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Former Soviet Prime Minister named the reason for the collapse of the USSR

Former head of the Council of Ministers Ryzhkov: It was not the Americans who destroyed the USSR, although they contributed to Former Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, member of the Federation Council Nikolai Ryzhkov spoke about the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet state, considering chaotic and abrupt reforms to be the main reason for this. His words are reported by RIA Novosti. “It was not the Americans who ruined us, although they contributed to this, since they always tried to eliminate such a competitor as the USSR. But I do not think that we collapsed only because of external factors, “the former Soviet prime minister believes. Ryzhkov pointed out that due to the problems accumulated in the country, reforms were necessary. “But it was necessary to work calmly, methodically, as China is developing today. They spent 40 years to modernize and come to the

Share of residents of Russian cities who bought QR codes disclosed

Virologist Netesov: about 20% of residents of some Russian cities bought QR codes illegally About 20% of residents of some Russian cities bought QR codes are illegal, such data were disclosed by Sergey Netesov, head of the laboratory of biotechnology and virology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of NSU, RBC reports. The virologist is sure that with the introduction of such certificates, the epidemiological situation will not really improve. Its improvement, according to the scientist, is only facilitated by the vaccination of citizens against COVID-19. Netesov noted that Russia is now in the first hundred countries in terms of vaccination rate. “In terms of the number of diseases per capita, it is in the top three,” he explained. In turn, the director of the Gamaleya Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Alexander Gintsburg, said in mid-October that 80 percent of Russians claiming to have been vaccinated “Sputnik V”, but at

The head of the UFC reacted to the refusal of the star of the promotion to fight with Chimaev

UFC head Dane White reacted to Nate Diaz's words about Khamzat Chimaev stars of the promotion of Nate Diaz on plans to organize for his fight with the Chechen Khamzat Chimaev. This is reported by TMZ. White did not agree with the reason given by Diaz, who refused a possible fight against Chimaev. The American referred to the lack of experience of the Swedish fighter of Chechen origin and called him a newcomer. The head of the UFC noted that he has a different opinion. “There are guys who are a little more experienced and less experienced. Khamzat is ready to fight anyone in different weight categories. Ready to replace an injured, withdrawn fighter. He fights regularly, he is here and now wants to fight you. Here it is – reality. On the other hand, people may refuse to meet with him. I don’t blame them for that, ”White said.

Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi receives four years in prison on first sentence

76-year-old Aung San Soo & nbsp; Ji was found guilty of & nbsp; inciting discord in & nbsp; society and & nbsp; violations & nbsp; ; in accordance with the & nbsp; Act on & nbsp; Natural Disasters. Aung San Suu Kyi has been charged with 11 charges in total. She does not admit guilt. Its supporters consider the process to be politically motivated. In the & nbsp; government of Myanmar, Aung San Su & nbsp; Zhi served as a state adviser. Before & nbsp; came to & nbsp; power in & nbsp; 2016, she was an influential opposition politician and & nbsp; human rights activist, was attacked and & nbsp; repression, spent about & nbsp; 15 years under house arrest. In & nbsp; 1991, she & nbsp; was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and & nbsp; a year earlier & nbsp; & mdash; award “ For & nbsp; freedom

The doctor named five causes of shortness of breath after COVID-19

Pulmonologist Abakumov: after COVID-19, shortness of breath may occur due to another illness After suffering COVID-19 breathing exercises to reduce shortness of breath may not help because shortness of breath may be associated with other medical conditions. Five reasons for the deterioration of the rhythm and depth of breathing were named by the therapist, pulmonologist Oleg Abakumov, according to Doctor Peter. “Inflate at least 100 thousand balloons, if the cause of shortness of breath lies in a disease of some organ, a problem with breathing will not dare. Worse, you can waste time and aggravate the situation, “Abakumov said. According to him, breathing exercises can help with immobilization – a process when the intercostal muscles and diaphragm weaken due to illness. The second cause of shortness of breath can be lung diseases, including fibrosis, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. To exclude such diagnoses, you need to undergo a computed tomography

The Ministry of Construction commented on fines for glazing balconies

The Ministry of Construction said that fines for glazed balconies are not an innovation This comment was given by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities, RIA Novosti reports. The department stressed that the order of the Ministry of Construction does not introduce any new requirements for citizens-owners – fines for glazed balconies existed before. “Supervisory authorities have the right to apply penalties for violation of the rules of redevelopment and reconstruction, as well as regional improvement rules, if they contain requirements for the appearance of buildings,” the Ministry of Construction explained. A new order of the ministry will enter into in force on 1 March 2022. The main change that he makes to the existing rules is that the requirements for the use of residential premises will also be imposed on legal entities in whose ownership it is located. Previously, the rules did not concern them. Earlier in

Popular European country relaxed antiquated tourist restrictions

From December 18, tourists will be able to check-in to hotels in ski resorts in Bulgaria without PCR test Antique restrictions for foreign travelers, including those from Russia. Information about this appeared on the website of the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic. So, from December 18, travelers will be able to check into hotels in ski resorts in Bulgaria and use infrastructure without presenting documents confirming the absence of coronavirus or the fact of a previous illness. Related materials00: 10 – 12 April 2017 Fit into the budget Six simple tips to help you save on summer vacations00: 15-15 June 2016 < img src = "/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/27e244132dd9bcc4a1804cb9657bf734.jpg" /> We save on sleepers10 life hacks, tricks and tricks for traveling by train resorts and other places of recreation, tourists must have a vaccination certificate, a certificate of infection or a PCR test no older than 72 hours. Children under 18 years

The State Duma responded to Blinken's words about the threat to Ukraine from Russia

State Duma deputy Chepa denied Blinken's words about the threat to Ukraine from Russia NATO countries view Ukraine as a springboard for provocations against Russia. So, to the words of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken that there is a “very serious threat” to Ukraine from Russia, Aleksey Chepa, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, answered in an interview with RT. According to him, NATO does everything to maintain the atmosphere of tension between the countries, forcing the Ukrainian authorities to act in the same direction. He also added that the alliance led by the United States is doing nothing to force Ukraine to comply with the Minsk agreements. “The fact that we are preparing some kind of action against Ukraine is absurd and provocative.” , – said the deputy. Earlier, Blinken said that Washington is striving for “stable, predictable” relations with Moscow, but in the