The Pentagon announced support of communication channels with Russia in order to avoid incidents in Syria

The Pentagon announced support of communication channels with Russia in order to avoid incidents in Syria The U.S. Department of defense continues to maintain contact with Russia for conflict prevention in Syria. The head of the Pentagon James Mattis said at a press briefing held aboard the path of Minister to Germany. “We have a very active line of communication to prevent conflict”, — quotes Mr. Mattis, the press service of the Pentagon. According to the Minister, communication lines span multiple levels, “from the Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and Secretary of state with their Russian colleagues in Moscow — General Gerasimov and Minister Lavrov”. “We don’t open fire neither of whom, except the opponent, except for IG (banned in Russia “Islamic state”). The only exception is self defense, if someone aimed at us — for example, bombing us, or leads us to the fire,” said James Mattis.

Died actor from “the Girl with the dragon tattoo”

Mikael Nyquist Swedish actor Michael Nyquist died on 57-m to year of life from lung cancer. On Tuesday, June 27, according to Aftonbladet. As writes the edition, the Nyquist died on Tuesday surrounded by his family. Of lung cancer he had suffered during the year. The actor was born in 1960 in Stockholm. In the movie he debuted in 1982 with a small role in the TV movie “Kamraterna”. Known Nyquist acquired in 2009 thanks to the trilogy “Millenium”. In the movie “the Girl with the dragon tattoo” “the Girl who played with fire” and “the Girl who blew up castles in the air” he starred with noomi Rapace. In recent years he starred in the films “Mission: impossible-Ghost Protocol” (2011), “Colony Dignidad” (2015), “Artificial intelligence. Access unlimited” (2016). Just a long list of Mikael Nykvist more than 70 films and TV series.

Attacked the Venezuelan court the policeman demanded the resignation of Maduro

Oscar Pereprodaet: In a network there was video of attack of the helicopter to the building of the Supreme court of Venezuela A police officer Venezuela Oscar Perez, who on 27 June carried out an attack on the Supreme court from a helicopter, demanded the resignation of President Nicolas Maduro. He stated in his video in the account in Instagram. “We demand that President Nicolas Maduro immediately resigned together with the Ministers, we demand General elections,” said Peres, adding that the government is the coalition “military officials, policemen and civilians, nationalists, patriots and the institutionalists”, who have no party affiliation. Perez announced the deployment of ground and air operations in the country with the aim to “return power to the people and to restore constitutional order”. Twitter began to appear movies, illustrating the presence of military equipment on the streets of Caracas. — VeneNoticias (@VeneNoticias_) June 28, 2017, 01:51

The Supreme court of Venezuela was attacked from a helicopter

The sequel: Attacked by the Venezuelan court the policeman demanded the resignation of Maduro The Supreme court of Venezuela in Caracas was attacked with a police helicopter. This was stated by the President of the country Nicolas Maduro, reports NTN24. The Venezuelan leader said that in the court building from the helicopter were thrown two grenades, one of which exploded. Maduro said that at that moment there were people. “It could lead to hundreds of victims,” he said. — Juan Pablo Alvarez (@JPAlvarezGuedea) June 28, 2017, 01:30 In addition, the helicopter flew over the building of the interior Ministry. Maduro said that the helicopter was operated by the pilot, Miguel Rodriguez Torres, former interior Minister, who, according to Maduro, “contact with the CIA.” RIA Novosti indicates that the helicopter crew stretched a banner reading “350. Freedom.” We are talking about 350-th article of the Constitution, which refers to the possibility

Each episode of the stone

Photo: Showtime/Komandir Each series of documentary film by American Director Oliver stone’s “Putin”, which was shown on the First channel last week, on average, watched more than 5.5 million Russians, according to data from research company Mediascope. In mid-June on the channel Showtime began showing large-scale project of the American film Director Oliver stone — a four-part film, based on an interview with the President of Russia that were recorded from July 2015 to February 2017. Russian viewers also had the opportunity to watch the film in the First channel under the name “Putin” he came out with 19 to 22 June. According to the study, the first episode on June 19 and looked to Russia more than 6.2 million Russians older than 18 years, the final series 4.9 million people. On average, turned out that every episode was watched by 5.6 million Russians.

Peskov told about the decision of questions after

Photo: RIA Novosti It is physically impossible to resolve every question that is sent to “straight line” President Vladimir Putin, however, for all appeals, broadcast, compiled the list of orders already signed by the head of state, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “The straight line is a joint project of two TV channels — channel one and RTR with all the different resources and issues that come to the project, they certainly are analyzed, measures are taken, but each of these references cannot be handled personally, because legally it is not an official appeal to the President of the Russian Federation. These questions collect still, the organizers of the project”, — said Peskov on a question, whether practiced at the Federal level popular questions, unaired, in particular, the question of preservation Chelyuskinskaya forest in the Moscow suburb of Mytishchi. He noted that to comment on the

Obama family took a ride on a kayak during your vacation in Indonesia

Obama family took a ride on a kayak during your vacation in Indonesia A former President of the United States with his family took a ride on a kayak during your vacation on the Indonesian island of Bali. About it writes Daily Mail. Obama himself, the politician’s wife Michelle, and their 18-year-old daughter Malia and 16-year-old Sasha swam on the river Augn — the longest in Bali. 75-kilometer-long river, according to the newspaper, is popular with tourists. Americans visited rice terraces of Jatiluwih (rice terraces Jatiluwih). The family stayed at the hotel Four Seasons Resort Bali is located in Ubud. The cost of a hotel room is about 2.5 thousand dollars per night. It is also planned that a politician will give a speech at the meeting of the Indonesian Diaspora in Jakarta (capital of Indonesia). As writes Daily Mail, the American lived in Indonesia in the 1960-ies along with

The cost of the lives of Russians today amounted to $ 1.2 million

The cost of the lives of Russians today amounted to $ 1.2 million The cost of the lives of Russians today is $ 1.2 million, estimated by analysts at Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation jointly with Rosgosstrakh. The calculations take the average income in the country, duration of employment and according to international standards of compensation for moral damage. Plus there consider themselves Russians. They were asked to name the amount to which I would like to count family at the death of their relatives in the accident on transport and industry. By the way, they were quite modest. On average, the world price of life is estimated at 2.6 million dollars. In Russia in 2015 it amounted to 624 thousands of dollars, and now, it turns out, rose two times. Why? Growth went paycheck, people become more confident in the labor market, lists the rector

Merkel told about the ritual in hotels

Merkel told about the ritual in hotels At the meeting with readers of the magazine Brigitte, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that she does, once during business trips in the hotel. About this reports Deutsche Welle. “The first thing I see, is it possible to open the Windows or go out onto the balcony. Often the room is high, for example, on the 27th floor and the Windows cannot be opened. Then I look where there is air conditioning. Depends on if I can sleep well (…) then look for where the light is turned off”, — said the head of the German government. Merkel also added that it is important to check whether there are in-room Internet access. As noted by Deutsche Welle, the Chancellor explained that usually likes to stay at the same hotels. German media reports that Merkel is inherent in the discreet charm of the

In the state Duma responded to the words Gerashchenko about Moscow’s involvement in the explosion in Kiev

The statement of the Verkhovna Rada Deputy Anton Gerashchenko on the Russian secret service involvement in the death of the Ukrainian intelligence Colonel Maxim Shapoval wrongly, believes state Duma Deputy Ruslan Balbec. His assessment he shared in an interview with “” on Tuesday, June 27. “Today, all the accusations of Russia in the organization of political murders have nothing but shocking air. And, frankly, the unfortunate Colonel Shapoval, perhaps, would be the last, whose death could someone please in Russia”, — said the MP. According to Balbec, such an assumption Ukrainian politician could do due to the “progressive mental illness”: “MP Anton Gerashchenko long been sick of McCarthyism (the post-war socio-political movement in the U.S., named after Senator Joseph McCarthy; was accompanied by increased anti-Communist sentiments — approx. “Of the”), so it regularly has visions, and in every corner, imagining the hand of Moscow”. Earlier Tuesday, the defense Ministry