В «Домодедово» приземлился самолет с россиянами из ЮАР

Ранее Всемирная организация здравоохранения по итогам экстренного заседания приняла решение классифицировать новый вариант коронавируса, обнаруженный в ЮАР, как вызывающий беспокойство. Новый штамм — B.1.1.529 — ВОЗ назвала греческой буквой «омикрон». Председатель Всемирной медицинской ассоциации Франк Ульрих Монтгомери выразил обеспокоенность, что «омикрон» по своей опасности может стать сопоставимым с вирусом Эбола и таким же заразным, как штамм «дельта», он выявлен уже на всех континентах. Из-за появления в ЮАР нового штамма коронавируса «омикрон» большинство мировых авиакомпаний в конце ноября приостановили авиасообщение с этой страной. Из-за этого в стране осталось несколько сотен российских туристов, которые ранее попадали в ЮАР стыковочными рейсами — прямого авиасообщения между ЮАР и Россией нет. Часть из них улетает из страны самостоятельно. При участии посольств и генконсульств России в ЮАР и Эфиопии эфиопская авиакомпания Ethiopian Airlines организовала для россиян коммерческие рейсы.

The Russians were reminded of the safe thickness of ice on the reservoirs

The Ministry of Emergency Situations called ice 10-12 centimeters thick safe for humans They warned that it is dangerous to go out on the ice that has not yet strengthened, reports RIA Novosti “Recall that for a safe stay on the ice, its thickness must be 10-12 centimeters, for a massive exit of people – at least 25 centimeters.” , – emphasized in the capital's headquarters of the Ministry of Emergencies. The department also added that on December 1 in Moscow began a month of security, which is aimed at preventing possible accidents at the water bodies of the capital. This action will last until mid-January. “As part of interaction with public organizations, more than 100 rescue posts and coastal patrol routes have been planned at the city's water bodies with the involvement of 1,100 volunteer rescuers,” added the rescuers.

The Russians were reminded of the safe thickness of ice on the reservoirs

The Emergencies Ministry called ice 10-12 centimeters thick for humans The Emergencies Ministry called the Russians safe ice thickness in water bodies They warned that it is dangerous to go out on the ice that has not yet strengthened, reports RIA Novosti “Recall that for a safe stay on the ice, its thickness must be 10-12 centimeters, for a massive exit of people – at least 25 centimeters.” , – emphasized in the capital's headquarters of the Ministry of Emergencies. The department also added that on December 1 in Moscow began a month of security, which is aimed at preventing possible accidents at the water bodies of the capital. This action will last until mid-January. “As part of interaction with public organizations, more than 100 rescue posts and coastal patrol routes have been planned at the city's water bodies with the involvement of 1,100 volunteer rescuers,” added the rescuers.

Russia decided to restrict the use of private cars

Kommersant: the transport strategy until 2035 will restrict Russians from using their cars decided to restrict the use of private cars for the sake of public transport. Kommersant writes about this with a link to the corresponding message on the government's website. Such measures are aimed at ensuring that car owners do less harm to the environment. The plan proposes to minimize the use of vehicles with environmentally friendly engines, establish “digital control” for road noise and increase the number of gas stations for electric vehicles more than a thousand times. Citizens who, in such conditions, will remain loyal to their cars, will be offered “joint use of vehicles” with other Russians, Kommersant writes. The document also includes long-term plans for the development of road, rail, water, air and other types of transport for the next 15 years. It is planned to spend 60 trillion rubles for these purposes. 60

Russia decided to restrict the use of private cars

Kommersant: the transport strategy until 2035 will restrict the Russians in the use of their cars decided to restrict the use of private cars for the sake of public transport. Kommersant writes about this with a link to the corresponding message on the government's website. Such measures are aimed at ensuring that car owners do less harm to the environment. The plan proposes to minimize the use of vehicles with environmentally friendly engines, establish “digital control” for road noise and increase the number of gas stations for electric vehicles more than a thousand times. Citizens who, in such conditions, will remain loyal to their cars, will be offered “joint use of vehicles” with other Russians, Kommersant writes. The document also includes long-term plans for the development of road, rail, water, air and other types of transport for the next 15 years. It is planned to spend 60 trillion rubles for

The head of Sakhalin explained the autumn “traffic jam” from sea vessels

The head of Sakhalin Limarenko explained the disruptions in the transportation of goods in the Far East by the pandemic The head of Sakhalin Valery Limarenko explained ” sea ​​vessels in the ports of the Far East. It arose due to a pandemic, when disruptions in transportation began due to a sharp surge in demand, he said in an interview with RBC. “The problem with cargo arose as a pandemic surge in demand, it will be settled in the same way as it was solved earlier, by streamlining supplies, ”the governor emphasized. According to his forecast, the crisis will last no more than one or two months. Limarenko noted that such problems should not arise in a market economy. “But we were forced to take control of all the cargoes going to Sakhalin,” he added. In the same interview, the Governor of the Sakhalin Region spoke about the plans of

The head of Sakhalin explained the autumn “traffic jam” from sea vessels

The head of Sakhalin Limarenko explained the disruptions in the transportation of goods in the Far East by the pandemic sea ​​vessels in the ports of the Far East. It arose due to a pandemic, when disruptions in transportation began due to a sharp surge in demand, he said in an interview with RBC. “The problem with cargo arose as a pandemic surge in demand, it will be settled in the same way as it was solved earlier, by streamlining supplies, ”the governor emphasized. According to his forecast, the crisis will last no more than one or two months. Limarenko noted that such problems should not arise in a market economy. “But we were forced to take control of all the cargoes going to Sakhalin,” he added. In the same interview, the Governor of the Sakhalin Region spoke about the plans of the Danish company to lease an island in

The crews of the missile complex “Bastion” took over duty on the island of Matua

“Calculations of the coastal missile system” Bastion ” The Pacific Fleet first deployed and & nbsp; took over duty on & nbsp; Matua Island. On & nbsp; this remote island in the & nbsp; central part of the Kuril Ridge, the Pacific Fleet's missilemen will be on a 24-hour watch to & nbsp; control over & nbsp; the adjacent water area and & nbsp; strait zones & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; noted in the & nbsp; VVO. The & nbsp; press service also said that & nbsp; to the & nbsp; island zone with the help of large amphibious ships of the Primorsky flotilla of various forces of the Pacific Fleet delivered equipment, personnel and & nbsp; materiel. In addition, an autonomous military town has been deployed on the & nbsp; territory of Matua by the forces of the logistics units of the fleet. In the & nbsp; town

The ex-governor of the Russian region complained about the scammers

The ex-governor of the Kemerovo region Tuleyev tried to deceive scammers The ex-governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev complained on his Instagram account who tried to deceive him, pretending to be a friend who asked for money on a loan. The former head of the Russian region said that he received a message from a friend with whom they studied at the academy, the message contained a real photo that “confirmed his identity.” , and a request to send 30 thousand rubles under the pretext of a difficult situation. Tuleyev noted that he did not even doubt the decency and reality of his comrade and decided to help, but by coincidence at that moment a common acquaintance called him, who said, that a friend has been living outside Russia for a long time and does not need financially. “So I’m ready for you, it would seem, for anything! See

The ex-governor of the Russian region complained about the scammers

The ex-governor of the Kemerovo region Tuleyev tried to deceive scammers The ex-governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev complained on his Instagram account who tried to deceive him, pretending to be a friend who asked for money on a loan. The former head of the Russian region said that he received a message from a friend with whom they studied at the academy, the message contained a real photo that “confirmed his identity.” , and a request to send 30 thousand rubles under the pretext of a difficult situation. Tuleyev noted that he did not even doubt the decency and reality of his comrade and decided to help, but by coincidence at that moment a common acquaintance called him, who said, that a friend has been living outside Russia for a long time and does not need financially. “So I’m ready for you, it would seem, for anything! See