USA is afraid of the “destructive technology” of Russia

USA is afraid of the “destructive technology” of Russia

In recent years, American sailors faced with an increasingly growing Russian capabilities in the field of electronic warfare, said in an interview with Voice of America Admiral U.S. Navy, chief of naval operations Jon Richardson.

The military noted the need to increase the United States to counter threats from Russia. “These disruptive technologies… will indeed be decisive in a future battle, and we need to make sure too invest in them,” said Richardson.

The Admiral added that the opposition to the Russian electronic warfare systems is a new component for the U.S. Navy.

In June 2018, the us military analyst Samuel Bendett said that the Russian technology of electronic warfare ahead of us and represent a special threat to the United States and NATO forces in Europe.

Then the President of Academy of geopolitical problems, doctor of military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov noted that the output of the system information of the electronic infrastructure of U.S. military equipment, “eliminates its fighting quality.”

