The UN calls the declaration of a Russian persona non grata in Kosovo illegal

Earlier, the authorities of the self-proclaimed republic of Kosovo declared an employee of the UN mission (UNMIK, UNMIK) from & nbsp; Russia persona non grata. “ We became aware of & nbsp; the fact that & nbsp; the Kosovo authorities declared persona non grata an employee of the UN Mission in & nbsp; Kosovo. No official notification from the & nbsp; Kosovo authorities regarding this announcement has been made by the Mission & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; & nbsp; & mdash; Dujarrick said. According to him, “the doctrine of persona non grata is not applicable to UN staff and is not provided for in UNMIK regulation 2000/47 (on the status, privileges and immunity of KFOR and UNMIK and their personnel in Kosovo).” As Dujarrick noted, UNMIK and & nbsp; UN Headquarters are taking appropriate measures to & nbsp; ensure the safety of the employee and & nbsp;

An impeccable start to the James Webb mission. Scientists have shown how the telescope went into space

The Ariane-5 rocket with James Webb on board launched from the Kourou cosmodrome in French Guiana last Saturday, December 25. After the launch, the space telescope separated from the upper stage of the launch vehicle — and this process was broadcast to Earth in real time. However, the resulting image was not too high-quality and was often interrupted. Now ESA specialists have cleaned the video file and superimposed music by British composer Charlotte Hatterley on it. These images are our last look at the telescope, now heading to the place of permanent deployment, which it will reach at the end of January. Now it is already further from the Earth than the orbit of the Moon. Scientists hope that “James Webb” will allow them to look far into the past, at the time of the formation of the universe and galaxies. This is possible because the telescope is able to

Head of WHO: the coronavirus pandemic will end in 2022, if it is possible to end vaccine inequality

In his New Year’s address, Gebreyesus called the reason for the appearance of a new variant of the Omicron covid “narrow nationalism and the creation of excessive stocks of vaccines by some countries.” WHO has repeatedly criticized the rich countries of the world, which have recently offered their citizens to get third booster vaccinations, while in many regions a significant part of the population has not received the first dose of the vaccine. According to the head of the WHO, this approach created “ideal conditions for the appearance of Omicron.” “And the longer the principle of justice is violated, the higher the risk of further changes in this virus, which we can neither prevent nor predict,” Gebreyesus said. According to experts, new mutations of the virus arise in conditions of its active spread, when more and more people are infected in different countries of the world. The outbreak of Omicron

Day in History: January 2

Science Fiction Day On January 2, science fiction fans celebrate an unofficial holiday of this genre of literature, cinema and other types of art. The date was chosen not by chance — one of the most outstanding science fiction writers of the twentieth century, Isaac Asimov, was born on January 2. Science fiction began to emerge in the nineteenth century, when the industrial revolution opened up unprecedented prospects for people. The genre was founded by writers Jules Verne and H. G. Wells. The classics of Russian science fiction were Alexander Belyaev, Ivan Efremov, the Strugatsky brothers, Kir Bulychev and others. The Vedomosti newspaper was published On January 2, 1703, the first Russian printed newspaper Vedomosti, a daily socio—political newspaper of St. Petersburg, began to be published. It is the oldest regular Russian newspaper. It was the only one before the appearance of the “Moscow Vedomosti” in 1756. The newspaper began

Those who were reduced at work were allowed to retire early

“Russian citizens who were left without work at the pre-retirement age can retire two years earlier,” the document published on the Kremlin’s website says. Mandatory conditions for an earlier retirement are staff reduction or liquidation of the organization and the availability of the necessary insurance experience of the employee. For men it is 25 years, for women it is 20. Also from January 1 in Insurance pensions have been indexed by 5.9% in Russia, and disability pensions will now be issued in an undeclared manner.

Ambassador of Ukraine: Kiev discusses with the United States obtaining military aid intended for Afghanistan

KYIV, January 1 & nbsp;/TASS /. Ukraine and the & nbsp; US are negotiating on the & nbsp; possible transfer of military aid to the Ukrainian side, which was previously intended for Afghanistan. Oksana Markarova, the Ambassador of Ukraine to the & nbsp; United States, stated this in an & nbsp; interview published on & nbsp; Saturday on the & nbsp; website of the Ukrainian service “ Radio Liberty '' (recognized in the & nbsp; RF media-foreign agent). “We are actively working now, and & nbsp; Minister [Foreign Minister of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba] talked about & nbsp; this during & nbsp; during his visit, and & nbsp; this issue is also & nbsp ; in & nbsp; active discussion & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Markarova, answering the & nbsp; question, can & nbsp; be transferred to Kiev military aid, which was intended for Afghanistan, but & nbsp; is

At the 53rd year of his life, three-time prize-winner of the OI volleyball player Vadim Khamutskikh died

On December 31, 2021, Soviet and Russian volleyball player and coach Vadim Khamutskikh died. The death of the three-time Olympic medalist, Honored Master of Sports of Russia was announced by the press service of the Belgorod volleyball club “Belogorye”. Khamutsky was 52 years old, the causes of his death are not specified. There is no information about the date and place of the farewell and funeral yet. “This is an irreparable loss for the entire Russian and world volleyball,” Belogorye representatives pointed out. Khamutskikh defended the colors of the Russian national team for a long time, repeatedly won the national championship, twice won the Champions League, was a medalist of the Olympic Games in 2000, 2004 and 2008.

WHO has officially recognized video game addiction as a disease

WHO reveals the concept of gaming disorder as “a pattern of behavior when playing digital or video games, characterized by a violation of game control.” People give the main priority to the game, while other interests and everyday activities fade into the background. The diagnosis is made in this case if the problems arising from gambling addiction in personal, family, social and other areas last at least a year. In severe cases, the disorder can be diagnosed in less time, the WHO notes. The new version of the classifier of diseases has been in development for more than 10 years. ICD-11 contains more than 55 thousand unique codes for injuries, diseases and causes of death, the WHO notes. Even more interesting things about people