The doctor spoke about the disorders that have increased among Russians during the COVID-19 pandemic

Doctor Chitlova: during the COVID-19 pandemic, Russians developed social anxiety and panic attacks social anxiety and panic attacks develop, the level of anxiety disorders in the country has increased from 5 to 35 percent over the past two years, psychiatrist Viktoria Chitlova said in an interview with According to the doctor, also among Russian citizens began to reveal a mixture of anxiety and depression more often. “In people who are suffering or have had COVID-19, mental abnormalities are found in 90 percent of cases,” Chitlova said. According to the doctor, During the pandemic, Russians are more active in talking about fears for their health and future. Anxiety has also increased among children, as they acutely feel the emotional state of adults, the specialist added. Earlier it was reported that the high-tech project of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) Avineiro developed and is testing a new drug for anxiety, Aviander.

Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a case against a man who shot twice at a policeman in Bashkiria

In Bashkiria, a case was initiated against a man who fired at a district police officer with his weapon In Bashkiria, a criminal case was opened against a man who twice shot at the precinct. This was announced to on Friday, December 3, by the official representative of the Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the region, Yevgeny Kanevsky. According to the agency, in Sterlibashevsky district, two district police officers arrived in the village of Akchishma to deliver to law enforcement organs of a 42-year-old criminal suspect. The man was at home with a friend, he refused to go with the police. At some point, the suspect, together with a friend, took away a service weapon from one of the precinct police officers and shot twice at the policeman, hitting him in the shoulder and leg , after which both intruders fled in a car. The policeman

The doctor spoke about the disorders that have increased among Russians during the COVID-19 pandemic

Doctor Chitlova: during the COVID-19 pandemic, Russians developed social anxiety and panic attacks Against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic, Russians began to develop social anxiety and panic attacks, the level of anxiety disorders in the country has increased from 5 to 35 percent over the past two years. Psychiatrist Viktoria Chitlova said in an interview with According to the doctor, a mixture of anxiety and depression has also become more common in Russian citizens. COVID-19, mental abnormalities occur in 90 percent of cases, “Chitlova said. According to the doctor, during a pandemic, Russians are more actively talking about fears for their health and future. Anxiety has also increased among children, as they acutely feel the emotional state of adults, the specialist added. Earlier it was reported that the high-tech project of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) Avineiro developed and is testing a new drug for anxiety, Aviander. who

In Britain, they talked about the request of Elizabeth II to dismiss Obama from dinner at the palace

Former Chancellor of the British Treasury: Elizabeth II asked to see Obama out of the banquet asked him to escort the then US President Barack Obama from dinner at Buckingham Palace, because the Queen was tired and wanted to sleep. Osborne's story is published by Business Insider. During an official reception, to which Barack Obama and his wife Michelle were invited as guests of honor, Elizabeth II approached the ex-chancellor and asked him to hand him over to the American president. left the banquet – it was late and the queen wanted to go to bed. “I looked at Barack Obama, who was having a great time drinking vodka and martini with his buddies, and I thought:“ Oh my god, I'll be that a person who should go and tell him to go home, “” Osborne recalled. It is noted that the matter concerns Obama's 2011 visit to the UK.

In Britain, they talked about the request of Elizabeth II to dismiss Obama from dinner at the palace

Former Chancellor of the British Treasury: Elizabeth II asked to see Obama out of the banquet asked him to escort the then US President Barack Obama from dinner at Buckingham Palace, because the Queen was tired and wanted to sleep. Osborne's story is published by Business Insider. During an official reception, to which Barack Obama and his wife Michelle were invited as guests of honor, Elizabeth II approached the ex-chancellor and asked him to hand him over to the American president. left the banquet – it was late and the queen wanted to go to bed. “I looked at Barack Obama, who was having a great time drinking vodka and martini with his buddies, and I thought:“ Oh my god, I'll be that a person who should go and tell him to go home, “” Osborne recalled. It is noted that the matter concerns Obama's 2011 visit to the UK.

The “golden rule” of Ukrainian diplomacy was shared in Kiev

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba: Russia has no right to influence Ukraine's accession to NATO Russia has no right to influence the process of Ukraine's accession to NATO. This was stated by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba to the AFP agency, his words are quoted by Twitter departments. He called on NATO to reject Russia's alleged demand for guarantees of Ukraine’s non-acceptance into the North Atlantic Alliance and declared that such decisions were unacceptable. In addition, Kuleba also shared the “golden rule” of Ukrainian diplomacy. “No decisions on Ukraine without Ukraine. Therefore, if anyone, even our closest friends, decides something related to Ukraine behind our back, we will not recognize this decision, “the Foreign Minister explained. Earlier, Kuleba said that NATO countries are ready to expand cooperation with the Ukrainian side in the military-technical sphere. He also noted that the alliance is ready to send “clear signals” to Moscow that any

Details of the case of the founder of Group-IB Sachkov have been disclosed

Bloomberg: the case of the founder of Group-IB may be related to interference in the US elections The FSB is treason, may be due to the transfer to the American authorities of data on the interference of Russian hackers in the US elections. This was reported by Bloomberg, citing informed sources. According to them, Sachkov could be accused of having informed the Americans about the Russian hacker group Fancy Bear and their attempts to interfere in the 2016 US presidential elections. This information helped the authorities find the GRU agents who allegedly participated in the cyberattacks. Earlier, Sachkov turned to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request to facilitate his transfer to house arrest. “I am not a traitor, not a spy or a traitor, I am a Russian engineer,” the letter says. According to him, in the pre-trial detention center, newspapers do not reach him, he was deprived of

Бусины в метеоритах могут рассказать об образовании Солнечной системы

Большинство метеоритов состоят из крошечных стеклянных бусин, появившихся в первые дни существования Солнечной системы, еще до образования планет. Команда специалистов из Чикагского университета провела детальный анализ всех имеющихся данных об этих стеклянных бусинах (хондрах) и выяснила, как они появились и что происходило в ранней Солнечной системе. В своем докладе ученые объясняют, что хондры изначально должны были быть частью кучи пыли, которая стала достаточно горячей, чтобы плавиться, а затем и испаряться. Затем, когда материал остыл, часть этого пара слилась в бусины. Исходя из этого специалисты предположили, что в космосе должно было произойти внезапное и достаточно сильное событие, чтобы вызвать такое нагревание и охлаждение пыли. Одним из подходящих и самых вероятных сценариев они назвали мощные ударные волны, проходящие через раннюю туманность. Такое объяснение может быть ключом к пониманию научной загадки, касающейся «умеренно летучих» элементов, включая калий и рубидий, и долгие десятилетия не дающей покоя ученым. Отметим, что ранее специалисты выдвигали различные версии формирования серебряных бусин в метеоритах, такие как молнии или столкновение камней. Но именно ударные волны оказались оптимальной вероятностью. Екатерина Гура Еще больше интересного о науке и технологиях