What is the virus Petya? The ransomware has infected the computers of companies around the world

What is the virus Petya? The ransomware has infected the computers of companies around the world In the afternoon of 27 June in Ukraine and in Russia, and later in other countries began to spread the virus is ransomware that locks access to the data and demands $ 300 in bitcoins per unlock. The virus in various modifications known in 2016. Apply it, like many other malware, through spam for example, the first version of the Petya disguised as summary. Scheme Petya had already been described by security professionals. More detail on the mechanism of virus-ransomware was described in April 2016 in the blog of Malwarebytes Labs. Then the virus spread like a letter with a summary of the employee by clicking on it a Windows program that required admin rights. If an inattentive user agrees, then the installer copied the boot sector of the hard drive and showed “blue

RAS is proposed to eliminate the graduate school of education

RAS is proposed to eliminate the graduate school of education Moscow. June 27. INTERFAX.RU — Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) proposed Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation to “play back” the reform of postgraduate study 2012, removing it from the system of higher education. “I think, colleagues, we must admit that there was haste made in the modernization, reform of graduate school, and I go back to our normal, familiar science graduate school”, — said the acting President of Sciences Valery Kozlov at the joint meeting of the Russian Union of rectors and wounds on Tuesday, referring to the head of the Ministry of education Olga Vasilyeva. The graduate school should be, first and foremost, the scientific concept to young people.and.about. President Ravlery goats Acting President of the Russian Academy of Sciences in his speech said that with the inclusion of postgraduate studies in higher education —

A pregnant Serena Williams posed naked for Vanity Fair

A pregnant Serena Williams posed naked for Vanity Fair American tennis player Serena Williams took part in a photo shoot Nude for the magazine Vanity Fair. The pregnant athlete posted on his page on Instagram on Tuesday, June 27. Room with Williams on the cover will be released in August. On the athletes page in the social network signed more than six million users. The picture has received more than 85 thousand likes. Publication from Serena Williams (@serenawilliams) Jun 27 2017 6:20 PDT 19 APR Williams announced the pregnancy. Currently, Williams does not participate in tournaments. In 2018 it plans to continue his athletic career. Earlier in June, it was reported that in his personal Twitter account, Williams said colleague and compatriot John McEnroe, assess its prospects in men’s tennis as weak. She pointed out the disrespect shown by the athlete and his incompetence.

Milonov has proposed to single mothers alternative to baby boxes

Vitaly Milonov Alternative baby-boxes can become a state institution, where single mothers can leave their newborn babies to restore mental condition. This opinion was expressed by the Deputy of the state Duma from “United Russia” Vitaly Milonov in an interview with city news “Moscow” on Tuesday, June 27. “It should be possible for moms for a while to give the child. Maybe it’s not quite right, but at least we don’t razluchaet of the child and the mother. Lots of cases where the mother gives the child in the baby-box, and the next day come and then think better of it, in tears, asking for the hand of the child, and it is not given, because the child had received anonymously,” said Milonov. Granting regions the right to independently determine the need for installation of baby-boxes and the number of the people’s choice considers unacceptable. “Is the protection of families

The damage from illegal dumps in the Moscow region was estimated at 4.4 billion rubles

Moscow region authorities assess the damage caused by illegal dumps, 4.4 billion rubles. This was stated by Minister of ecology and nature management of the Moscow region Alexander Kogan in an interview with “Kommersant FM” on Tuesday, June 27. “Due to the fact that many operators are very barbaric attitude to waste management, we have six months before the closure of the polygon formed 52 illegal dumps. And it is only those that we know of,” said the official. According to him, the violations of the law-enforcement agencies have opened nine criminal cases, two of them are already closed. Cohen also did not rule out that the region can develop new illegal dumps. Earlier Tuesday it was reported that the Moscow authorities plan to develop a timetable for reclamation of solid waste landfill “Kuchino” in Balashikha in the next week. According to preliminary estimates, for these purposes must be four

In the Federation Council spoke about the benefits on the spectator

During the confederations Cup between four Russian cities organized free transportation for the spectator, said the Chairman of the temporary Committee at the Federation Council on preparation and holding the 2018 world Cup in Russia Andrey Kutepov. His words are quoted by the national news service Tuesday, June 27. “72 hours at the spectator entry simplified. It is possible to get to public transport not only one city but also between cities,” he said. Kutepov added that the world Cup 2018 geography will be expanded, and fans will be able to use a reduced fare on trains 262. Earlier Tuesday, Andrey Kutepov told about the proposal to reduce the cost of tickets for world Cup matches. The confederations Cup takes place from 17 June to 2 July in four cities of Russia. The world championship will be held from June 14 to July 15 in 11 cities.

Virus Petya began with Ukraine, said in ESET

Virus Petya began with Ukraine, said in ESET MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Virus Petya began with Ukraine, which more than other countries suffered from cyber attack, the message at the ESET virus lab. “The outbreak seems to have started in Ukraine”, — said the company. According to the rating of the company for the countries affected by the virus, Ukraine has suffered the greatest harm. On the second place among the affected countries is Italy, the third — Israel. The top ten also included Serbia, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Argentina, Czech Republic and Germany. Russia in this list occupies only 14th place. Earlier on Tuesday the company Group-IB explained that the virus ransomware Forex has caused large-scale attack on the oil, telecommunications and financial companies of Russia and Ukraine: it locks computers and demands for unblocking the amount in bitcoins equivalent to 300 dollars. Later, the head of the

Due to cyber-attacks, the monitoring of the Chernobyl NPP was transferred to the manual mode

Due to cyber-attacks, the monitoring of the Chernobyl NPP was transferred to the manual mode MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. In connection with the cyberattacks radiation monitoring in the Chernobyl NPP is carried out in manual mode, reads the statement of the State Agency of Ukraine on exclusion zone management. It is reported that the reason for this was the temporary shutdown of Windows. All technological systems of the nuclear power plant and automatic control system of the radiation situation in the exclusion zone operates in normal mode. Earlier it became known after a hacker attack all computers on workplace for plant personnel was disabled. Several oil, telecommunications and financial companies of Russia and Ukraine suffered a large-scale attack of the virus-the extortioner Petya, locking computers and demanding $ 300 in bitcoins.

Him and trump agreed to strike together in case of a chemical attack in Syria

Him and trump agreed to strike together in case of a chemical attack in Syria Moscow. June 27. INTERFAX.RU — President of France Emmanuel macron and his us counterpart Donald trump during a telephone conversation agreed to give a joint response in case of a chemical attack in Syria. About this was announced on Tuesday at the Elysee Palace. Macron also invited trump to attend the official parade in Paris on 14 July, Bastille Day, the report says. Previously, the French leader said that if in Syria there will be a chemical attack, France will unilaterally airstrikes on targets in the country. As reported, the United States also has threatened the President of Syria, that in the case of new chemical attack he will “pay a high price”. “As we previously stated, the U.S. is in Syria to destroy Islamic state (a terrorist organization banned in Russia — Interfax) in

Chemezov asked Putin to save the amount of funding state armaments program

The Head Of Rostec Sergey Chemezov © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS IZHEVSK, June 27. /TASS/. The head of Rostec Sergey Chemezov asked the Russian President to give instructions on maintaining the overall amount of funding state armaments program (GPV) for the years 2018-2025. This subject the head of state Corporation raised at the meeting of the Bureau of the Russian engineering Union and the Association “League of assistance to defense enterprises” with the participation of Vladimir Putin. “We ask you, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, give an indication of the preservation of the planned volumes of financing (the state armaments program for 2018-2015 years)”, – said Chemezov to the President, warning about the risks for enterprises in case of reduction of orders. “Or at least that they (funding), not so much fluctuated in the range of 10-15% we can handle: to increase the share of civilian products using military