Air France gave SK the documents connected with the dead in the Central African Republic reporters

Air France gave SK the documents connected with the dead in the Central African Republic reporters MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Air France has provided Investigative Committee of Russia the documents connected with the dead in the Central African Republic journalists, including the death certificate Orhan Cemal, reports the RF IC in the messenger “tamtam”. “Air France, the aircraft in the Russian Federation were delivered the bodies of those killed in the Central African Republic journalists yesterday have provided UK Russia the documents, including death certificate Orhan Cemal. The document will be given by investigators to the journalist’s widow at her request,” — said in the message. In the Central African Republic 30 July killed Kirill Radchenko, Alexander Rastorguev and Orkhan Jemal, they were in possession of an expired press card various media. The RF IC opened a criminal case under article “murder”. As reported by the Center for

In the CAR found the phone and the laptop of one of the killed Russian journalists

In the CAR found the phone and the laptop of one of the killed Russian journalists Moscow. 9 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Power CAR found a laptop and mobile phone of one of the dead Russian journalists, is preparing to request the local operator to provide information about calls and messages from this phone. “Law enforcement CAR still investigating the incident. An important piece of evidence for the investigation can be a laptop, removable media, and mobile phone of one of the reporters from the Russian and the Central African SIM cards. Currently preparing a request to the local operator with a request to provide information about calls and messages that were made from this phone”, — said official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova at a briefing on Thursday. She said that on 7 August the employees of the Russian Embassy in the Central African Republic held a meeting

The foreign Ministry told about the conflict of Russian journalists on a patrol in the Central African Republic

The foreign Ministry told about the conflict of Russian journalists on a patrol in the Central African Republic MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russian journalists killed in the Central African Republic, entered into a dispute with the local military patrol, which encouraged them to go for the city night, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova at a briefing on Thursday. According to her, on Tuesday, the employees of the Russian Embassy in the Central African Republic met with the leadership of the local gendarmerie, acquainted with the famous investigation of the facts and spoke with the driver carrying journalists. According to testimony, on July 30 around 11 am, the journalists went to the city Bambari, which is located to the North of the capital the Central African Republic. They made a stop in the town of Damara, where they held a survey and talked with

Girls on tankwash. Russian women’s team was the armored stage Armi-2018

Participant of the Russian women’s team on the track © Russian defense Ministry In the small town of Ostrogozhsk near Voronezh for the contest “Masters of armored machinery” of the international Army games brought together teams from Russia, China, the Republic of Venezuela and Egypt. First, there is individual race — driving on restricted roads, overcoming obstacles and barriers on trucks and cars. The team captains in a special competition to show high speed driving in extreme sections of the route length more than five kilometers on a country road, the serpentine, as well as constraints of type “slope”, “hill”, “Ford”, “quicksand” and “mud swamp”.

Zakharova called McFaul, “a specialist in despair” after his words about the Segal

Zakharova called McFaul, “a specialist in despair” after his words about the Segal The word “despair” the former Ambassador said the actor, a special envoy of the Russian foreign Ministry, a Russian-American cultural links. MOSCOW, August 9. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova called former U.S. Ambassador in Moscow Michael McFaul, “a specialist in despair” after his reaction to the appointment of Steven Seagal, a special envoy of the Russian foreign Ministry, a Russian-American cultural links. We need to take this seriously, because there is no greater expert on despair than Mr. McFaul.Maria Saharanafrican the representative of the MFA of Russia Previously, McFaul said on Twitter the news of the appointment Segal the word “despair”. Desperate: — Michael McFaul (@McFaul) August 4, 2018 The Russian foreign Ministry on 4 August announced the appointment of Seagal having Russian citizenship, the special envoy for the Russian-American cultural

Scientists told about the dangers of excessive sleep

Scientists told about the dangers of excessive sleep MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Sleep lasting more than eight hours can not only hurt the psyche, but also twice to increase the chances of dying from stroke and cardiovascular diseases. To such conclusion scientists from Kolskogo University in the UK, writes the online edition of Science Alert. Experts analyzed 74 studies encompassing more than three million participants. It turned out that ten-hour sleep increases the likelihood of death by 30 percent compared to seven hours. The risk of death from stroke increases by 56 percent and from cardiovascular disease by 49 percent. Poor sleep is also associated with health problems and increases the risk of heart disease by 44 percent. Previously, researchers from the Medical College of albert Einstein in the United States found that a properly drafted schedule of night and strict adherence to circadian rhythms can significantly improve

Funny money: Petrosyan richer British pranksters

Funny money: Petrosyan richer British pranksters Money Yevgeny Petrosyan can be compared with the capital of foreign comedians. Billion Jerry Seinfeld, $100 million Chris Rock after the divorce and $20 million Briton Eddie’d — “Газета.Ru” he compared the work of the humorist Evgeny Petrosyan with foreign colleagues. The divorce process well-known comedians became one of the Central themes of the news agenda in Russia. A lot of this has contributed to a large fortune Petrosian. In mass media there was information about the amount of 1.5 billion rubles., however, the exact size of a assets humorist is not officially reported. Petrosyan’s lawyer Sergei Zhorin in conversation with “Газетой.Ru” denied appearing in the media amount, but reiterated that the status of the artist “very large”. “As for the amount of 1.5 billion, I don’t know where this figure came from, — said the Zhorin. — Confirm that it is 1.5 billion

Ridiculous curtsy Theresa may British laugh

Ridiculous curtsy Theresa may British laugh Prime Minister Theresa may has surprised the public, welcoming Prince William strange curtsey, writes the Express. After the video appeared online, Twitter users began to mock the ridiculous squat head of the government. “Start to admire the athlete Theresa may. I had her at 41 years younger, but such an attack would not be pulled,” wrote one. She’s done it again… WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER?!?!?!?! #TheresaMay #Curtsey #PrinceWilliam — Dafydd ??????? (@MrHowells) August 8, 2018 Another user said that the Prince barely restrain himself not to laugh. Prince William tries not to laugh at Theresa May’s curtsey. — ?Toxic Shop Syndrome? (@Toxic_Shop) August 8, 2018 This is not the first time the head of the British government cheers the British their movements. In July too low curtsy to Prince William has also attracted attention. For every Tory MP that resigns, Theresa