Russian woman rested at the Dead Sea and warned tourists against one danger

Russian tourist visited the Dead Sea and warned against swimming in it with cuts Russian tourist who visited Jordan told about the rest at the Dead Sea resort, in the town of Sauveima. The traveler shared her impressions of the trip with the portal “Subtleties of Tourism”. Her review was published on the Yandex.Zen platform. A nine-day trip based on breakfasts cost 162 thousand rubles for two, however, the Russian woman noted that due to flights with transfers (via Sharjah), in fact, the rest took seven days. The traveler also talked about some of the features of the resort. According to her, the Dead Sea is very salty and oily, and due to the density of the water, it is difficult to move in it. Among other things, the girl warned against swimming in a pond, even with small wounds or cuts, noting the danger to the body. “Entering the

The cost of a trip to the North Pole has been disclosed

Poseidon Expeditions founder Saveliev: a trip to the North Pole will cost 2.4 million million rubles per person for 13 days. A tour to Svalbard or Greenland is more affordable – from 40 thousand rubles per day. Nikolay Savelyev, the founder of the Poseidon Expeditions club of polar travels, told RIA Novosti about this in an interview. He explained that there is only one way to get to the North Pole – on the 50 Let Pobedy nuclear icebreaker. The ship belongs to the Rosatom company, and travelers, in turn, rent it. The icebreaker starts from Murmansk and can carry up to 120 passengers. Saveliev noted that cruises to other points of the Arctic – to Greenland, Svalbard, Franz Josef Land or Antarctica – are cheaper. “Now a trip to Svalbard or Franz Josef Land is no more expensive than a trip to good Turkish hotels. Here, rather, the question

Russian woman rested at the Dead Sea and warned tourists against one danger

Russian tourist visited the Dead Sea and warned against swimming in it with cuts Russian tourist who visited Jordan told about the rest at the Dead Sea resort, in the town of Sauveima. The traveler shared her impressions of the trip with the portal “Subtleties of Tourism”. Her review was published on the Yandex.Zen platform. A nine-day trip based on breakfasts cost 162 thousand rubles for two, however, the Russian woman noted that due to flights with transfers (via Sharjah), in fact, the rest took seven days. The traveler also talked about some of the features of the resort. According to her, the Dead Sea is very salty and oily, and due to the density of the water, it is difficult to move in it. Among other things, the girl warned against swimming in a pond, even with small wounds or cuts, noting the danger to the body. “Entering the

The cost of a trip to the North Pole has been disclosed

Poseidon Expeditions founder Saveliev: a trip to the North Pole will cost 2.4 million million rubles per person for 13 days. A tour to Svalbard or Greenland is more affordable – from 40 thousand rubles per day. Nikolay Savelyev, the founder of the Poseidon Expeditions club of polar travels, told RIA Novosti about this in an interview. He explained that there is only one way to get to the North Pole – on the 50 Let Pobedy nuclear icebreaker. The ship belongs to the Rosatom company, and travelers, in turn, rent it. The icebreaker starts from Murmansk and can carry up to 120 passengers. Saveliev noted that cruises to other points of the Arctic – to Greenland, Svalbard, Franz Josef Land or Antarctica – are cheaper. “Now a trip to Svalbard or Franz Josef Land is no more expensive than a trip to good Turkish hotels. Here, rather, the question

Минздрав уточнит список медотводов от прививки

«В настоящее время идет разработка документа на уровне министерства. Проект был направлен в Роспотребнадзор для уточнения алгоритма его применения. О том, какие болезни войдут в перечень, сообщат позднее», — рассказал «Известиям» еще один источник, близкий к министерству. «Известия» направили запрос в Минздрав с просьбой указать, какие болезни войдут в обновленный перечень противопоказаний к вакцинации COVID-19. В ведомстве отметили, что перечень оснований для медотводов коррелирует со списком противопоказаний к вакцинации, прописанным в инструкции к каждому препарату. Так, «Ковивак» противопоказан людям старше 60 лет, а «ЭпиВакКорона» — онкобольным, указано сейчас в рекомендациях Минздрава. Сейчас противопоказания к прививке от коронавируса — гиперчувствительность к какому-либо компоненту вакцины, тяжелые аллергические реакции в анамнезе, острые респираторные инфекции, обострение хронических заболеваний, а также возраст до 18 лет. Специальная вакцина для подростков от 12 лет сейчас уже зарегистрирована, но еще не поступила в гражданский оборот. Ожидается, что в конце декабря можно будет прививать и эту группу. Ранее к противопоказаниям относился период беременности и грудного вскармливания. Однако, как заявлял главный внештатный специалист Минздрава по акушерству Роман Шмаков, во время вынашивания ребенка на сроке более 22 недель и в период грудного вскармливания вакцинация от коронавируса не противопоказана, а потому медотвод от прививки в этом случае не выдается. читайте в эксклюзивном материале «Известий»:

The State Duma proposed to increase the size of insurance for mortgages

RT: Deputy Vlasov proposed to increase the amount of insurance for mortgage holders to 10 million rubles Russians paying mortgages. The corresponding letter was sent to the name of the head of the Ministry of Labor Anton Kotyakov. This is reported by RT with reference to a copy of the document. The parliamentarian asks the minister to consider the possibility of increasing the amount of insurance compensation for bank deposits to 10 million rubles for mortgage holders and making appropriate amendments to federal legislation. Now Russians are guaranteed reimbursement of deposits in insured events up to 1.4 million rubles. Vlasov recalled that in 2020 special circumstances were defined in the legislation that increase the amount of insurance compensation to 10 million rubles. These include the case when the insured event concerns accounts with the capital repair fund, money received from the sale of housing or in the process of inheritance.

The State Duma proposed to increase the size of insurance for mortgages

RT: Deputy Vlasov proposed to increase the amount of insurance for mortgage holders to 10 million rubles Russians paying mortgages. The corresponding letter was sent to the name of the head of the Ministry of Labor Anton Kotyakov. This is reported by RT with reference to a copy of the document. The parliamentarian asks the minister to consider the possibility of increasing the amount of insurance compensation for bank deposits to 10 million rubles for mortgage holders and making appropriate amendments to federal legislation. Now Russians are guaranteed reimbursement of deposits in insured events up to 1.4 million rubles. Vlasov recalled that in 2020 special circumstances were defined in the legislation that increase the amount of insurance compensation to 10 million rubles. These include the case when the insured event concerns accounts with the capital repair fund, money received from the sale of housing or in the process of inheritance.

They decided to grow Christmas trees from pencils

Euronews: Pencils from which a festive tree grows on sale in Denmark An unusual way to get a Christmas tree was shown in Denmark. Sprout startup has launched sales of pencils, from which, after grinding, Europeans can grow a festive tree, writes Euronews. Writing instruments are made of environmentally friendly wood and have a non-toxic graphite core. A biocapsule with seeds was placed at the base of the pencil – after using it, you need to plant it in a pot with soil and take care of it like an ordinary plant. In addition to the Christmas tree, the Sprout line includes pencils with cherry tomatoes and several types of indoor flowers. The company noted that 14 billion pencils are used annually around the world, for the production of which 82 thousand trees are cut down. However, these plants are important in the fight against global warming – they capture

They decided to grow Christmas trees from pencils

Euronews: Pencils from which a festive tree grows on sale in Denmark Sprout startup has launched sales of pencils, from which, after grinding, Europeans can grow a festive tree, writes Euronews. Writing instruments are made of environmentally friendly wood and have a non-toxic graphite core. A biocapsule with seeds was placed at the base of the pencil – after using it, you need to plant it in a pot with soil and take care of it like an ordinary plant. In addition to the Christmas tree, the Sprout line includes pencils with cherry tomatoes and several types of indoor flowers. The company noted that 14 billion pencils are used annually around the world, for the production of which 82 thousand trees are cut down. However, these plants are important in the fight against global warming – they capture carbon emissions and release oxygen, as well as ensure the resilience of

Three sisters who have lived to be 100 years old reveal the family secret of longevity

The sisters who have lived for a hundred years have advised to walk more to live longer , revealed the family secret of longevity and gave advice to the next generation. Their story is published by the KSN-TV website. Related materials 00:07 – June 6, 2018 “I blame the devil” Elders for centuries drink, smoke and suffer from gluttony, but nothing takes them 00:06 – 23 January 2019 hunter's gait ”The life of the oldest man on Earth is shrouded in mystery. They are still trying to uncover it The oldest of the sisters, 104-year-old Julia Kopriva, was born on November 5, 1917. The middle sister, 102-year-old Lucy Pochop, was born on June 11, 1919, and the youngest, born in 1921, Francis Compus, was one hundred years old on November 11. The main secret of the longevity of relatives, according to the older sister, is that they eat well, pray