Russian senator reacted to intimidation from Ukraine

Russian Senator Pushkov: NATO does not intend to fight for Ukraine millions of refugees in the event of a Russian invasion. In his Telegram channel, he called this an attempt to intimidate the West. This is a statement by the minister, which he made to an article for the American media. According to him, in the event of a full-scale conflict, three to five million refugees will pour into Europe, which will become a “major problem” for the European Union. The senator believes that NATO does not intend to fight for Ukraine. According to him, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg made this clear, recalling that Ukraine is a partner, but not a member of the alliance. “This means that Article 5 of the Washington Treaty is inapplicable to her, and the alliance has no obligation to defend Ukraine. Therefore, its Ministry of Defense is trying to intimidate the West at

Putin spoke about Polish border guards adding herbicides to water

Vladimir Putin: Polish border guards add herbicides to water to disperse migrants Red Cross and Red Crescent ”Francesco Roccoy said that Polish border guards add herbicides to the water used to disperse migrants on the border with Belarus. This is reported by TASS. “Well, you cannot water people not only with water, but also mix herbicides and pesticides into this water in order to cause burns and other serious consequences for these migrants, including , in women and young children, ”the Russian leader said. Putin added that “this does not at all fit with the principles of humane treatment of migrants.” The Russian President urged Rokka to pay attention to Poland's behavior in the situation with migrants. “How many people have already died at the border. Buried there already. They are buried there almost every day. Well, this is just a disaster, “he said. During the same conversation, Vladimir Putin

Putin spoke about Polish border guards adding herbicides to water

Vladimir Putin: Polish border guards add herbicides to water to disperse migrants Red Cross and Red Crescent ”Francesco Roccoy said that Polish border guards add herbicides to the water used to disperse migrants on the border with Belarus. This is reported by TASS. “Well, you cannot water people not only with water, but also mix herbicides and pesticides into this water in order to cause burns and other serious consequences for these migrants, including , in women and young children, ”the Russian leader said. Putin added that “this does not at all fit with the principles of humane treatment of migrants.” The Russian President urged Rokka to pay attention to Poland's behavior in the situation with migrants. “How many people have already died at the border. Buried there already. They are buried there almost every day. Well, this is just a disaster, “he said. During the same conversation, Vladimir Putin

The United States offered to deploy a large army near the borders of Russia

Columnist Daniel Goure invited the US to deploy a large army near the Russian borders Security expert Daniel Goure suggested that the US should the borders of Russia a large army to gain an overwhelming advantage. He wrote about this in his article for 19Fortyfive. Gur believes that the United States should move its army headquarters from Germany to Poland, stationing it in Warsaw, and also send a heavy armored corps there to be there on permanent basis. The author of the article also suggested equipping Poland with the latest American weapons and adapting its troops for joint operations with the United States. According to the observer, the United States needs to strengthen NATO's eastern flank in advance due to the lack of sufficient capacity to transport people by sea during war. So, in all the front-line NATO states, it is necessary to deploy significant military forces and long-range artillery

Germany found it impossible to stop Nord Stream 2

The head of the Munich conference Ischinger said that it was too late to stop Nord Stream 2 Handelsblatt said that the time has passed for the shutdown of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. Ischinger added that the project remains a problem not only with regard to Ukraine, but also in relations between Germany and the United States. When asked if the project's suspension by the FRG would make life easier for American leader Joe Biden, Ischinger replied: “Yes, but for this [stopping] it is obviously too late now.” According to the head of the Munich conference, even if Berlin decides to abandon coal after leaving nuclear energy after 2030, Germany's gas demand will not decrease in the medium term. Of course, we should not depend on the American domestic politics, but we must ensure that our politics in America continues to be properly understood and taken seriously Wolfgang

NATO veteran named obstacle to strikes on Russia

NATO veteran Atlamazoglou: Zircon missile could become an obstacle for the US and NATO ships NATO veteran Stavros Atlamazoglou called the Zircon hypersonic anti-ship missiles (ASM) a serious obstacle to the US Navy and NATO warships strikes against Russia. He wrote about this in an article for 19Fortyfive. According to him, thanks to the Zircons and the S-300 and S-400 air defense systems, the Russian army will create a kind of “umbrella” in the Crimea and the Baltic Sea, which in the West is called Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD). The observer added that anti-ship missiles are capable of speeds of Mach nine and hit targets within a radius of thousands of kilometers. According to Atlamazoglu, such weapons will allow sinking ships and shooting down NATO aircraft approaching the Crimea and the Baltic. On November 27, it was reported that the Reutov NPO Mashinostroeniya had begun mass production of the latest Zircon

Russians listed major associations with the Soviet Union

VTsIOM: every fifth Russian associates the USSR with stability and faith in a bright future Russians have listed the main associations with the Soviet Union. Every fifth inhabitant has positive memories of this period, the VTsIOM poll showed. So, 21 percent of Russians said that they associate the USSR with such concepts as belief in a bright future, stability, calmness or confidence in tomorrow. More often than others, servicemen and people with higher education, as well as Russians 45-59 years old (28 percent) and over 60 years old (23 percent) spoke about this. 11 percent associate the USSR with their own childhood and adolescence, or with the youth of the parents. These answers are more popular among older and middle-aged people, and are more common among women than among men. Only 1 percent of Russians associate the USSR with repressions and the GULAG, and 5 percent with deficits and queues.

Russians listed major associations with the Soviet Union

VTsIOM: every fifth Russian associates the USSR with stability and faith in a bright future Russians have listed the main associations with the Soviet Union. Every fifth inhabitant has positive memories of this period, the VTsIOM poll showed. So, 21 percent of Russians said that they associate the USSR with such concepts as belief in a bright future, stability, calmness or confidence in tomorrow. More often than others, servicemen and people with higher education, as well as Russians 45-59 years old (28 percent) and over 60 years old (23 percent) spoke about this. 11 percent associate the USSR with their own childhood and adolescence, or with the youth of the parents. These answers are more popular among older and middle-aged people, and are more common among women than among men. Only 1 percent of Russians associate the USSR with repressions and the GULAG, and 5 percent with deficits and queues.

Blinken considered the threat to Ukraine from Russia “very serious”

US Secretary of State Blinken: the threat to Ukraine from Russia is very serious serious. ” His words are reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the State Department. “It is very serious, because what we observed is the concentration of significant forces near the border with Ukraine. We have seen efforts to destabilize within Ukraine, a propaganda campaign against Ukraine in social networks, which has increased by about ten times in scale, “he stressed. He added that Washington is striving for” stable, predictable ” relations with Moscow, however, in the event of aggression towards Ukraine, Russia will face certain consequences. “I hope this will affect the calculations of President Putin and Russia will choose a different course,” said the Secretary of State. Blinken also recalled that the United States witnessed the “invasion of Russian forces” into Ukraine in 2014. Earlier in November, Blinken warned that Russia

The United States offered to deploy a large army near the borders of Russia

Columnist Daniel Goure invited the US to place a large army near the Russian borders Security expert Daniel Goure suggested the US to place the borders of Russia a large army to gain an overwhelming advantage. He wrote about this in his article for 19Fortyfive. Gur believes that the United States should move its army headquarters from Germany to Poland, stationing it in Warsaw, and also send a heavy armored corps there to be there on permanent basis. The author of the article also suggested equipping Poland with the latest American weapons and adapting its troops for joint operations with the United States. According to the observer, the United States needs to strengthen NATO's eastern flank in advance due to the lack of sufficient capacity to transport people by sea during war. So, in all the front-line NATO states, it is necessary to deploy significant military forces and long-range artillery