Founder of the portal said about the politically motivated case against himself and his colleagues

Founder of the portal said about the politically motivated case against himself and his colleagues Moscow. 7 Aug. INTERFAX.RU Yuri Zisser, the founder of the largest information portal of Belarus which employees were arrested Tuesday for illegal access to information of the BelTA news, said about the political background of the case. “In the morning policy was not noticeable. However, by the end of the day, the event received such a cosmic scale reflected in various state media, wholly disproportionate to the merits of the case that the political background became obvious,” wrote Zisser on Facebook. According to the founder of resource law enforcement “during the day from the office seized a dozen system blocks our journalists (not only detainees)”. Currently downloading it at the office servers all the inside information of the company, including corporate, corporal, accounting, and not only LLC “Tutby Media”, but at the same

Why share food

Why share food According to the UN, the world discarded 1.3 billion tons of food every day — due to improper storage, transportation, lack of processing and so on. In 2015 in Russia, only potatoes are missing more than 2.3 million tonnes, the report of Rosstat. Russian legislation stipulates that products that have was over the expiration date, must be disposed of or destroyed, but most importantly, that they were not on the shelves. The movement of foddering believe this approach criminal, offering cafes, restaurants and supermarkets to pay the written-off products to people who need them most. Self-publishing has tried to understand how foddering and whether he has a future in Russia. The phenomenon of foddering originated seven years ago in Germany: its ideologues tried to draw attention to the problem of overconsumption. They have created a platform through which to share and sharing food, and then to cooperate

Where is the most dangerous lake in the world

Where is the most dangerous lake in the world Just stand near him is dangerous to life. The most dangerous body of water on the planet, according to British newspaper Daily Mail, did not appear due to volcanic activity or natural features, but because of the person. Lake Karachay, which is located in the urban area of Kyshtym of the Chelyabinsk region, and served for years as a radioactive dumping ground for the chemical plant “Mayak”. The water is regularly drained of liquid “hot” waste in General, radioactive strontium-90 and cesium-137. Publication from who dat (@fallouttola420) APR 6, 2017 5:37 PDT During the download an error has occurred. But this seemed was not enough, and in 1957 the factory was a man-made accident. In the area of pollution was the area of 23 thousand square kilometers. In 1967 it was decided to preserve the lake as there was a real

Tourist barely climbed mount Blanc, and came across drinking Russians

Tourist barely climbed mount Blanc, and came across drinking Russians British traveler Witlox Sadie (Sadie Whitelocks) reported in his column about the rise of the Mont Blanc. Reported by the Daily Mail. Witlox told that the ascent to the highest peak of the Alps — Mont Blanc (4810 metres) — was given to her with great difficulty. Before climbing she spent a week in the climbing school. During the ascent one of the members of the group with which the British had made the ascent, felt ill, and had to be evacuated by helicopter. Publication from Explore • Sadie Whitelocks (@isleofsadie) 5 August 2018 11:05 PDT During the download an error has occurred. At a height of just over three thousand meters in the so-called Refuge du Goûter (Hut hut) Witlox found the Russian tourists who, according to her, drank champagne from a giant bottle-Jeroboam with a capacity of three

The tanks are T-90M and T-80БВМ for the first time will show their fighting capabilities at the forum “Army-2018”

T-90M and T-80БВМ © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, 7 Aug. /TASS/. Globalmediaservey tanks are T-90M and T-80БВМ for the first time will demonstrate their combat capabilities in the dynamic display at the International military-technical forum “Army-2018”. This was reported in the programme of events published on the website of the forum.

The CEC will consider just three of the initiative of a referendum on raising the retirement age

The CEC will consider just three of the initiative of a referendum on raising the retirement age Wednesday, August 8, in the agenda of the meeting of the Central election Commission there is a question “about the initiatives of the referendum of the Russian Federation”. Their number is not specified. One of the interlocutors “Kommersant” claims that will be examined from three initiatives on the referendum. Secretary of the CEC, Maya Grishina told TASS that one of the initiatives belongs to the Moscow group on referendum, one of the applicants is the candidate in mayors of Moscow from “just Russia” Ilya Sviridov. Another group was created in the Moscow region, she also proposed a referendum on raising the retirement age. The proposed question is also how Mr. Sviridov, told “Kommersant” in the CEC, but who is the applicant, did not elaborate. Kommersant’s source in the CEC claims that the initiative

Actor Sami Naseri was hit in the face in a Moscow bar, said a source

Actor Sami Naseri was hit in the face in a Moscow bar, said a source MOSCOW, Aug 7 — RIA Novosti. French actor Sami Naseri had a fight with the unknown, resting with his brother in a bar on Tverskaya street in Moscow, told RIA Novosti source in law enforcement bodies of the capital. According to him, the fight occurred in the night of Sunday, however, it has become aware of only now. “Naseri told the police that about two hours in the bar “the voice”, where he in the night from Saturday to Sunday was vacationing with his brother, Larbi, they had a conflict with the unknown. As a result, the actor received a punch in the face”, — said the Agency interlocutor. The source added that on this fact an inspection is carried out.

12 thousand tons of sand turned into dragons and trolls

12 thousand tons of sand turned into dragons and trolls The annual sand sculpture festival takes place in Jutland. Incredible sand sculptures created on the beach in Danish Søndervig in Jutland. Does, polirani Susanne Opierzynski (@lomolili) 6 Ser 2018 R. 3:27 PDT During the download an error has occurred. From may to November lasts the annual sand sculpture Festival. Painters and sculptors from around the world gather on the North sea coast to surprise the visitors with their skill and imagination. Does, polirani Susanne Opierzynski (@lomolili) 6 Ser 2018 R. 3:16 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The theme of this year’s festival — “Magic and witchcraft”. Tourists admire the sculptures of dragons, warriors, trolls, shamans, gnomes and other fairytale characters. Does, polirani Susanne Opierzynski (@lomolili) 6 Sir R. 2018 3:14 PDT During the download an error has occurred. To create sandy masterpieces used 12 thousand tons of

Chief of staff Sobyanin sees no point in the participation of the candidate in that debate

Konstantin Remchukov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, 7 Aug. /TASS/. The head of the electoral headquarters of the independent candidate in mayors of the capital Sergey Sobyanin Konstantin Remchukov sees no point in the participation of candidate for the post of mayor in the election debate. “Special sense I do not see” – he has declared on Tuesday to journalists, answering a question of participation Sobyanin in the election debate.