MCC called the cause of the crash of “Progress”

MCC called the cause of the crash of “Progress” MOSCOW, December 7. /TASS/. Space truck “Progress MS-04” did not go into orbit because of the emergency shutdown of the engine of the third stage of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-U”, reported the mission control Center. See alsoRussia will refuse from the use of the rocket “Soyuz-U” to launch cargo spacecraft to the ISS Cargo ship “Progress MS-04”, launched on 1 December from the Baikonur cosmodrome using rocket “Soyuz-U” was lost at an altitude of 190 km on goal, most of the debris burned in the dense layers of the atmosphere. The ship was transported to the station 2.5 tons of cargo, including Christmas gifts for the crew. As reported by Roskosmos, to 382 seconds, the rocket flight took place normally. After 382 seconds, the reception of the telemetry data stopped. A source in the rocket and space industry told TASS that

Scientists have told people twice lost the tail

Scientists have told people twice lost the tail Tail people have not caught on. As shown by recent research, our ancient ancestors lost the tail more than once. The scientific results can explain the existence of the coccyx, which during the formation of the embryo looks like a tail, but in the process of development disappears. “Tails roots back to the first vertebrates and are found at an early stage of embryo development, so they are difficult to get rid of, not confronted with problems”, jokes author Lauren Sallan from the University of Pennsylvania. See alsoWhen sloths were large The result is a “meaty” tails of fish and the people disappeared, leaving behind a vestigial appendages like “legs” of whales. Callan analyzed fossils of prehistoric ray-finned fish Aetheretmon age of 350 million years. It is believed that this creature is the distant ancestor of modern animals. She had a scaly,

The Agency on Affairs of nationalities wants to test students on extremism

The Agency on Affairs of nationalities wants to test students on extremism Federal Agency for the Affairs of nationalities (FADH) jointly with the interior Ministry is preparing a system of questioning of students of secondary special educational institutions and universities on extremism. This was announced at a recent forum “Russian Caucasus: the territory of unity”. The survey should identify sympathetic and inclined to accept extremist ideas, said senior consultant of the Department of monitoring, analysis and forecast FADH Valentina Laza. Now the project is being coordinated with the Moscow government, because I want to try it in the capital, and later spread to the whole of Russia. It is planned that the survey will be conducted during the submission of documents by the applicants or 1 year. See alsoIdeological failure MVD, Ministry of internal Affairs in Moscow and the Moscow government to the queries of “sheets” have not responded. The

In a bomb blast in Cairo killed six policemen

Riot police in Cairo, archive The explosion at one of the checkpoints (checkpoint) in Cairo killed six policemen. About it reports Reuters. Injured three guards and four passers-by. The bomb was planted in a garbage container installed next to the checkpoint. None of the terrorist groups has yet claimed responsibility for the incident. On 14 October this year it was reported that an attack on one of the checkpoints in the Sinai Peninsula killed 12 of the Egyptian military. According to authorities, the incident was the first major attack of its kind in this part of the Sinai, which has not previously been attacked by Islamists. October 31, 2015, in the Sinai Peninsula crashed Airbus A321 “Kogalymavia” flying from Sharm El Sheikh to Saint Petersburg. All 224 people (mostly Russians) who were on Board were killed. The responsibility for what happened took on the militants affiliated with the “Islamic state”

In Odessa start hearing about the fire in the House of trade unions

In Odessa, will begin hearings on the case of a fire in the House of trade unions. The session was to be held yesterday, but was postponed due to the lack of judges and one of the accused. This is not the first process in this case: it agreed to consider again because of the change of the composition of the court.   In may 2014, the football fans, the militants of the banned in Russia “Right sector” and provocateurs from Kiev smashed and set fire to a tent camp, where they were collecting signatures for a referendum on federalization. The riots were attended by hundreds of people. Activists “Antimaydana” sought refuge in the House of trade unions. The attackers set fire to the building, and then began shooting at the Windows. According to official figures, killed 48 people and 247 suffered.

Kirkorov has refused to open a case of extortion against Trunova and Marouani

Kirkorov has refused to open a case of extortion against Trunova and Marouani Moscow. 7 Dec. INTERFAX.RU Police denied the singer Philip Kirkorov in the criminal case of extortion against the leader of the group “Space” Didier Marouani and lawyer Igor Trunov . “Today we were invited to the investigator and promised to return all the confiscated items Marouani my guard. Also said that all is well, and they bring us the apology,” — told “Interfax” on Wednesday Trunov. The arrest of the musician See alsoTrunov and Marouani complained to the court on the detained Moscow police November 29 it became known that the lawyer Trunov and Marouani was arrested in a Bank in Moscow, where, according to the lawyer, they came to sign a settlement agreement with Kirkorov, who allegedly agreed to pay 1 million euros Marouani for the misuse of his music. As said Trunov, in the course

On the roofs of houses found cosmic dust

On the roofs of houses found cosmic dust Scientists discovered particles of cosmic dust on the roofs of houses in Paris and Oslo. This was reported in an article published in the journal Geology. Yet in the 40-ies of the last century, researchers have known that the Earth’s atmosphere are constantly fine particles of cosmic dust. The most popular place to find them is usually considered to be Antarctica. This is because the air is less polluted than in other parts of the world, and the dark dust substance noticeable on pure white snow. However, scientists are still trying to find particles that came from outer space, and in the cities that make particularly difficult, since there accumulate a lot of dust of terrestrial origin (the source are the transport and industry). However, researchers from the UK, Norway and Belgium reported that they managed to find space dust directly into

In Michigan overturned the decision on vote recount on elections of the President of the United States

In Michigan overturned the decision on vote recount on elections of the President of the United States Court of Michigan ruled that the candidate green Jill Stein is no reason for the procedure of a recount. Michigan, along with Wisconsin and Pennsylvania is one of three States where the candidate’s supporters green Jill Stein demanded a recount. 18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий MOSCOW, 8 Dec — RIA Novosti. Federal judge mark goldsmith, who took the decision to begin a recount on elections of the President of the United States in the state of Michigan reversed its decision, reports the associated Press. Thus, the judge agreed to stop the recount in the entire state, the Agency said. Judge goldsmith took the decision on Wednesday evening, the day after the Michigan court of appeals ruled that the candidate green Jill Stein is no reason for the procedure of a recount. Michigan, along with Wisconsin and Pennsylvania