The cardiologist spoke about the dangerous consequences of low blood pressure

Cardiologist Schwinger: low blood pressure threatens a heart attack Low blood pressure is less dangerous than hypertension, however, it threatens a heart attack a cardiologist from Germany, board member of the Bavarian Heart Attack Network Robert Schwinger. RIA Novosti writes about this with reference to the Focus edition. The medic denied the claim that low blood pressure does not affect health and protects the circulatory system and organs. According to him, hypotension is not considered a disease, in this regard, there is no exact data on the proportion of people with low blood pressure. Schwinger noted that the symptoms of hypotension include tinnitus, weakness, headaches, as well as shaky gait and arrhythmia. He added that hypotension can be an independent disease, especially in thin and tall people who do not play sports. It can also be caused by thyroid dysfunction, cardiovascular disease and neurogenic disorders. According to him, low blood

Belarus saw the benefits of military cooperation between Russia and China

Head of the State Military Industry Committee of Belarus: cooperation between Russia and China will neutralize the impact of sanctions cooperation with Russia and China in the field of the military industry. In his opinion, this will help neutralize the impact of Western sanctions on Belarusian enterprises in the industry. RIA Novosti reports. On the air of the ONT TV channel, Pantus expressed the opinion that “sanctions are imposed by weak people against the strong” and in these conditions Minsk is faced with the task of “proving to the whole world that we are capable of working, including under the yoke of these sanctions.” “And, of course, we have partners, such as the Russian Federation, China, together with whom we have organized work in such a way as to minimize the sanctions as much as possible,” said Pantus. Speaking about the impact of sanctions on the work of enterprises in

The cardiologist spoke about the dangerous consequences of low blood pressure

Cardiologist Schwinger: low blood pressure threatens a heart attack Low blood pressure is less dangerous than hypertension, but it threatens a heart attack, he said a cardiologist from Germany, board member of the Bavarian Heart Attack Network Robert Schwinger. RIA Novosti writes about this with reference to the Focus edition. The medic denied the claim that low blood pressure does not affect health and protects the circulatory system and organs. According to him, hypotension is not considered a disease, in this regard, there is no exact data on the proportion of people with low blood pressure. Schwinger noted that the symptoms of hypotension include tinnitus, weakness, headaches, as well as shaky gait and arrhythmia. He added that hypotension can be an independent disease, especially in thin and tall people who do not play sports. It can also be caused by thyroid dysfunction, cardiovascular disease and neurogenic disorders. According to him,

Belarus saw the benefits of military cooperation between Russia and China

Head of the State Military Industry Committee of Belarus: cooperation between Russia and China will neutralize the impact of sanctions cooperation with Russia and China in the field of the military industry. In his opinion, this will help neutralize the impact of Western sanctions on Belarusian enterprises in the industry. RIA Novosti reports. On the air of the ONT TV channel, Pantus expressed the opinion that “sanctions are imposed by weak people against the strong” and in these conditions Minsk is faced with the task of “proving to the whole world that we are capable of working, including under the yoke of these sanctions.” “And, of course, we have partners, such as the Russian Federation, China, together with whom we have organized work in such a way as to minimize the sanctions as much as possible,” said Pantus. Speaking about the impact of sanctions on the work of enterprises in

Russian Rear Admiral reported the death of a Syrian soldier in Aleppo

Rear Admiral Kulit: one Syrian soldier died as a result of shelling in Aleppo in Syria, Rear Admiral Vadim Kulit reported one Syrian soldier killed and two injured in terrorist attacks in Aleppo and Idlib provinces. This is reported by RIA Novosti. “In the province of Aleppo, as a result of terrorists firing an anti-tank missile system from the Ibizmu area on positions of government forces near the settlement of Urum al-kubra, one Syrian soldier was killed and another was wounded. In the province of Idlib, as a result of terrorists firing an anti-tank missile system from the Fatira region on positions of government forces in the area of ​​Melladja, one Syrian soldier was wounded, “the rear admiral said. Kulit also said that over the past day, the militants Jabhat Al-Nusra (terrorist group, banned in Russia) carried out two attacks in Aleppo and four attacks in the Idlib de-escalation zone.

French presidential candidate attacked at his first rally

BFM: French presidential candidate Zemmour attacked at his first rally French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour attacked the first campaign rally in the Parisian suburb of Villepinte. This was reported by the BFMTV TV channel. The video, published on the channel's website, shows how Zemmur, accompanied by security guards and journalists, moves through the hall to the podium. At that moment, an unknown man suddenly attacked him, running out of the crowd of spectators. In an attempt to knock Zemmur to the ground, he grasped the candidate's head forcibly. The guards detained the intruder and took him out of the hall. Now he is in custody for deliberate violence. According to the police, the identity of the attacker is already known to law enforcement officers, he is associated with various offenses. The reasons for the attack are unknown. Zemmur's nomination for the presidency of the Fifth Republic became known on October

The blogger who asked the UK to check the work of Oksimiron expressed his sympathy for him

Blogger Yakushev, who jokingly asked to check the artists: I like Oksimiron and Noize MC Blogger Dmitry Yakushev, who jokingly asked the Investigative Committee (SK) Russia to check the work of Oksimiron and Noize MC, declared his sympathy for the artists. He told the Telegram channel Mash about this. The blogger admitted that he often jokes and is engaged in such “political satire.” According to him, people who know him personally know about this, while the man stressed that he is not a “millionaire blogger.” “In fact, I really like both Oksimiron and Noize MC … I was just joking, spoke from the side of such a completely blinkered idiot, and wrote a completely idiotic appeal on purpose. Allegedly, an appeal from a group of patriots, of course, it was not sent anywhere, “he said during a telephone conversation. Earlier, Yakushev asked the head of the TFR Alexander Bastrykin not

The blogger who asked the UK to check the work of Oksimiron expressed his sympathy for him

Blogger Yakushev, who jokingly asked to check the artists: I like Oksimiron and Noize MC Blogger Dmitry Yakushev, who jokingly asked the Investigative Committee (SK) Russia to check the work of Oksimiron and Noize MC, declared his sympathy for the artists. He told the Telegram channel Mash about this. The blogger admitted that he often jokes and is engaged in such “political satire.” According to him, people who know him personally know about this, while the man stressed that he is not a “millionaire blogger.” “In fact, I really like both Oksimiron and Noize MC … I was just joking, spoke from the side of such a completely blinkered idiot, and wrote a completely idiotic appeal on purpose. Allegedly, an appeal from a group of patriots, of course, it was not sent anywhere, “he said during a telephone conversation. Earlier, Yakushev asked the head of the TFR Alexander Bastrykin not

The head of the Munich conference assessed the role of Nord Stream 2 in relations with the United States

Munich head: Nord Stream 2 remains a problem in Germany's relations with the United States Nord Stream 2 remains a problem not only with regard to Ukraine, but also in relations between Germany and the United States, but the time for stopping the project is gone. This was stated by the head of the Munich Security Conference Wolfgang Ischinger in an interview with the newspaper “Handelsblatt.” this [stopping] is obviously too late now. ” He also stressed that even if Germany, after leaving nuclear energy after 2030, decides to abandon coal, the country's gas demand in the medium term will not decrease. “Of course, we should not depend on the American domestic policy, but we must ensure that our policy in America is still properly understood and taken seriously, ”Ischinger explained. He noted that the US Congress still does not understand why Berlin is not becoming more independent on the

Автор запроса о проверке рэперов Noize MC и Oxxxymiron на экстремизм заявил, что пошутил

МОСКВА, 5 декабря. /ТАСС/. Обращение инициативной «группы патриотов» в Следственный комитет России с просьбой о проверке творчества Noize MC (Иван Алексеев) и Oxxxymiron (Мирон Федоров) на экстремизм является шуткой, более того, такой организации не существует. Об этом ТАСС сообщил автор этого обращения, москвич Дмитрий Якушев. «Никакой “группы патриотов” нет. Я сам ее выдумал и от ее имени разместил у себя во “ВКонтакте” пост с просьбой к СК проверить творчество Noize MC и Oxxxymiron на ряд преступлений. Это обращение написано мной в максимально юмористической манере, и воспринимать его следует как шутку, а не как реальное заявление в правоохранительные органы», — заявил собеседник агентства. Он добавил, что с письменным заявлением в Следственный комитет или еще в какие-либо правоохранительные органы он не обращался. «Более того, люди, которые меня знают давно, они в курсе, что я часто шучу в подобной манере. Не ожидал, что моя шутка в соцсетях вызовет такую реакцию», — отметил Якушев. Он добавил, что не считает нужным проведение проверки со стороны СК. Также Якушев сообщил, что нормально относится к творчеству Noize MC и Oxxxymiron. «Хочу добавить, что раньше я был музыкальным продюсером. Работал с группой Sixtynine. В тот период времени Noize MC играл в нашей группе, мы нормально общались», — сказал он. Ранее сообщалось, что следственный комитет РФ проверит творчество Noize MC и Oxxxymiron