The Ministry of Health predicted the imminent appearance of the omicron strain in Russia

Chulanov, an infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health: an omicron strain of coronavirus will soon appear in Russia on Channel One predicted the imminent appearance of the omicron-strain of coronavirus in the country. According to Chulanov, the omicron-strain can displace the currently dominant delta in the Russian Federation and in the world, but “provided that it is more contagious “. Earlier, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova listed measures to prevent coronavirus in Russia. It is still necessary to maintain social restrictions, wear masks and reduce contacts, as well as vaccinate and revaccinate, she said. Such measures are needed to disrupt the transmission of the virus and the formation of the immune layer of the population. The newest strain COVID-19 B.1.1.529, which was named omicron, was identified earlier in South Africa. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), existing vaccines may not be effective against it.

День в истории: 1 декабря

«Этюд в багровых тонах» 1 декабря 1887 года вышла в печать первая повесть о Шерлоке Холмсе «Этюд в багровых тонах». Артур Конан Дойл написал ее всего за полтора месяца. Первоначально главного героя в ней звали Шеридан Хоуп, позднее — Шеррингфорд Холмс. Имя Шерлок Холмс появилось только в окончательной редакции. Первый издатель, к которому обратился Конан Дойль с произведением, назвал его «бульварной дешевкой», повесть была опубликована только спустя полтора года в альманахе «Битонс Кристмас эньюэл». На обложке, кроме изображения Шерлока Холмса, склонившегося над трупом, было много рекламы, в том числе пасты от клопов. Альманах распродался очень быстро; отзывы были отличные. После первой публикации последовала просьба редакторов прислать новый рассказ, а за ней — еще один. В общей сложности Шерлок Холмс появляется в 56 рассказах и 4 повестях Артура Конана Дойла. Первый конвейер Ford 108 лет назад на заводе Генри Форда была запущена первая в мире линия конвейерной сборки. Эта инновация позволила Форду сократить время, необходимое для сборки целого автомобиля, с 12 часов до двух с половиной. 1 декабря 1913 года рама автомобиля опустилась на конвейерную ленту и начала двигаться — со скоростью 1,8 метра в минуту

Biden was mistaken in the name of the new omicron-strain of coronavirus

Biden, in his address to the nation, incorrectly called the omicron strain “omnicron” a new omicron strain of coronavirus. Telegram-channel RT drew attention to the reservation. Throughout his speech, the head of state called the type of COVID-19 that appeared in South Africa “omnicron”. The American president is often caught on reservations and forgetfulness … So, at the end of July, during a speech in Pennsylvania, he confused former head of state Barack Obama with American leader Donald Trump. Biden then apologized and noted that it was a “Freudian slip.” i>) made a mistake several times. He incorrectly indicated the name of the capital of Qatar, forgot the journalist's question from the audience and said that al-Qaeda ( banned in Russia ) had left the country.

The United States announced the approach to the collapse of the country

Bloomberg columnist Hastings predicted the collapse of the United States due to aggravated racial problem Bloomberg Max Hastings. In his opinion, the racial problem, which has exacerbated in recent years, is at the heart of the split in American society. The author of the material cited as an example poll data from the University of Virginia, according to which 52 percent of voters of the former US President Donald Trump spoke in favor of the “republican” US states to form separate states. At the same time, the same position in relation to the “democratic” states was formed by individual states. As Hastings recalled, in the last century, the borders of different countries of the world have seriously changed: the collapse of the USSR, the secession of Bangladesh from Pakistan, the separation of Singapore from Malaysia, division of Czechoslovakia. According to the journalist, the same is possible in the future. “Why

Panarin's angry phrase about Russia from a Canadian hockey player has become known

Hockey player Marchand about the conflict with Panarin: said that no one in Russia likes him Canadian forward “Boston Bruins” Brad Marshand a conversation leading to a conflict with Russian New York Rangers striker Artemy Panarin during a National Hockey League (NHL) match. His words are quoted on Twitter by The Athletic journalist Fluto Shinzawa. “I said that nobody in Russia likes him. If that's what freaks out now, then the NHL is the softest league in the world. If this is what he is crying about, then it is so, ”Marchand said. He added that during matches, hockey players allow themselves much more rude language. On November 26, during a match between the Bruins and Rangers, Panarin threw a glove at Marchand for speaking about Russia. For this, the Russian was fined five thousand dollars. The meeting ended with the victory of the Rangers with a score of 5:

World oil prices fell record-breaking in a year and a half

World oil prices fell 20 percent for the first time since March 2020 March 2020. As of November 30, the cost of February futures for Brent amounted to $ 69.6 per barrel, and January WTI reached $ 66.18, RIA Novosti reports. During November, Brent oil fell 17 percent, and WTI – by 20 percent. The price of oil has dropped record-breaking over the past year and a half: in March 2020, it plummeted by more than 50 percent.

US imposed sanctions on Cuban officials

Secretary of State Blinken: The United States introduced visa restrictions against 9 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Cuban Army nine high-ranking officials of Cuba, representing the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the armed forces of the country, RIA Novosti reports. Blinken stressed that visa restrictions were introduced against nine employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Cuban army against the background of “actions taken on November 15 and aimed at peaceful demonstrators “. He added that the officials tried to “drown out the voices of the Cuban people through repression and unlawful detention.”/p> Earlier, the United States imposed sanctions against two Cuban officials and a military unit. The Ministry of Finance justified the imposed restrictions “by the continued aggressive persecution of people in connection with actions to suppress peaceful pro-democratic protests.” For two persons, the Foreign Assets Control Department imposed a ban on transactions,

In the USA, a 15-year-old teenager opened fire at a school and killed three students

At least three students were killed in the shooting in the American city of Oxford State of Michigan in the United States, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the police. “Three were killed, six were wounded by gunshot,” a US law enforcement spokesman said at a press conference. As told a police representative, an attacker, during his stay at the school, fired 15 to 20 shots from a semi-automatic pistol, with which he was detained. Most likely, those killed are students. According to police, a 15-year-old teenager opened fire. In mid-November, an unknown person opened fire near a school in the US state of Colorado. According to police, several people were shot and wounded. Five teenagers from 14 to 17 years old were taken to hospitals. The suspect fled the scene.

In Moldova, the actions of the West on Transnistria were considered a threat to the stability of Russia

Former leader of Moldova Dodon: the defrost of the conflict in Transnistria is directed against Russia West over Transnistria threatened the stability of Russia. He said on the air of the First in Moldova TV channel that defrosting the conflict could destabilize the situation in the post-Soviet space, RIA Novosti reports. “The defrosting of conflicts in the post-Soviet space is directed against Russia, the West needs to create a belt of instability around Russia. The question is whether small countries will have enough brains not to become cannon fodder, not to participate in these conflicts, “the former president emphasized. According to Dodon, a cold geopolitical war is currently continuing with the help of sanctions and declarations, while there are fears that the West will switch to destabilizing the situation in Transnistria. He expressed the hope that the authorities will go to strengthen relations with Russia. Earlier, former US presidential adviser

Disease leading to instant death named

Cardiovascular surgeon Khoroshev: aneurysm rupture leads to instant death Cardiovascular surgeon, general practitioner Vladimir Khoroshev said ruptured aneurysm in most cases leads to instant death, writes URA.RU. Horoshev called ruptured aneurysm a disease that “almost always” leads to death. According to him, the aneurysm begins to form imperceptibly, however, greater stratification over time causes a pronounced nature of the pain. It may take a little time from the start of this process to the break – one or two months. This applies to patients with hypertensive crises and blood pressure rising to 280. “Another hypertensive crisis or a person has suffered stress, cortisol has developed, at which point an abdominal aortic aneurysm may rupture. And this is almost instant death, “the specialist emphasized. The surgeon emphasized that diagnosing an aneurysm at the initial stage of its formation or at the moment of stratification means” saving the life “of the patient.