The personality drank on Mont Blanc Russians

The personality drank on Mont Blanc Russians Traveler of Russia Dmitry Volkov was the same tourist who, along with his friends drinking champagne on Mont Blanc from a three-liter bottle of Jeroboam. About Volkov said in his account in Facebook. The Mont Blanc ascent. Day 1. Life line On the Sunny meadow in the courtyard of a five-star hotel albert Premier… Dmitry Volkov published Friday, August 3, 2018,During the download an error has occurred. As it turned out, a group of Russian tourists with a guide-instructor made an organized ascent of Mont Blanc and at rest during the ascent to the Hut Huta celebrated the birthday of one of them — businessman Dmitry Volkov, the General partner of the investment of RD Ventures. “Tomorrow I turn forty-two years, and I must feel happy,” — wrote Dmitry in his post on Facebook telling about the ascent of the highest mountain of

Kim Kardashian unsuccessfully promoted the sneakers and became a hero meme

Kim Kardashian unsuccessfully promoted the sneakers and became a hero meme Overdid the artistry. Fans of Kim Kardashian made fun of her inept and quite odd sneaker. The reality star often uses social media to promote various brands and often chooses how to advertise a particular product. This time Kim decided to show the steepness of sports shoes, lying on the bed. And all anything, but an abstract expression of the faces and the strange posture let her down. Like butter. #Butter350”s #Yeezy — Kim Kardashian West (@@KimKardashian) August 6, 2018 In a matter of hours the Kardashian spread over the Network and turned into a new meme. ?????? — Dada? (@dadaland) August 7, 2018 — Zaddy Sky ⚡ I (@BlvdeBrown) August 6, 2018 Someone please dial 911. — VIJAY (@V1JJU) August 7, 2018 — Fabrizio? (@breezy_y00) August 7, 2018 — cal (@calamauriii) August

In Kabardino-Balkaria killed four of asguardian

In Kabardino-Balkaria killed four of asguardian In the mountain area of Kabardino-Balkaria in the result, an avalanche killed four of asguardian. This is stated in a statement received by “”. Contract servicemen have died during a routine practice. To establish all circumstances of incident on a place, flew a group of officers of the Central apparatus of Regardie. As told the Agency TASS source in the emergency services Severo-the Caucasian district, the climbers were in conjunction at a height of 4.5 thousand meters. Accompanying the instructor survived. Their bodies will begin to descend from the mountain on Thursday morning. High in the mountains Elbrus and Bezengi gorge soldiers are trained in orienteering in the highlands, shooting, climbing on rock and ice massifs to climb, landing, hone skills assistance to victims in the mountains.

USA is afraid of the “destructive technology” of Russia

USA is afraid of the “destructive technology” of Russia In recent years, American sailors faced with an increasingly growing Russian capabilities in the field of electronic warfare, said in an interview with Voice of America Admiral U.S. Navy, chief of naval operations Jon Richardson. The military noted the need to increase the United States to counter threats from Russia. “These disruptive technologies… will indeed be decisive in a future battle, and we need to make sure too invest in them,” said Richardson. The Admiral added that the opposition to the Russian electronic warfare systems is a new component for the U.S. Navy. In June 2018, the us military analyst Samuel Bendett said that the Russian technology of electronic warfare ahead of us and represent a special threat to the United States and NATO forces in Europe. Then the President of Academy of geopolitical problems, doctor of military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov

The British did the bathroom floor from 1200 bottle caps

The British did the bathroom floor from 1200 bottle caps Spouses Alex and jade Carter from Fareham, Hampshire, decided to find useful application of the many caps from bottles of soda and alcohol, that idle was kept at home. Inspired by the videos on YouTube, the pair got the idea to make the original floor in the bathroom. But their stocks of caps was not enough, and then they asked for the help of their family, friends and even the owners of several pubs nearby. During the download an error has occurred. As a result, for three months the family has 1200 caps from beer, soda and ale. According to conservative estimates Alex, jade and their assistants during this time drank about 396 liters of different drinks. This is the most difficult stage was over. According to spouses, the Assembly decor it took them six days. The first day they

A resident of Novosibirsk during the day, found jobs and housing to the homeless

A resident of Novosibirsk during the day, found jobs and housing to the homeless This helped her social networks. Good story on Twitter told the lady under the name mama_lilya from Novosibirsk. The girl together with girlfriends have a rest at one of the restaurants, and at the exit she came across a homeless guy who asked for some change. Girl money was never found, but was interested in his story. It turned out, the man’s name is Sergei, he is a welder and while working he injured his legs. While he was in the hospital, the wife rewrote the apartment on his mother, and after discharge he was left without shelter, assets and livelihoods. Only with a passport and a social security number. The story of the man touched the girl, and she threw a call on the social network, asking for help from users in finding employment and

Musk has secretly discussed with the scientists plans for the colonization of Mars

Musk has secretly discussed with the scientists plans for the colonization of Mars MOSCOW, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti. Elon Musk and other SpaceX representatives met with leading scientists of the Earth in the beginning of this week, at which they discussed plans for a businessman the colonization of Mars. The space startup has asked scientists “not to advertise” the discussions, according to In September of 2016, Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, told the world about his ambitious plans for the colonization of Mars, in which he plans to create super-heavy rocket, and an entire fleet of thousands of reusable interplanetary ships that will be delivered to the end of the century on Mars about a million people. Newsthe First inhabitants of Mars will have to abandon children and sex, say scientists The main goal of this entire process, the definition of the Mask is to create an independent

CEC plans to adopt the issues of the three action groups for the pension referendum

The meeting of the CEC of the Russian Federation © Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, 8 Aug. /TASS/. The Central election Commission of Russia believes that the wording of the question that the initiative group created by the candidate in mayors of Moscow from “just Russia” Ilya Sviridov, proposes to the national referendum against the increase of retirement age, meets the requirements of the law. The same decision of the CEC plans to bring the referendum question, which offer the initiative group, created in Moscow region and Altai Krai. The conclusions prepared for the meeting of the Commission on Wednesday.

The Israeli air force attacked 12 targets Palestinians in the Gaza strip

The Israeli air force attacked 12 targets Palestinians in the Gaza strip TEL AVIV, August 8 — RIA Novosti. Israeli aircraft attacked 12 targets militants in the Gaza strip in response to rocket fire, which continues from the Palestinian enclave, the army said the press service. Among the destroyed military purposes is called a “logistics centre”, workshops where rockets were produced, and the cement plant, maintenance and construction of underground tunnels militants. “The strikes were conducted in response to the shooting of civil construction equipment (on the border) and multiple missile launches from the Gaza strip at Israeli territory,” — said in a press release. According to military estimates, the Palestinians fired at least 36 missiles, four of which were intercepted by the system “Iron dome.” Several rockets fell in the city of Sderot, injuring two Israelis.

The inhabitant of Belgorod has received 2,5 years of a colony for illegal cashing of 8 billion rubles

The inhabitant of Belgorod has received 2,5 years of a colony for illegal cashing of 8 billion rubles As explained in court, for three years a resident of Belgorod provided for the collection of money, cash services and transit transfer non-cash funds. TASS, 8 Aug. Oktyabrsky district court of Belgorod has sentenced a local resident to 2.5 years in a General regime colony and a fine for illegal banking operations, during which he cashed and transferred to the various accounts of more than 8 billion rubles. On Wednesday reported the press service of the court. “The court found the defendant guilty of a crime under paragraph “b” of part 2 of article 172 of the criminal code (“Illegal banking activities, i.e. the implementation of banking activities (banking operations) without registration”). During his illegal activities from January 2013 to April 2016 the total amount of attracted non-cash assets amounted to more