Japan appreciated the modernized Pantsir-S1M

Masai Saito: the upgraded Pantsir-S1M can suppress the navigation of drones S1M “can hit small and low-speed drones. The Russian air defense missile system was assessed by military expert Masai Saito in an article for Yahoo News Japan. Saito noted that the modernization increased the effectiveness of the air defense missile system in the fight against drones. The publication emphasizes that Pantsir-S1M can hit small and low-speed targets that can bypass other air defense systems. The upgraded complex received new missiles that can hit targets at ranges of up to 30 kilometers … The ZRPK radar can detect targets at a distance of up to 75 kilometers. Pantsir-S1M is capable of tracking up to 40 targets simultaneously. The article emphasized that the Russian air defense missile system can suppress radars and navigation equipment of unmanned aerial vehicles at a distance of 15-18 kilometers. Previously, the main Viktor Murakhovsky, editor of

Samara Deputy Interior Minister accused of receiving millions in bribes from criminals

Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation: Deputy Head of the Russian Interior Ministry Directorate for Samara was charged with corruption The Deputy Head of the Russian Interior Ministry Directorate for Samara was charged with corruption. This was reported to “Lente.ru” in the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia. According to the investigation, he entered into an agreement with the leaders of the organized criminal group “Zakonovskie”. In March 2011, the deputy head of the Samara Ministry of Internal Affairs met with them in one of the city's restaurants and promised his patronage. For this, the accused demanded 150 thousand rubles a month and a VAZ-212140. From April 2011 to August 2017, the accused systematically received bribes in the amount of 150 to 400 thousand rubles for helping members of the organized criminal group. The total amount of illegal remuneration exceeded 22 million rubles. Based on the materials of

Japan appreciated the modernized Pantsir-S1M

Masai Saito: the upgraded Pantsir-S1M can suppress the navigation of drones S1M “can hit small and low-speed drones. The Russian air defense missile system was assessed by military expert Masai Saito in an article for Yahoo News Japan. Saito noted that the modernization increased the effectiveness of the air defense missile system in the fight against drones. The publication emphasizes that Pantsir-S1M can hit small and low-speed targets that can bypass other air defense systems. The upgraded complex received new missiles that can hit targets at ranges of up to 30 kilometers … The ZRPK radar can detect targets at a distance of up to 75 kilometers. Pantsir-S1M is capable of tracking up to 40 targets simultaneously. The article emphasized that the Russian air defense missile system can suppress radars and navigation equipment of unmanned aerial vehicles at a distance of 15-18 kilometers. Previously, the main Viktor Murakhovsky, editor of

In the desire of the Central Bank to return the money stolen by fraudsters, they saw a threat to Russians

President of ARB: return of money stolen from accounts may lead to an increase in tariffs bills of money can lead to an increase in tariffs and interest on loans for Russians. Such a threat is seen in the Association of Russian Banks (ARB). When stealing from accounts, it is advisable to determine who is to blame – the bank or the client, said the president of the organization Garegin Tosunyan. If we are talking about the irresponsibility of the person himself, then the bank should not help, he is sure. Tosunyan added that to oblige the innocent party to bear material losses is to act contrary to common sense. If the fault lies with a financial organization, then it should bear responsibility in full, and not within a certain amount, the expert believes … The ARB President proposed to create a special fund to compensate people for their losses

Russian businessman committed suicide in Moscow

REN TV: the general director of the construction company Promstroy-M LLC committed suicide in Moscow General director of the construction company Promstroy- M “and the founder of Promstroy LLC Vladimir Prokhorov committed suicide in Moscow. REN TV writes about this on Monday, November 6. It is specified that the body of a 63-year-old businessman was found under the windows of a house on Marshal Timoshenko Street on December 3. According to some reports, the deceased Russian had big debts – about 135 million rubles. On October 11, it became known that in Moscow, on Levoberezhnaya Street, a 34-year-old woman had killed two small children and committed suicide. One child was four years old, the other was a month old.

In the desire of the Central Bank to return the money stolen by fraudsters, they saw a threat to Russians

President of ARB: return of money stolen from accounts may lead to an increase in tariffs bills of money can lead to an increase in tariffs and interest on loans for Russians. Such a threat is seen in the Association of Russian Banks (ARB). When stealing from accounts, it is advisable to determine who is to blame – the bank or the client, said the president of the organization Garegin Tosunyan. If we are talking about the irresponsibility of the person himself, then the bank should not help, he is sure. Tosunyan added that to oblige the innocent party to bear material losses is to act contrary to common sense. If the fault lies with a financial organization, then it should bear responsibility in full, and not within a certain amount, the expert believes … The ARB President proposed to create a special fund to compensate people for their losses

Russian businessman committed suicide in Moscow

REN TV: the general director of the construction company Promstroy-M LLC committed suicide in Moscow General director of the construction company Promstroy- M ”and the founder of LLC“ Promstroy ”Vladimir Prokhorov committed suicide in Moscow. REN TV writes about this on Monday, November 6. It is specified that the body of a 63-year-old businessman was found under the windows of a house on Marshal Timoshenko Street on December 3. According to some reports, the deceased Russian had big debts – about 135 million rubles. On October 11, it became known that in Moscow, on Levoberezhnaya Street, a 34-year-old woman had killed two small children and committed suicide. One child was four years old, the other was a month old.

A tourist accidentally found a box of jewelry in the mountains and received millions of rubles

A climber discovered gems on Mont Blanc and received them after eight years Alps in 2013. This is reported by the France24 portal. According to the publication, a tourist, whose name was not disclosed, found a metal box on Mont Blanc, which was filled with emeralds, rubies and sapphires. It is known that the box was on board an Air India plane, which crashed while flying from Mumbai to New York in 1966. The man took the find to the police, whose employees were supposed to try to find the owners of the jewelry. The work of law enforcement agencies was unsuccessful, and therefore, according to the law, the authorities of the Chamonix commune divided the jewels in half with the climber. It is noted that eight years after the discovery, he received 150 thousand euros (12.4 million rubles). In December 2019, a million rubles accidentally fell from the roof

Details of the murder of Russian tourists in Cyprus revealed

Cyprus Mail: A 32-year-old Syrian detained in Cyprus killed two Russian women after a hunt tourists in Cyprus, committed a crime after hunting. This is reported by the local edition of the Cyprus Mail. According to media reports, the man was arrested ten days ago, but he only made a confession now. The Syrian native said that he buried the bodies of his victims in a garden ten meters from the house, covering the place with gravel. Law enforcement officers did not immediately find the burial due to washed out traces of rains. Earlier on December 5, the Russian embassy in the Republic of Cyprus confirmed the murder of two tourists, 43-year-old Hayat Al-Raisi and 33-year-old Maria Gazibagandova. Their bodies were found by the Larnaca Police Department. Three people of Syrian nationality were detained. One of them confessed and showed the place where the victims were hiding. The diplomats contacted