The defense Ministry denied information about the capture of Russian military at Lugansk

The defense Ministry denied information about the capture of Russian military at Lugansk MOSCOW, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. The defense Ministry on Wednesday denied media reports about the capture of Ukrainian security forces “Russian military” Victor Ageev in the Luhansk region. On Tuesday, the Russian service Bi-bi-si referring to sources in the Ukrainian defense Ministry announced that security forces captured a “Russian soldier” during the fighting near Lugansk. On Tuesday, the Russian service Bi-bi-si referring to sources in the Ukrainian defense Ministry announced that security forces captured a “Russian soldier” during the fighting near Lugansk. They were called Victor Ageev called to an emergency in the Altai region and allegedly remaining in the army under contract. Ageev actually served in the armed forces, but last year left the service and service contract have been reported, said the Russian Ministry. “Victor Ageev has never passed military service under the contract

In the Federation Council discuss the issue of blocking has violated Russian law by foreign media

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS. Senators are discussing a resolution to block foreign media broadcasting in Russia, for violation of the Russian legislation. This was stated to journalists by the head of temporary Commission of the Federation Council for the protection of state sovereignty and prevent interference in the internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Andrey Klimov.

Ukraine declared victory over the virus Petya

Security professionals took control of the spread of the virus-ransomware Petya and stopped a cyber attack, according to the website of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The report also States that currently the experts are working on recovering data that was encrypted. Details of “victory” over the virus is not revealed. On Tuesday, June 27, Ukrainian and Russian companies announced a powerful attack that their computer networks were hit with a virus-extortionist. The malware has encrypted all data on the device and demanded a ransom of $ 300 in bitcoins. According to Group-IB, June 27 from Petya.A in Russia and Ukraine suffered more than 80 companies. The virus has infiltrated the corporate network through phishing emails containing a malicious link. Later, the experts of Positive Technologies, specializing in information security, revealed a kill-switch is able to locally disable the Trojan.

Venezuela spoke about the work of the hijacker helicopter for the CIA

Hijacker Venezuelan police helicopter attacked the building of the Supreme court, was linked to the CIA and the U.S. Embassy. This information was announced by the Minister of communication and information Ernesto Villegas, his words, reports the newspaper El Nacional. He urged citizens to be alert and wary of coup attempts. According to Villegas, the attack will not stop the convening of a constituent Assembly, and President Nicolas Maduro will take care of the security of the Venezuelan people. Oscar Perez June 28, stole a police helicopter that fired 15 bullets at the Supreme court building and threw four grenades at him. With the aircraft he also waved a flag with the inscription “Freedom”. Perez announced the deployment of ground and air operations in the country with the aim to “return power to the people and to restore constitutional order”. In a network there was video of the incident. The

Rogozin called the “Ogre move” the US position on the “Nord stream-2”

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that the US position on the “Nord stream-2” is a “demarche Ogre who wants to become a vegetarian”. “The refusal of the “Nord stream”, an attempt to disrupt the negotiations on the “South stream” and so on — is such a move on the Ogre who wants to become a vegetarian. “We will not consume Russian gas, generally will not.” There is nothing we will not, we will Wallpaper to chew on. They believe that if we give them the gas, we are putting them on their knees. How? This is a purely Commerce” — quoted Rogozin RIA Novosti. Earlier the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that Russia is building a gas pipeline “Northern stream — 2”, to punish Kiev for the decision of the Stockholm arbitration in favor of “Naftogaz” in dispute with “Gazprom”.

The Director of the Novosibirsk theatre went on maternity leave for three years, he went to Saint-Tropez

The Director of the Novosibirsk theatre went on maternity leave for three years, he went to Saint-Tropez NOVOSIBIRSK, June 28 — RIA Novosti. The General Director of the Novosibirsk Opera and ballet theatre Vladimir Kekhman, recognized a year ago, bankrupt, went on leave to care for a child for three years, said the Deputy of the city Council of Novosibirsk Natalia Pinus and confirmed the representative of the city of Anna Tereshkova. “For about three months, Vladimir Kekhman, Director of the Novosibirsk theatre of Opera and ballet, not going to work. He took leave to care for a child for three years and implements given to him by Russian law, whether in nice, in Saint-Tropez,” wrote Pinus on his page on Facebook, citing two independent sources in the theatre and the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation. “We have no comment on this point, information on this point. I

In the United States began testing of the patch from the flu

In the United States began testing of the patch from the flu In the United States passed the first stage of clinical trials of the patch with the vaccine against influenza, which in the future can replace traditional injections. The invention of scientists from the University of Georgia and Emory University may be on sale in the U.S. in a few years. The patch contains a capsule with a vaccine — and on the other side of it which is adjacent to the skin, rows of little needles. When the adhesive is used, the needle vaccine administered under the top layer of skin and dissolve. According to the developers of the patch, it can help people who have no opportunity to take root the traditional method. People suffering from trypanophobia, and little children, which needles too, often don’t like. The patch can help with mass vaccination in poor countries due

Trump complimented a journalist during a conversation with Varadero

Trump complimented a journalist during a conversation with Varadero American President Donald trump during a telephone conversation with the new Prime Minister of Ireland Leo Varadkar complimented a reporter for Irish radio and television (RTE). The US President congratulated the new head of the Irish government with a victory. At some point, he said Varadkar that in the oval office of the White house much of the Irish press. “Where are you from? Come here” — he turned to a journalist, Katrina Perry. “Katrina Perry, and she has a beautiful smile, you hope she’s not hurt!” — trump said his companion, causing the laughter of those present. Video of the bizarre moment when President @realDonaldTrump called me over during his call with Taoiseach @campaignforLeo Varadkar. @rtenews — Caitriona Perry (@CaitrionaPerry) 27 Jun 2017 The video of this moment posted on his Twitter page journalist. Trump and Varadkar during the

Police released Mitrokhin after the arrest for picketing the Federation Council

Sergei Mitrokhin Head of the Moscow branch of the party “Yabloko” Sergei Mitrokhin detained during picketing of the Federation Council, released from police. On Wednesday, June 28, citing an informed source reports TASS. “Mitrokhin was taken to OVD “Tver” near the Federation Council and almost immediately released,” the Agency quoted the source as saying. After that, the politician once again came to the building of the upper house of Parliament, where a bill of renovation of housing in Moscow. It was the third detention Mitrokhin over a month. On 14 June the police detained him and another 10 people near the building of the state Duma, where he held a spontaneous protest against the adoption of the law on the renovation. The Mitrokhin said that he does not consider himself the organizer or a participant in an inconsistent rally. The politician noted that the spent picket. 9 Jun Mitrokhin detained

In the Shanghai ranking of universities, ARWU includes 12 Russian universities

Novosibirsk state University Subject to the Shanghai ranking of universities Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (ARWU) got 12 Russian universities, RIA Novosti reported. The list includes Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Tomsk state universities, Tomsk Polytechnic University, MFTI, MEPhI, Higher school of Economics, Misa and others. Eight universities provided in the list are the participants of the project “5-100” on increasing the competitiveness of domestic universities. It is noted that the best positions at MSU: he is the leader among all Russian universities by the number of items — 14. In addition, the University was ranked 43rd place in physics — this is the highest score of local schools. Universities were evaluated in 52 subjects. Attention is paid to five parameters: research productivity, citation index, the number of articles in leading journals and awards of international level. In the final part included 1409 universities. Earlier in June, 24 Russian University made