The United States offered to deploy a large army near the borders of Russia

Gur believes that & nbsp; the United States should move its army headquarters from & nbsp; Germany to & nbsp; Poland, placing it in Warsaw & nbs ; also send a heavy armored corps there so that it & nbsp; was there on a & nbsp; permanent basis. The author of the article also suggested equipping Poland with the latest American weapons and & nbsp; adapting its & nbsp; troops for & nbsp; joint operations with the & nbsp; USA. According to Goore & nbsp; the United States needs to strengthen the eastern flank of NATO in advance due to the & nbsp; lack of sufficient capacity to & nbsp; transfer people across the & nbsp; sea during & nbsp; time of war. So, in all the front-line NATO states, significant military forces and & nbsp; long-range artillery must be deployed to & nbsp; defeat targets in the & nbsp;

The head of the Munich conference assessed Ukraine's chances of joining NATO

Ischinger: Ukraine should follow the example of Finland in the issue of relations with NATO with Ukraine, follow the example of Finland, which is part of the European Union (EU), but is not a member of the alliance. He expressed this opinion in an interview with Handelsblatt. The German diplomat said that Russia has long feared that the US intends to enter Ukraine into NATO. However, Ischinger emphasized, “for Russia this is a red line.” At the same time, Ischinger noted that it is now impossible to say with certainty that Ukraine will never join NATO. He stressed that he does not yet believe in the alleged “upcoming Russian invasion of Ukraine, which some fear.” The diplomat believes that the new government of Germany should promote the development of a dialogue, on the one hand, between the European Union and NATO, and on the other hand, with Moscow. Earlier, Minister

Putin named Sputnik V one of the most effective and safest vaccines in the world

President Putin: Sputnik V vaccine is one of the most effective and safest Russian President Vladimir Putin named the Russian vaccine Sputnik V »One of the most efficient in the world. He stated this during a video link with the head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Francesco Rocca, RIA Novosti reports. Millions of people who have received the vaccine, and the analysis of the information received suggests that that the Russian vaccine is one of the most effective in terms of protection against COVID-19 and safe, bearing in mind almost the absence of any consequences Vladimir PutinPresident of the Russian Federation Putin also expressed hope that the IFRC will contribute to the promotion of Sputnik V in the world, including at the level of the World Health Organization (WHO). This will open the door to wider distribution of the vaccine, the Russian leader

Blinken considered the threat to Ukraine from Russia “very serious”

US Secretary of State Blinken: the threat to Ukraine from Russia is very serious US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken ” serious. ” His words are reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the State Department. “It is very serious, because what we observed is the concentration of significant forces near the border with Ukraine. We have seen efforts to destabilize within Ukraine, a propaganda campaign against Ukraine in social networks, which has increased by about ten times in scale, “he stressed. He added that Washington is striving for” stable, predictable ” relations with Moscow, however, in the event of aggression towards Ukraine, Russia will face certain consequences. “I hope this will affect the calculations of President Putin and Russia will choose a different course,” said the Secretary of State. Blinken also recalled that the United States witnessed the “invasion of Russian forces” into Ukraine in 2014.

The leading regions for the absence of bad habits were named

RIA Novosti: Chechnya is in the lead in the rating of Russian regions in the absence of bad habits The Chechen Republic is in the lead in the rating of Russian regions in the absence of bad habits. This is evidenced by the results of a study by RIA Novosti. Dagestan took the second place, Ingushetia – the third. The top five also included Kabardino-Balkaria and the Volgograd region. Analysts associate the low prevalence of bad habits in the North Caucasus with the centuries-old way of life and strict traditions characteristic of this territory. According to research, the greatest adherence to bad habits is observed in the Republic of Khakassia, Kamchatka Territory, Sakhalin, Amur Regions, Udmurt Republic and Magadan Region. Experts conducted a study based on official statistics. When calculating the rating, the consumption of tobacco products and alcohol, the number of crimes that were committed while under the influence

The leading regions for the absence of bad habits were named

RIA Novosti: Chechnya leads the rating of Russian regions in terms of the absence of bad habits The Chechen Republic leads the rating of Russian regions in terms of the absence of harmful habits. This is evidenced by the results of a study by RIA Novosti. Dagestan took the second place, Ingushetia – the third. The top five also included Kabardino-Balkaria and the Volgograd region. Analysts associate the low prevalence of bad habits in the North Caucasus with the centuries-old way of life and strict traditions characteristic of this territory. According to research, the greatest adherence to bad habits is observed in the Republic of Khakassia, Kamchatka Territory, Sakhalin, Amur Regions, Udmurt Republic and Magadan Region. Experts conducted a study based on official statistics. When calculating the rating, the consumption of tobacco products and alcohol, the number of crimes that were committed while under the influence of alcohol and drugs

Putin named Sputnik V one of the most effective and safest vaccines in the world

President Putin: Sputnik V vaccine is one of the most effective and safest Russian President Vladimir Putin named the Russian vaccine Sputnik V »One of the most efficient in the world. He stated this during a video link with the head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Francesco Rocca, RIA Novosti reports. Millions of people who have received the vaccine, and the analysis of the information received suggests that that the Russian vaccine is one of the most effective in terms of protection against COVID-19 and safe, bearing in mind almost the absence of any consequences Vladimir PutinPresident of the Russian Federation Putin also expressed hope that the IFRC will contribute to the promotion of Sputnik V in the world, including at the level of the World Health Organization (WHO). According to the Russian leader, this will open the doors to wider distribution of

The results of the reign of Merkel are summed up

The Telegraph: After leaving the post of chancellor, Merkel left some positive moments The Telegraph published the results of the reign of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. As the author of the material notes, after her departure from office, she left some positive moments both for her fellow party members from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party and for her European colleagues in general. So, the author of the material recalls how ten years ago, during the debt crisis that broke out in Greece, Merkel defended the solvency of German banks, while “throwing another member of the European Union under the bus”. Then she got Brussels to take painful measures for the states of Southern Europe in the form of structural reforms and austerity, which left “long-term economic and political scars on the face of the entire European Union.” As a second mistake, Merkel called the Chancellor's refusal to use nuclear

52-year-old model starred topless and thrilled fans

Helena Christensen starred topless in brown pants from the Chanel fashion house for L & # 39; Beaute Danish supermodel Helena Christensen took part in a candid photo shoot and thrilled the fans. A corresponding series of shots and user comments appeared on her Instagram page. For the new shoot, the 52-year-old celebrity starred in several characters. So, in one photo she is captured in a white T-shirt with the inscription 90's supermodel (“supermodel of the 90s”) and black leather pants. In another shot, Christensen poses topless in brown Chanel pants and khaki knitted gloves. At the same time, she covers her bare chest with her hands. She was also photographed wearing a dress over a T-shirt and lace-up boots. These shots are known to have graced the printed version of L'Beaute magazine called The Icons Book. The publication received more than 26 thousand likes. Fans appreciated the appearance of

52-year-old model starred topless and thrilled fans

Helena Christensen starred topless in brown pants from the Chanel fashion house for L & # 39; Beaute Danish supermodel Helena Christensen took part in a candid photo shoot and thrilled the fans. A corresponding series of shots and user comments appeared on her Instagram page. For the new shoot, the 52-year-old celebrity starred in several characters. So, in one photo she is captured in a white T-shirt with the inscription 90's supermodel (“supermodel of the 90s”) and black leather pants. In another shot, Christensen poses topless in brown Chanel pants and khaki knitted gloves. At the same time, she covers her bare chest with her hands. She was also photographed wearing a dress over a T-shirt and lace-up boots. These shots are known to have graced the printed version of L'Beaute magazine called The Icons Book. The publication received more than 26 thousand likes. Fans appreciated the appearance of