Disease leading to instant death named

Cardiovascular surgeon Khoroshev: aneurysm rupture leads to instant death Cardiovascular surgeon, general practitioner Vladimir Khoroshev said ruptured aneurysm in most cases leads to instant death, writes URA.RU. Horoshev called ruptured aneurysm a disease that “almost always” leads to death. According to him, the aneurysm begins to form imperceptibly, however, greater stratification over time causes a pronounced nature of the pain. It may take a little time from the start of this process to the break – one or two months. This applies to patients with hypertensive crises and blood pressure rising to 280. “Another hypertensive crisis or a person has suffered stress, cortisol has developed, at which point an abdominal aortic aneurysm may rupture. And this is almost instant death, “the specialist emphasized. The surgeon emphasized that diagnosing an aneurysm at the initial stage of its formation or at the moment of stratification means” saving the life “of the patient.

A jealous Russian stabbed his friend more than 580 times

In Saratov, a man, out of jealousy, inflicted more than 580 stabs at his friend with a knife In Saratov, a man was jealous of his friend for his partner, grabbed a knife and he was hit more than 580 times, according to the regional Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). The murder took place on the night of November 20-21, 2020. Two acquaintances came to visit the 31-year-old Russian and his partner. Later, one of them went home, and with the second, the suspect went to the store. The attacker expressed his dissatisfaction with his guest that he was showing attention to his girlfriend, hitting him twice on the head. He tried to run away, but the man threw a stone in his back, causing him to fall to the ground. Running up to the victim, he took the same stone and made 30 more blows.

Russia refused to consider US sanctions a problem for Nord Stream 2

Deputy Representative of the Russian Federation Polyansky: US sanctions against Nord Stream 2 do not bother Moscow US sanctions are a problem for Nord Stream 2. He stressed that the gas pipeline has nothing to do with Washington, this is the business of Moscow and Berlin, therefore, the indignation of American lawmakers does not cause concern, RIA Novosti reports. The diplomat added that it is difficult for him to see the connection between the Russian-German project and Congress. He also recalled how Russia views extraterritorial sanctions and said that the United States can “make noise as it pleases.” “I don’t think we need to exaggerate what is happening. We are faced with sanctions for almost everything, for being Russia. So I don’t know if the next set of sanctions should worry us too much, “Polyansky said. The first deputy representative called the American sanctions illegal and contrary to international law,

Saakashvili's lawyer accused of insulting prosecutor

A criminal case has been opened in Georgia against the lawyer of ex-President Saakashvili Gvaramia Gvaramia, TASS reports with reference to the statement of the supervisory authority. It is noted that Saakashvili's lawyer was charged with insulting the prosecutor after the incident that occurred on November 29 during the consideration of the case on the harsh dispersal of the opposition rally on November 7, 2007 and the destruction of the office TV company “Imedi”. The ex-president of Georgia himself was also present at this trial. “During the trial, lawyer Nika Gvaramia addressed the participant in the proceedings – the prosecutor – with offensive words, which at that moment remained outside the attention of the court and other participants in the proceedings. However, on the basis of the footage captured during the broadcast of the trial, today the investigation department of the Tbilisi prosecutor’s office began an investigation into the insult

The State Duma criticized the ban on mentioning the nationality of criminals

Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Chernyshov said that it is necessary to indicate the nationality of criminals in the media Vice Speaker of the State Duma Boris Chernyshov the nationality of the criminals in the media, stating that people in any country in the world have the right to know the nationality of the criminal. He wrote about this in his Telegram channel. The Deputy Speaker of the State Duma commented on the words of the head of the united editorial office of RBC Petr Kanaev that it is necessary to indicate the nationality of criminals in the media. “It doesn't matter – it will be Russian, Tajik, Chechen, Belarusian, Dagestani, African American, someone else,” Chernyshov wrote, agreeing with Kanayev’s opinion that it’s important. “Because a journalist must be objective, and he has no right to hide such things from the audience, “the vice-speaker wrote. He noted that otherwise

Russians warned about changes in laws from December 1

In the Russian Federation, payments for a part of pensioners will increase from December and flights with a number of countries will resume … In particular, extrajudicial blocking of fraudulent sites will be introduced, free access to socially significant portals will appear, the fight against “gray” corporate SIM-cards will enter the active phase, and a pilot project on a new system of medical salaries will be launched and air traffic will open to new countries. Read more about this in the material “Lenta.ru”. Fraudulent sites will begin to block out of court From December 1, this procedure will take only a few days, and not months, as before. The corresponding law was signed in summer by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Bank of Russia will send lists of fraudulent websites to the Prosecutor General's Office, which, in turn, will issue Roskomnadzor orders to block them out of court. Access to

The State Duma criticized the ban on mentioning the nationality of criminals

Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Chernyshov said that it is necessary to indicate the nationality of criminals in the media the nationality of the criminals in the media, stating that people in any country in the world have the right to know the nationality of the criminal. He wrote about this in his Telegram channel. The Deputy Speaker of the State Duma commented on the words of the head of the united editorial office of RBC Petr Kanaev that it is necessary to indicate the nationality of criminals in the media. “It doesn't matter – it will be Russian, Tajik, Chechen, Belarusian, Dagestani, African American, someone else,” Chernyshov wrote, agreeing with Kanayev’s opinion that it’s important. “Because a journalist must be objective, and he has no right to hide such things from the audience, “the vice-speaker wrote. He noted that otherwise the journalist's investigation or his article would not

Russians warned about changes in laws from December 1

In the Russian Federation, payments for a part of pensioners will increase from December and flights with a number of countries will resume … In particular, extrajudicial blocking of fraudulent sites will be introduced, free access to socially significant portals will appear, the fight against “gray” corporate SIM-cards will enter the active phase, and a pilot project on a new system of medical salaries will be launched and air traffic will open to new countries. Read more about this in the material “Lenta.ru”. Fraudulent sites will begin to block out of court From December 1, this procedure will take only a few days, and not months, as before. The corresponding law was signed in summer by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Bank of Russia will send lists of fraudulent websites to the Prosecutor General's Office, which, in turn, will issue Roskomnadzor orders to block them out of court. Access to

Residents of the Krasnodar Territory warned of giant waves in the port

Main Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia for Krasnodar Territory: On December 1, six-meter waves will come to the port of Tuapse On Wednesday morning, December 1, on the Black Sea coast waves with a height of six meters are expected, warned in the main department of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in the Krasnodar Territory. An emergency warning due to huge waves was announced on Tuesday, November 30. They are expected to overtake the Black Sea coast in the Tuapse region. “In the period from 03:00 to 06:00 on December 1, a strong draft is expected in the port of Tuapse (a strong rip current capable of pulling into the open sea – approx.” Lenta.ru “)”, – emphasized in department. Forecasters stressed that there will be “swell from the south-west, waves up to 60 decimeters (six meters) high.” In general, wind gusts in the region will reach 35 meters per second.

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine does not approve the judges appointed by Zelensky

Judges of the Constitutional Court (CC) of Ukraine refused to admit to their ranks the appointees of President Volodymyr Zelensky. & Nbsp; This is stated in the & nbsp; message published on the & nbsp; website of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. Formally, the & nbsp; decision of the & nbsp; Constitutional Court states that & nbsp; the oath of oath of judges appointed by the President to & nbsp; Constitutional Court & nbsp; Constitutional Court judges Oksana Grischuk and & nbsp; the time of Oleksandr Petrishin & nbsp; , when vacancies of judges appear in the country's highest court. Zelensky's conflict with the & nbsp; Constitutional Court began in & nbsp; December 2020. Then Zelensky, by his decree, removed from the & nbsp; position of chairman & nbsp; COP Alexander Tupitsky. “ I & nbsp; sign this decree for the sake of & nbsp; restoration of justice and &