Migrants wanted to oblige to re-submit their fingerprints

Ministry of Internal Affairs: migrants are subject to repeated fingerprinting after tattoos and removal of scars 90 days, they wanted to send for re-fingerprinting and photographing after tattooing or removing scars. This is reported by TASS with reference to the draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also, migrants may be re-obliged to take fingerprints in case of loss of a limb, hand or finger. “Foreign citizens are subject to fingerprinting and photographing once, with the exception of persons in respect of whom a significant persistent (permanent) change in appearance (the appearance (removal) of scars, skin defects, tattoos, changes in appearance as a result of surgical interventions) has been identified, or ten years have passed since the date of the photographing “, – specified in document. In the event of a change in the last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender or citizenship, as well

Migrants wanted to oblige to re-submit their fingerprints

Ministry of Internal Affairs: migrants are subject to repeated fingerprinting after tattooing and removal of scars 90 days, they wanted to send for re-fingerprinting and photographing after tattooing or removing scars. This is reported by TASS with reference to the draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also, migrants may be re-obliged to take fingerprints in case of loss of a limb, hand or finger. “Foreign citizens are subject to fingerprinting and photographing once, with the exception of persons in respect of whom a significant persistent (permanent) change in appearance (the appearance (removal) of scars, skin defects, tattoos, changes in appearance as a result of surgical interventions) has been identified, or ten years have passed since the date of the photographing “, – specified in document. In the event of a change in the last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender or citizenship, as well

Russians wanted to be fined for not allowing gas workers to enter apartments

Senator Kutepov proposed to introduce a fine of up to 10 thousand rubles for preventing gas workers from entering the apartments The head of the Federation Council (Federation Council) Committee on Economic Policy Andrei Kutepov proposed to introduce a fine of up to ten thousand rubles for not allowing gas equipment repair and diagnostics specialists to enter the apartments. He sent the corresponding draft law for review to the government, writes TASS. Kutepov notes that the current article of the Code of Administrative Offenses does not provide for fines for not allowing specialists to enter the dwelling just for the diagnosis of gas equipment. According to the bill, a fine will have to be paid for refusing to admit a representative of a specialized organization to perform maintenance and repair work on in-house and/or in-house gas equipment, work on its technical diagnostics, as well as for refusing to admit a

The court sentenced for abuse in the supply of equipment for “Soyuz”

Kommersant: the court sentenced the top managers of the Progress RCC Kirilina and Tyulevin to 9 years in prison the verdict in the criminal case of Svetlana Kirilina, the former head of the financial department of the Samara Rocket and Space Center (RCC) Progress (a structure of Roscosmos), and Sergei Tyulevin, the chief engineer of the enterprise, accused of abuse of authority in supplying the center with equipment for the production of Soyuz- 2 “and inappropriate spending of budget funds. Kommersant writes about this. On the first charge, the defendants received nine years in a general regime colony each, the second charge was dropped due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. According to the materials of the case, the top managers were involved in the purchase of equipment for the production of Soyuz-2 launch vehicles at an overpriced price. The prosecution estimated the total damage to Roscosmos from

The court sentenced for abuse in the supply of equipment for “Soyuz”

“Kommersant”: the court sentenced the top managers of the Progress RCC Kirilina and Tyulevin to 9 years in prison Kirovsky District Court the verdict in the criminal case of Svetlana Kirilina, the former head of the financial department of the Samara Rocket and Space Center (RCC) Progress (a structure of Roscosmos), and Sergei Tyulevin, the chief engineer of the enterprise, accused of abuse of authority in supplying the center with equipment for the production of Soyuz- 2 “and inappropriate spending of budget funds. Kommersant writes about this. On the first charge, the defendants received nine years in a general regime colony each, the second charge was dropped due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. According to the materials of the case, the top managers were involved in the purchase of equipment for the production of Soyuz-2 launch vehicles at an overpriced price. The prosecution estimated the total damage

Russians wanted to be fined for not allowing gas workers to enter apartments

Senator Kutepov proposed to introduce a fine of up to 10 thousand rubles for preventing gas workers from entering the apartments The head of the Federation Council (Federation Council) Committee on Economic Policy Andrei Kutepov proposed to introduce a fine of up to ten thousand rubles for not allowing gas equipment repair and diagnostics specialists to enter the apartments. He sent the corresponding draft law for review to the government, writes TASS. Kutepov notes that the current article of the Code of Administrative Offenses does not provide for fines for not allowing specialists to enter the dwelling just for the diagnosis of gas equipment. According to the bill, a fine will have to be paid for refusing to admit a representative of a specialized organization to perform maintenance and repair work on in-house and/or in-house gas equipment, work on its technical diagnostics, as well as for refusing to admit a

In Russia, Biden's refusal to comply with the “red lines” was called reckless

State Duma Deputy Sheremet called Biden's reckless refusal to observe the “red lines” Biden to observe the “red lines” in international relations. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to him, the American leader demonstrates a “reckless and disregarding approach” to international relations, showing a disdainful attitude towards the interests of other states and world peace. “The US authorities are used to sowing confusion and discord throughout the world, but at our borders, we will not allow them to rule. Biden needs to understand that there is a black stripe behind the red lines, which no one needs, “Sheremet said. The politician added that it is unacceptable to communicate with Moscow in the language of force and blackmail. He stressed that the Russian side was always ready for dialogue and stood for constructive relations with other states. “But our kindness and political decency should not be perceived as weakness. Any

Details of the murder of Russian tourists in Cyprus revealed

Cyprus Mail: A 32-year-old Syrian detained in Cyprus killed two Russian women after a hunt In Cyprus, he committed a crime after a hunt, writes the Cyprus Mail. Earlier, local media reported on the discovery of the bodies of two Russian women who went missing in mid-November. Law enforcement officials believe that the murder was committed by a 32-year-old Syrian. He confessed and showed where the bodies were buried. Two of his acquaintances are also involved in the case. According to the Cyprus Mail, the suspected Syrian was arrested ten days ago, but only now confessed to the crime. The man said that he buried the bodies of those killed in a pit ten meters from the house, covering the place with gravel. It is noted that the police were unable to immediately find the burial due to the rains that covered their tracks. Earlier on December 5, the Russian

Germany found it impossible to stop Nord Stream 2

The head of the Munich conference Ischinger said that it was too late to stop Nord Stream 2 Handelsblatt said that the time has passed for the shutdown of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. Ischinger added that the project remains a problem not only with regard to Ukraine, but also in relations between Germany and the United States. When asked if the project's suspension by the FRG would make life easier for American leader Joe Biden, Ischinger replied: “Yes, but for this [stopping] it is obviously too late now.” According to the head of the Munich conference, even if Berlin decides to abandon coal after leaving nuclear energy after 2030, Germany's gas demand will not decrease in the medium term. Of course, we should not depend on the American domestic politics, but we must ensure that our politics in America continues to be properly understood and taken seriously Wolfgang

In Russia, Biden's refusal to comply with the “red lines” was called reckless

State Duma Deputy Sheremet called Biden's refusal to observe the “red lines” reckless Biden to observe the “red lines” in international relations. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to him, the American leader demonstrates a “reckless and disregarding approach” to international relations, showing a disdainful attitude towards the interests of other states and world peace. “The US authorities are used to sowing confusion and discord throughout the world, but at our borders, we will not allow them to rule. Biden needs to understand that there is a black stripe behind the red lines, which no one needs, “Sheremet said. The politician added that it is unacceptable to communicate with Moscow in the language of force and blackmail. He stressed that the Russian side was always ready for dialogue and stood for constructive relations with other states. “But our kindness and political decency should not be perceived as weakness. Any