The number of victims of a fire in a London high-rise building rose to 80 people

The death toll in a fire at an apartment building in London has increased to 80 people. About it reports Reuters, citing a police statement. According to the investigator Fiona McCormack, to establish the exact number of victims of this tragedy will take a few months. She also reported that in connection with the ongoing investigation law enforcement authorities investigate the documentation of about 60 companies that participated in the recent renovation of the skyscraper. On June 19 the head of police of the British capital, Kandy Stewart stated that not all victims will be identified, and their number is expected to increase. “If the fire was the result of criminal negligence, I will do everything in my power to bring those responsible to justice,” promised Kandy. The cause of the fire remains unknown. As reported by “Russian service Bi-bi-si”, among the most likely versions — defect wiring, gas explosion

The North Korean authorities threatened with death, the former President of South Korea

Park Geun-Hye DPRK authorities have promised to impose a death sentence on former President of South Korea Park Geun-Hye and the head of intelligence of the country, Lee Byung-Ho in plotting the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. This is stated in the joint statement of the Ministry of state security (MGB), the Department of homeland security (DHS) and the General Prosecutor’s office of Korea, which is published by the Agency KCNA. “Declare inside the country and outside of it that will condemn the perpetrators in the preparation state the largest terrorist act — izmeniti Park Geun-Hye and the head of the puppet intelligence service Lee Byung-Ho, has developed a forced egregious and nefarious intentions to harm our guide to capital punishment”, — the document says. In addition, the statement indicated that the perpetrators can’t count on mercy, “even if they die a dog’s death”. May 5, Pyongyang accused

In the Kremlin commented on the words of Macron on

Photo: Reuters The Kremlin does not agree with the words of the President of France Emmanuel Makron, who called Russia the aggressor in the Donbass, said press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. The correspondent reports about it “Газеты.Ru”. “The Russian side will continue to patiently explain the real situation and its position on the conflict in Ukraine”, – said Peskov. The President of France Emmanuel macron stated that the aggressor in the East of Ukraine is Russia. The Russian leadership has repeatedly denied allegations of the West and Kiev on the presence of Russian troops in Eastern Ukraine.

Putin on 30 June to meet with Lukashenka

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and the leader of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on Friday, June 30 in Moscow to discuss relations between the two countries and international issues, the press service of the Kremlin. In particular, the presidents will hold a regular meeting of the Supreme state Council of the Union state, as well as a separate meeting, reported on the Kremlin website. Before the meeting of the Supreme state Council of the leaders are Putin and Lukashenko will take part in the fourth forum of regions of Russia and Belarus, which this year is dedicated to the development of interregional cooperation in the sphere of high technologies, innovations and information society. In April, Putin noted the high results of the integration cooperation between Moscow and Minsk.

Taylor showed a photo in a swimsuit

Photo: Twitter Natalia Polonskaya has published his photos in the pool. Former Prosecutor and now a Deputy of the State Duma depicted in them in the company of dolphins. “In Crimea, even dolphins gallant. And in General, the best! Come!” – Poklonskaya wrote in the comments to the photos posted in the personal blog of Natalia on Twitter. Apparently, the photos were taken at the Yalta Dolphinarium. The photos show that the proximity to the dolphins Polonskaya like. In any case, she looks happy. Earlier in his interview with state Duma Deputy talked about his love of dolphins. According to Natalia, her favorite animals. Joint bathing with them is a personal recipe ex-Prosecutor from depression and bad mood. Moreover, any spleen can cure the native Natalia Crimea, where Russia moved with his parents in his ten years. As previously reported Natalia Poklonskaya broke up with a man who was

The author of the tales of Paddington bear

The author of the tales of Paddington bear British writer, author of tales of Paddington bear, Michael bond, has died at the age of 91, reports The Guardian. The first book of this series, “a Bear called Paddington” was published in 1958. Bond continued writing almost until his death. His most recent story about Paddington was published in April 2017. As stated by the author’s daughter Karen Jankel, the world was lucky that he had a bond, whose legacy will live forever. Some of the books about Paddington bear have been filmed. For example, recently released the trailer of the sequel of the tale “the adventures of Paddington-2”.

British enthusiast hyped world’s biggest spinner

British enthusiast hyped world’s biggest spinner British inventor Tony Fisher (Tony Fisher) produced a giant-powerful-spinner. The diameter of the toy is 3.3 meters and a weight of 20 kilograms. In other respects it does not differ from the spinners of conventional size. Fisher has published in YouTube a video in which he lifts and spins this device. About it reports UPI. The diameter of the toy is 3.3 meters and a weight of 20 kilograms. In other respects it does not differ from the spinners of conventional size. The inventor has posted on YouTube a video in which he raises and spins this fixture over my head. According to Fisher, he did the greatest spinner in the world. He admits that there are other contenders for this title, but does not consider their competitors. “Some are just painted cardboard he writes. — If this is acceptable, why not call a

Daddy’s girl: father of 9-month-old child to conquer social networks

Daddy’s girl: father of 9-month-old child to conquer social networks How to make the best children’s photo book, stripped of platitudes? 36-year-old Sholom ber Solomon is the owner of a small shop with vintage furniture in California. Judging by his instagram, with the humour is in order and until the recent birth of his daughter Zoe. Only now found out about it thousands of it a few months ago thanks to their joint portraits in which the father and daughter act out scenes not in the expected images and circumstances. Publication of Sholom Ber Solomon (@sbsolly) Oct 28 2016 12:00 PDT Publication of Sholom Ber Solomon (@sbsolly) Oct 31 2016 at 5:02 PDT Sholom orders for myself and Zoe costumes online and wife and they think through the composition of the picture. Yet all this is increasingly popular instagram account about how great it is to be a father, but

Irkutsk was left without a direct election of the mayor

Members of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region has rejected a draft law on returning of direct elections of the mayor of Irkutsk. This was reported on the website of the regional Parliament on Wednesday, June 28. Against voted 26 people, nine, two abstained, said According to the Chairman of the legislation Committee on state building and local self-government of Boris Alekseev, the current method of electing the mayor cannot be regarded as a restriction of the electoral rights of citizens, because it is based on norms of the Federal legislation. In addition, according to Alekseeva, its validity was confirmed by the constitutional court of Russia. With the legislative initiative to return to direct gubernatorial elections were deputies from the faction of the Communist party. The document proposes to establish as the sole method of electing the heads of municipal formations of the Angara direct elections. For these

The inhabitant of Sevastopol threw his two year old son from the second floor

In Sevastopol opened a criminal case against a local resident, Paducheva my two year-old son’s Trouser belt and the guy who threw him out the window of the second floor. This was reported on the city Department of the Investigative Committee. The boy was found by a neighbor. She withdrew from his neck strap and called an ambulance. The child was taken to the hospital, he is in serious condition. His 30-year-old mother was placed in a psychiatric hospital in Sebastopol. Criminal case about attempt at the murder of a minor, knowingly was in a helpless state. June 20, in the Vologda 25-year-old woman, recognized guilty in the murder of her newborn baby, was sentenced to three years and four months of imprisonment in a General regime colony. In the spring of 2016 the woman gave birth to a child in an apartment house on the street of Yaroslavl, for