Protection of Butynol agreed to classify the data in the case of the Russians

Protection of Butynol agreed to classify the data in the case of the Russians Protection of Russians Maria Butunoi accused the U.S. of espionage, agreed with the requirement of the prosecution to deny access to documents on her case. This was reported by her lawyer Robert Driscoll. According to him, will restrict access to all documents already submitted or will submit to the American authorities. “We agreed to the order about the limited access. It will be submitted in a day or two and signed by the judge. It applies to documents provided to us by the authorities”, — quotes the lawyer August 8, “RIA Novosti”. According to Driscoll, the documents can be seen only if they are submitted during the court hearings. Earlier, the U.S. attorney’s office has demanded to classify the major part of documents in order to protect the investigation. The prosecution is going to present about

A five year old girl can easily lift the barbell (video)

A five year old girl can easily lift the barbell (video) This shape will be envied by many adults. Jesse Bowen from Florida — a real sports fan. A large part of her time she spends in the gym and leads a group of weightlifting and performing at competitions bodybuilders. His passion for the girl hooked the whole family — husband and two children. Publication from Jesse Bowen (@jb_figure) Feb 27, 2018 at 6:11 PST During the download an error has occurred. In his Instagram sporting a blonde regularly posts motivational videos with his youngest daughter, which the gym can give odds to any adult. Five year old Brody can not only push-UPS a few dozen times, but also quietly raises the bar weighing in at seven pounds. And does it with a smile on her face. According to Jesse, she forbids her daughter to take the weight, while her

The Illustrator has created more than 200 monsters in children’s drawings (photos)

The Illustrator has created more than 200 monsters in children’s drawings (photos) Don’t fall in love with them is impossible. Designer and artist Aaron Sens for several years is drawing cute illustrations for children’s books. And in my free time is my own Fan Art, which “enhances” children’s drawings, making colorful doodles into funny monsters. Aaron, who himself is father of six children, notes that in any case is not correct the children’s drawings, but rather encourages them to be creative and helps to reveal the imagination and talent. Sens holds regular meetings with children in schools and kindergartens and asks them to send him new characters. According to the artist, he already has accumulated more than three thousand of funny children’s drawings, which he has yet to illustrate. Publication of Aaron Zenz (@aaronzenz) 15 Jan 2018 10:22 PST During the download an error has occurred.Scroll right to see the

“It’s not the end of the world”: how to build a bunker in case of nuclear war

“It’s not the end of the world”: how to build a bunker in case of nuclear war It seems that the threat of nuclear war is long gone — but not for the resident of Toronto. Your bunker beach Bruce building for nearly 40 years. During the download an error has occurred. Area of refuge — 3000 square meters, it consists of 42 buses and up to 500 people. According to Bruce, to take refuge in the bunker will be up to three weeks. There is a special corner for disinfection, a huge reservoir with pure water and even a children’s room. Despite the continuous preparations for war, Bruce is optimistic: he believes that a nuclear explosion will move humanity forward.

Ivanov: U.S. unofficially recognized Saakashvili responsible for the conflict with South Ossetia

The special representative of the RF President on the issues of environmental activities, environment and transport Sergey Ivanov © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, 8 Aug. /TASS/. Official Washington in 2007 and 2008, in the person of former Secretary of state Condoleezza rice, repeatedly assured the Russian side that the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili will not dare to join in a military conflict in South Ossetia after the August 2008 acknowledged that he broke the promise. This was stated in interview to the newspaper “Kommersant”, the special representative of the RF President on the issues of environmental activities, environment and transport Sergei Ivanov, who served in 2008 as Deputy Prime Minister in charge of defense industry, and before that as Minister of defense.

Politico: Putin met with Trump in Helsinki specific initiatives on disarmament

The US President Donald trump and the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin © Valery sharifulin/TASS WASHINGTON, 8 Aug. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin presented his American counterpart Donald Trump at the meeting in Helsinki a number of specific initiatives in the field of disarmament and arms control, including providing for waiver of the placement of weapons in outer space. On Tuesday the newspaper reported Politico, citing her trapped in a Russian document describing the proposals submitted by Putin Trump at the summit in the Finnish capital on July 16.

Pushkov called on the Estonian authorities to follow their “defenders” after the incident with the rocket

The head of the Temporary Commission of the Federation Council’s information policy and interaction with mass media Alexei Pushkov © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, 8 Aug. /TASS/. Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov after the incident with erroneous launch of the air force of Spain, missiles “air-air” in the sky over Estonia urged the authorities to follow up their defence, NATO aircraft, but not for the Russian air force. He wrote about this in his Twitter.

Sergei Ivanov told about the secret plan of Russia to Georgia and what went wrong

Sergei Ivanov told about the secret plan of Russia to Georgia and what went wrong Russia had a secret plan in case of aggravation of situation in South Ossetia, but when the conflict started, not everything went according to it, told in an interview to “Kommersant” the Russian President’s special envoy for environmental issues, ecology and transport Sergei Ivanov, who until 2007 was the Minister of defense, in the war of 2008 occupied the post of Deputy Prime Minister and was in charge of the military-industrial complex. “Our staff in 2007 — by that time, the low-intensity conflicts have emerged in South Ossetia, has developed a secret plan of our actions in that case, if in South Ossetia will begin full-scale military actions and will be jeopardized or killed Russian citizens”, — said Sergey Ivanov. To reveal the contents of the plan, he refused, but hinted that the document is

Sergei Ivanov told why during the war in Georgia, Russia has lost a lot of planes and did not use GLONASS

Sergei Ivanov told why during the war in Georgia, Russia has lost a lot of planes and did not use GLONASS Russia lost many aircraft during the conflict with Georgia in 2008 due to “bad intelligence,” he said in an interview “Kommersant” the Russian President’s special envoy for environmental issues, ecology and transport Sergei Ivanov, who until 2007 was the Minister of defense and the 2008 war he held the post of Deputy Prime Minister and was in charge of the military-industrial complex. According to Sergei Ivanov, the reason that during the conflict, was shot down six Russian combat aircraft was “bad intelligence.” “Bad intelligence (that is.— “Kommersant”). Then I can specifically answer your question. Nevertheless, retaining control over the Roki pass and Roki tunnel, our troops entered and quickly stood under Tbilisi. This military action ended. Well, what else about the military part to comment,” — said Mr. Ivanov.

London blocks the renewal of the Russian diplomatic corps

London blocks the renewal of the Russian diplomatic corps LONDON, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti, Natalia Kopylova. The UK authorities since the beginning of the year, in fact, block the renewal of the composition of the Russian Embassy, tightening procedures for issuing visas, said the press Secretary of the Embassy in London. According to him, Britain remains committed to a reduction of the presence of Russian diplomats in the United Kingdom, and the mass expulsion of the staff of the mission in March because of the case Skripal only exacerbated the difficult personnel situation in the Russian diplomatic missions in Britain. As the instruments are still used visa restrictions, artificial long delays in issuing visas for new employees has already been decorated on long trips, extension of visas to Russian foreign employees for a period not exceeding three months with the retention of their passports.the representative of the Embassy He