Media: the second package of anti-Russian sanctions the United States can take three months

Media: the second package of anti-Russian sanctions the United States can take three months MOSCOW, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti. The second package of U.S. sanctions against Russia in connection with the incident in Salisbury can be adopted in three months, reports channel NBC, citing sources in the American administration. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий To avoid the expansion of sanctions, Russia needs to ensure that it will not use chemical weapons in the future. A second round of sanctions may include a reduction in the level of diplomatic relations, a ban on flights in the United States by the Russian airline “Aeroflot” and the almost total cessation of U.S. exports, notes the TV channel. Earlier, the state Department said that US sanctions because of alleged use of chemical weapons of the Russian Federation in Salisbury will enter into force on 22 August.

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia made a joke on NATO due to erroneous missile launch in Estonia

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia made a joke on NATO due to erroneous missile launch in Estonia The Ministry of foreign Affairs (MFA) of Russia has stated that NATO is a “useless block” after the news about the incorrect starting combat missile fighter of air force of Spain in the skies over Estonia. Review of the Ministry of foreign Affairs published in the official Twitter of the Agency. “We told you that the NATO military bloc is useless,” — said the foreign Ministry. Also, the representatives of the foreign Ministry used the hashtag #Mizal. Earlier it was reported that the aircraft of the Spanish air force Eurofighter during a flight over Estonia mistakenly released a combat missile of class “air-air” AMRAAM. Later, the representatives of Estonian air said that the place of impact was found.

US to impose anti-Russian sanctions because of “the things Skrypalia” 22 Aug

US to impose anti-Russian sanctions because of “the things Skrypalia” 22 Aug WASHINGTON, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti. New US sanctions because of alleged use of chemical weapons of the Russian Federation in Salisbury will enter into force on August 22, said in a statement the U.S. state Department on Wednesday. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “After the expiration of the 15-day period from the notification of the Congress, these sanctions will enter into force, the appropriate notification will be published in the Federal register presumably 22 August 2018”, — stated in the message. The state Department says that new sanctions will be imposed in connection “with use of nerve agent substance “Newbie” in Salisbury against the citizens of the Russian Federation in circumvention of international law and the Convention on the prohibition of the use of chemical weapons.

Died in a military journalist Mikhail Leshchinsky

Died in a military journalist Mikhail Leshchinsky MOSCOW, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti. Soviet and Russian journalist, by the war correspondent and columnist, radio and television of the USSR Michael Leszczynski died in the night of Wednesday on 74 year of life, reported RIA Novosti head of the press service of the Union of journalists of Russia (szhr) Jan Radzevich. “Tonight you died Mikhail Leshchinsky was one of the most famous Soviet war correspondent, the TV journalist. Through his eyes we see the war in Afghanistan. Reports of Michael Leszczynski has always been emotional, leaving no one indifferent. He possessed a rare gift of the reporter to create a “presence effect” of the viewer into the scene. The Russian Union of journalists expresses its deep condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Mikhail Borisovich,” said Radzevich. Leszczynski more than 40 years working in the field of radio and telecomunicatii.

Proposed a new explanation for domestic violence

Proposed a new explanation for domestic violence Domestic violence may be associated with increased fertility in the family and even be the cause. Scientists have tested and confirmed this hypothesis on the example of South American Indians chimane, in a society where abused women on average, more children. The results presented in the journal Nature Human Behavior. Domestic violence — physical or psychological — is spread worldwide. In most cases, it comes from men and victims are women or children. Because this behavior is widespread almost everywhere, regardless of the level of development of society, scholars can investigate it even in the simplest societies. NewsAs a stick to be in possession of Oromo women in Ethiopia In the new work, the researchers decided to test their ideas on the example of the Indian tribe chimane from South America. Previous studies have shown that among chimane as anywhere on Earth, found

Archaeologists have found in the suburbs a hoard of coins of the time of Boris Godunov

Archaeologists have found in the suburbs a hoard of coins of the time of Boris Godunov MOSCOW, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti. Scientists have found in the Pavlovo-Posadsky district of the Moscow region clay jug with silver coins of time of Ivan the terrible and Boris Godunov. She helped to uncover some interesting details from the history of Economics of the Russian state at the time of the last Rurik, the press service of the Institute of archaeology RAS. This treasure was a surprise even experienced professionals. Its uniqueness lies not only in the large size and unusual composition, but in its integrity.Asya Aroutiounian Director of the Institute of archaeology RAS NewsWhere actually baptized Jesus Christ “Not one coin was lost, as they were found where 400 years ago, they buried the master,” — says Asya Engovatova, Deputy Director of the Institute of archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.

The Russian foreign Ministry called NATO a useless unit after the incident with the missile launch over Estonia

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Roman Canasuc/TASS MOSCOW, 8 Aug. /TASS/. The Russian foreign Ministry called the Alliance a useless unit after the incident with the unauthorized launch of a Spanish fighter missiles “air – air” over Estonia. A corresponding entry is placed in the environment on account of the Russian depodesta on Twitter.

In Russia can start three parallel campaigns of the pension referendum

© Alexander Ryumin/TASS MOSCOW, 8 Aug. /TASS/. Three political and public forces received on Wednesday the resolution of the Central election Commission to continue work on preparation for the national referendum proposed by the government of the Russian Federation the changes in the pension system. Their questions sound almost the same, and therefore the initiative group automatically become competitors, as referendums on similar issues is impossible. The Communists, who first proposed a pension referendum, do not rule out Association with other groups. Now the initiators of the plebiscite have two months to arrange the meeting of initiative groups in half of the regions of the country. Two months and 43 in the region The Central election Commission on 8 August approved the wording of the questions, which three are independent from each other, the initiative group created by spravoross Ilya Sviridov in Moscow, volunteers in Moscow and the Communist party

Zakharova rebuked the administration trump the inability to keep secrets

Zakharova rebuked the administration trump the inability to keep secrets The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova urged the U.S. to “stop manipulating extracts from classified documents and meetings, including non-existent”. So she commented on press reports on the transfer of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s written proposal to his American colleague, Donald Trump. That Putin at a meeting in Helsinki on 16 July gave Trump a written proposal for arms control, told the newspaper Politico, citing from the source document. The publication notes that his source got the paper from Russian officials. “These leaks happen on the American side regularly. About once a month, — Zakharov wrote on his page in Facebook. I have a question: what kind of intervention in the American elections on the part of Russia can be discussed, if the States are unable to keep secret even the content of the presidential talks?Maria Saharanafrican

The Senator gave a letter to the Kremlin trump Putin

The Senator gave a letter to the Kremlin trump Putin U.S. Senator Rand Paul sent a letter to U.S. President Donald trump in the administration of Russian President Vladimir Putin. About this he wrote on Twitter. “The letter emphasized the importance of further cooperation in various fields, including in the fight against terrorism, strengthen dialogue in the field of legislation and the resumption of cultural exchanges,” wrote Paul. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov confirmed that “through diplomatic channels,” Putin was handed a letter, however, the Kremlin still has not yet been reviewed, reports RIA “Novosti”. In mid-July in Helsinki hosted the first full meeting of trump and Putin. The two leaders first spoke for over two hours alone, after that, the dialogue was continued in an expanded format. Before the meeting in Helsinki the heads of state met in July 2017 at the G20 summit in Hamburg and