter was named the most popular people in Russia in the past year

Photo: BAFS “the Economy today” Russian President Vladimir Putin and Britain’s Alan Rickman, who plays Professor Severus Snape in the films about Harry Potter were the most mentioned personalities in the Russian segment of Twitter this year. The most talked about news the occasion was the celebration of Victory Day In addition, the Russian users of the social network of microblogging is quite often wrote about the winner of the U.S. presidential election Donald trump and the diplomats of the MFA of Russia Maria Zakharova and Sergei Lavrov. The most important event in the domestic Twitter was the results of the finals of the song contest “Eurovision 2016”, which Russian Sergey Lazarev took the third position. The next most popular event was getting the “Oscar” Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio. The most talked about news occasions were the celebration of Victory Day, State Duma Elections, the military conflict in Syria, international

The organizers of the World military games offered variants of the relay is symbolic of the fire

© Alexander Ryumin/TASS, archive SOCHI, December 7. /TASS/. The organizers of the World military games in Russia to 2017 suggested to the military Council of the variants of holding of the relay is symbolic of the fire, told reporters the head of Department of physical training and sports of the Russian Armed forces Colonel Oleg Botsman. From 5 to 8 December in Sochi hosted the last inspection visit of the Commission of the International military sports Council (CISM) under the leadership of the Secretary-General Colonel Doraha Mumby of Koit. Within its framework representatives of the International military sports Council and the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation inspected sports facilities and infrastructure of Sochi, is involved in carrying out III winter World military games in 2017. Two options of lighting the fire “We proposed to the military Council, the President of CISM, to study and to consider the question

Putin has called the privatization of “Rosneft” the largest deal in the global energy market

Igor Sechin reported on the completion of the transaction on privatization of 19.5% stake in the largest Russian oil company “Rosneft”. Buyers and strategic investors has become a consortium of Glencore and the Qatari sovereign Fund.   Russian President Vladimir Putin called the privatization of “Rosneft” the largest deal in the global energy market. This was stated press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov.   “From the transaction in the budget of the Russian Federation received 10.5 billion euros. Vladimir Putin has called it the largest deal in the energy market”, — said Peskov.   Also Peskov said that the deal on the privatization of “Rosneft” will bring to the Russian budget of 10.5 billion euros. Photo: Press service of the President of the Russian Federation

The South Korean “Boeing” with a burning engine sat in Khanty-Mansiysk

The South Korean “Boeing” with a burning engine sat in Khanty-Mansiysk In Khanty-Mansiysk villages of the South Korean “Boeing-777” with a burning engine. On Monday, December 5, reports URA.Ru citing its own sources. The aircraft contacted ground and asked for an emergency landing. The alarm had been raised all the operational services of the airport. Liner Asiana Airlines flying from Seoul to London. On its Board there were 199 people. Information on victims did not arrive. As reported “Interfax” in regional Directorate of the Ministry of emergency situations, the visual signs of burning is detected. Currently, addressed the issue of accommodation. It is noted that the plane with tail number HL8284 made its first flight in 2013.

“Mumiy Troll” wrote a song about the Moomin trolls

“Mumiy Troll” wrote a song about the Moomin trolls The leader of group “mummies the Troll” Ilya Lagutenko sang the Finnish song for the cartoon “Moomin and Christmas.” The cartoon will be released in December 2017, on the centenary of Finland’s independence. Winter song Moomin wrote Finnish musician Jori, Sheroo. The music for it takes the Prague Philharmonic orchestra and vocals recorded in 23 languages and posted all the versions at once.