The gynecologist named ways to facilitate long periods

Gynecologist Shulakova: correct regimen, sleep and rest will help to ease the course of menstruation Ekaterina Shulakova, in an interview with, named ways to alleviate heavy or prolonged periods in women. According to the doctor, normal menstruation lasts no more than eight days with a gradual decrease in the volume of discharge. She noted that prolonged and heavy menstruation can occur due to some gynecological diseases. The specialist allowed the intake of hemostatic drugs, but noted that this should take place under the close supervision of a doctor and it will work only in the case of objectively pathological menstruation. She also stressed that although such funds will help to cope with heavy bleeding, they will not be able to solve the problems underlying it. The gynecologist said that the correct regimen, proper sleep and rest will also help to facilitate the course of menstruation, and also exclusion from

The State Duma proposed to make tests for coronavirus free

Izvestia: Deputy Nilov offered Golikova to test Russians for COVID-19 for free mass and free testing of Russians for coronavirus. With such an initiative, the party turned to the head of the headquarters for the fight against coronavirus, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, Izvestia writes. The first deputy chairman of the A Just Russia faction, deputy Oleg Nilov sent a request to Golikova, where said that the existing measures are unlikely to protect the country from the penetration of new strains of the coronavirus – in particular, the omicron strain. “States such as Israel, China, Japan, with a minimum level of morbidity, are taking the most stringent restrictive measures, up to the closure of borders,” he stressed. According to Nilov, vaccination is not enough to fight the coronavirus: it should Make COVID-19 tests free in all settings, including airports, schools and shopping malls. The deputy's idea was supported by the

The biologist admitted the ineffectiveness of modern vaccines against the omicron strain

Biologist Baranova: vaccines may lose their effectiveness when the delta is displaced by the omicron will have to create a new vaccine, because modern drugs will lose their effectiveness. This was stated by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University (Virginia, USA) Ancha Baranova in an interview with With this development of events, the biologist called the fact that that the established treatment regimens for COVID-19 will still work, since omicron mutations do not affect them. But first, you need to track how the omicron strain will behave in European populations, Baranova said. “It's just that while all those people who got sick in South Africa are young. There is such a structure of the population. It is difficult to imagine a real picture on it, there were no elderly people. That's when the data from Europe comes, then we'll find

The biologist admitted the ineffectiveness of modern vaccines against the omicron strain

Biologist Baranova: vaccines may lose their effectiveness when the delta is displaced by the omicron will have to create a new vaccine, because modern drugs will lose their effectiveness. This was stated by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University (Virginia, USA) Ancha Baranova in an interview with With this development of events, the biologist called the fact that that the established treatment regimens for COVID-19 will still work, since omicron mutations do not affect them. But first, you need to track how the omicron strain will behave in European populations, Baranova said. “It's just that while all those people who got sick in South Africa are young. There is such a structure of the population. It is difficult to imagine a real picture on it, there were no elderly people. That's when the data from Europe comes, then we'll find

В ряде регионов начала действовать система QR-кодов

В зависимости от конкретного региона, сферы, где в обязательном порядке потребуется предъявить QR-код, разнятся. Сочи Вход в административные здания в Сочи c 1 декабря будет доступен только после предоставления QR-кода. До 18 января 2022 года при посещении торговых центров, ресторанов, а также на входе в объекты торговли, фитнес-центры и на конгрессно-выставочные мероприятия по-прежнему понадобятся QR-код, справка о перенесенном заболевании, либо медотвод. С 1 декабря на курорте также начнут работать дополнительные пункты вакцинации от COVID-19. Местные власти ожидают, что в период новогодних праздников в Сочи приедут более 200 тысяч гостей, поэтому контроль за соблюдением ограничительных мер усилен.

Terms and conditions of victory over the coronavirus pandemic announced

Virologist Altstein said that the coronavirus pandemic could pass in 2022 over the global coronavirus pandemic. In his opinion, in order to weaken SARS-CoV-2 and its transition to a less aggressive form, with which humanity can live without the conditions of an epidemic, the entire year of 2022 is needed, during which coronavirus restrictions must be carefully observed. He spoke about this in an interview with The fate of the coronavirus largely depends on the person, Altstein said. “This human-coronavirus interaction is highly dependent on how we behave. Will we observe anti-epidemic measures to reduce the spread and multiplication of the coronavirus, will we be vaccinated, “the virologist said. Related materials 19: 16 – 12 November Bills on QR codes in transport and public places have been submitted to the Duma. What you need to know about measures to combat COVID? 00:01 – November 25 ” Almost a miracle

Economists predicted a rise in prices for a number of goods ahead of the New Year

Economists Kholod and Kornev predicted an increase in prices for champagne and fish on the eve of the New Year wine, fish, seafood, meat and fruits. Economist, ex-Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Russia Leonid Kholod and President of the Association of Industrial and Commercial Enterprises of the Fish Market Vitaly Kornev told about this to They added that prices will level out after the holidays. Kornev noted that at the moment there is no need to expect a sharp rise in prices – everything that could rise in price has already risen in price. “Business is arranged like this that everyone is preparing for New Year's sales in advance, and it is no longer possible to increase prices under contracts with chains where the bulk of products are sold, – he explained. “All the price increases have already occurred in November.” Kholod added that, despite the fact that a

The State Duma proposed to make tests for coronavirus free

Izvestia: Deputy Nilov offered Golikova to test Russians for COVID-19 for free mass and free testing of Russians for coronavirus. With such an initiative, the party turned to the head of the headquarters for the fight against coronavirus, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, Izvestia writes. The first deputy chairman of the A Just Russia faction, deputy Oleg Nilov sent a request to Golikova, where said that the existing measures are unlikely to protect the country from the penetration of new strains of the coronavirus – in particular, the omicron strain. “States such as Israel, China, Japan, with a minimum level of morbidity, are taking the most stringent restrictive measures, up to the closure of borders,” he stressed. According to Nilov, vaccination is not enough to fight the coronavirus: it should Make COVID-19 tests free in all settings, including airports, schools and shopping malls. The deputy's idea was supported by the

Terms and conditions of victory over the coronavirus pandemic announced

Virologist Altstein said that the coronavirus pandemic could pass in 2022 Chief Researcher of the Gamaleya Research Center Anatoly Altshtein named the terms and conditions for victory over the global coronavirus pandemic. In his opinion, in order to weaken SARS-CoV-2 and its transition to a less aggressive form, with which humanity can live without the conditions of an epidemic, the entire year of 2022 is needed, during which coronavirus restrictions must be carefully observed. He spoke about this in an interview with The fate of the coronavirus largely depends on the person, Altstein said. “This human-coronavirus interaction is highly dependent on how we behave. Will we observe anti-epidemic measures to reduce the spread and multiplication of coronavirus, will we be vaccinated, “the virologist said. Related materials 19: 16 – 12 November Bills on QR codes in transport and public places have been submitted to the Duma. What you need

20-year-old Russian footballer scored in his debut in the Spanish Cup

Villarreal footballer Nikita Iosifov scored in the debut of the first round of the Spanish Cup ” »In the first round of the Spanish Cup. The results are available on the team's website. In the 63rd minute, 20-year-old Russian footballer Nikita Iosifov joined Villarreal. For the midfielder, it was his debut in the main team. On the 87th, he scored a goal. The footballer's team won with a score of 8: 0. Iosifov signed a contract with Villarreal in July this year. The 20-year-old midfielder has a five-year contract. Prior to that, he played for the second team of Villarreal. The footballer is a graduate of the Moscow Lokomotiv academy. As part of the “railroad”, he played six matches. The midfielder's contract with the club expired on June 30.