Lavrov invited Boris Johnson to Moscow

Photo: Flickr/BackBoris2012 © RIA Novosti/Eugene biyatov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov invited to Moscow my colleague from the UK Boris Johnson, said Deputy Minister Vladimir Titov, reports RIA “Novosti”. “The English Minister is the invitation of our Minister to come to Moscow. There is an answer: in principle, Yes, but it is necessary to choose the right time,” he said. Titov also expressed the opinion that the meeting of foreign Ministers of the two countries may take after the improvement in relations between the two countries, stressing that “the ball is in their court”. He also mentioned that he visited London in the second half of January, where you can take part in the discussion of the situation in Syria as “British… to the subject displayed a marked interest.” However, Titov said that the U.S. was able to achieve a greater understanding than with the British

Putin commented on the rumors about the construction of the teleport in Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin commented on the information the Western media that Russia is building teleport. He suggested “not to disappoint” Western journalists, reports TASS.   “Let’s not disappoint them. Need this version to support”, – said ironically the head of state at the meeting of the Supervisory Council of the Agency for strategic initiatives in the Kremlin.   Earlier, the British newspaper the Daily Telegraph wrote that “Putin’s team” started to create the teleport which should be launched by 2035. The assurance media, the project plans to spend two trillion dollars. Also, the publication saw in this “developing” a “threat to national security to all countries”.   Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov has explained the emergence of such information. According to him, in the summer of 2016 one of the intermediate versions of the road map of ASI projects got in the media. It described the work

On the territory of Khakassia was a meteorite

On the territory of Khakassia was a meteorite KRASNOYARSK, December 6. /TASS/. The heavenly body, presumably a meteorite fell on the territory of Khakassia. This is the official website of the city of Sayanogorsk. “According to preliminary data of the operational headquarters of civil defense and emergencies in Krasnoyarsk at 18:37 (14:37 GMT) in the Bay area there was a fall of a celestial body, presumably a meteorite. The Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, HPP Mainskaya, factories “Rusala” and the critical infrastructure of the city work in a regular mode”, — stated in the message. Residents of Khakassia and South Krasnoyarsk Krai in social networks write about the “glow in the sky.” “It’s incredibly beautiful and terrifying sight,” wrote one user of the social network “Vkontakte”. The fall of the meteorite was noticed in Siberia: the eyewitness videos Review of the academic The meteorite, which exploded in the evening in the sky over

The writers ‘ Union spoke out against Harry Potter in the school curriculum

The writers ‘ Union spoke out against Harry Potter in the school curriculum In the Union of writers of Russia were opposed to the inclusion in the school curriculum of books by JK Rowling about Harry Potter. The National news service (NSN) said the Chairman of the organization Valery Ganichev Thursday, December 8. Fiction, but even so, it is not necessary to enter. I am totally against. It is necessary to introduce real books: Russian classic, and foreign — English, francescougolini Cancelreservation of the Union of writers He said that he did not read the books Rowling. According to the Chairman of the Union, “one must possess great skill, tact and teachers, and parents to find books that can and should be read.” “They’re in our literature is, with them life is carried out,” he said. See alsoHarry Potter and the difficulties of translation December 7, the Deputy of Legislative

The state Duma adopted a law increasing the minimum wage to 7800 rubles

The state Duma adopted a law increasing the minimum wage to 7800 rubles Moscow. 7 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the state Duma at session on Wednesday has accepted in the second and third reading a law increasing the minimum wage (SMIC) to 7800 rubles from 1 July 2017. Currently the minimum wage is 7500 rubles. Under the bill, the minimum wage will be increased by 4% from July 2017. Raising the minimum wage will affect 0,93 million workers, according to the explanatory note to the document. The law was adopted entitled “On amendments to article 1 of the law “On minimum wage”.

The senators urged trump to take a tough stance against Russia

Donald Trump The senators urged the elected President of the USA of Donald trump to take a “tough stance” against Russia because of the situation in the South-East of Ukraine. On Thursday, December 8, according to Reuters. Appropriate appeal sent to a group of 27 members of the upper house of the us Congress, which included 12 Republicans, led by Senator Robert Portman and 15 Democrats, led by Richard Turbina. “In light of the ongoing aggression by Russia and repeated refusals to respect Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereign right to choose its own destiny, we reiterate our call to the United States to increase political, economic and military support of Ukraine”, — said in the letter, the text of which was available to the news Agency. Also, the senators urged trump not to recognize the annexation of Crimea to Russia and not to lift sanctions against Moscow. During the election

The President promised to engage in the preservation of languages of small Nations

The preservation of language, culture and traditions of the indigenous peoples of Russia will be given attention. This was stated by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, informs the correspondent of”.ru” on Thursday, December 8. “Of course, a question of crucial for a country like Russia is important. We surely will take up this matter,” — said the head of state at a meeting with members of the Council for human rights. He expressed regret with the fact that the preservation of cultural diversity of the country engaged in “residual principle”. On 31 October, Putin supported the initiative on creation of the law of the Russian nation. It is based may lie the strategy for the development of national relations. Member of state Duma Committee on nationalities Affairs Grigory Ledkov noted that the document may be developed and adopted during the year. October 5, at the first meeting of the

Putin reported on the prevention 10 attacks in 10 months

Photo: RIA Novosti Employees of the Federal security services had thwarted 10 terrorist acts in 10 months of 2016, said President of Russia Vladimir Putin, reports RIA “Novosti”. “In 10 months of 2016 thanks to the Federal security service prevented more than 30 terrorism-related crimes, including 10 terrorist acts”, – he said. The President also noted that security in the period of preparation and conduct of elections to the State Duma was made by the FSB. Earlier it was reported that employees of the interior Ministry and the FSB arrested 12 terrorists in Moscow.